Lin Feng stood there without speaking, waiting for Hailong to make a decision.

The sea dragon stretched out his hand towards the Huaxing pill.

Hua Xingdan avoided the sea dragon and fell on Lin Feng's shoulder, indicating his resistance to the sea dragon.

Six pills have long been effective.

The sea dragon licked his lips and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his lips.

"Not all people can enjoy my conditions. Have you decided whether to fight with me or want my form pill? As a six product alchemist, I call. Whether it's sea animals or humans here, I think they will fight for me!"

Lin Feng looked at the sea dragon with a smile.

Obviously, it was coercion and inducement, but Hailong was very happy at this time.

Hua Xing Dan!

With Huaxing pill, he can directly transform the shape successfully. After transforming the shape, he no longer needs to bear the ridicule of those guys!

"You ask!"

Hailong looked at Lin Feng.

"Your poison, have you solved it?" Lin Feng spoke directly and was not vague at all.

The sea dragon was silent again.

Although Huaxing pill was very important, it was related to their own secret. The sea dragon stopped talking again.

"Don't worry, I won't tell you, but my apprentice has been poisoned by you. I want to detoxify her. You just need to tell me. It's really not good. You can give me a copy of your toxin, and I can go back and study it myself."

Lin Feng looked down at the sea dragon.

The sea dragon hesitated. A black bottle appeared in front of Lin Feng. "Here, sir, but please don't spread it. After all, this is the survival ability of my sea dragon family. Moreover, the sea dragon family will not easily poison humans or even sea animals."

"Then why is my apprentice?"

Lin Feng waved his hand, and ruoli's head appeared in front of Hailong, "this, you should know!"

"Is that her?" Seeing Ji Ruolin, Hailong stepped back and turned his face bitter.

"My Lord, it's no wonder that I am Zhao Haoran. I have a good relationship with Zhao Haoran. He asked me for some toxins and said he wanted to make a person. Everyone knows Zhao Haoran's reputation on the island. This guy doesn't love anything and likes beauty. He just likes this girl, so he took something from me. I absolutely didn't do it!"

Hailong said solemnly.

"Here you are!" Lin Feng gave the shaped pill to Hailong, "your three halberd fork is good. Where did you get it? Otherwise, I'll change it for you with another pill? What pill do you want? As long as it is within six grades, you can ask. "

Lin Feng looks at some sea dragons.

The sea dragon looked at the three halberd fork behind him.

Zhao Haoran exchanged the three halberd forks with him. The sea dragon's body is the best weapon. The three halberd forks are not very useful to him, but it's good to carry them on his body.

"Just one that works for me." The sea dragon threw out the Trident fork directly.

"OK." Lin Feng waved his hand, "this is a pill. It can help you improve your chances of promotion when you are promoted. If you promote me by 50%, with this pill, you can increase it to at least 80%

The sea dragon opens, and Lin Feng is also cheerful.

"Thank you, my Lord!"

Hailong took the pill and left excitedly.

Ouyang Bai was excited with a three halberd fork on his face.

"Thank you, master."

"Tut Tut, it's really a good thing!" Candle Yin turned around the Trident fork and said with a smile, "Ouyang Bai's eyes are good. It is said that the Trident fork of sea cucumber is forged with extraterrestrial meteorites. The Trident fork is doped with a lot of extraterrestrial meteorites. It is very hard enough for this boy."

"This boy is called a fool with a fool's blessing." Lin Feng smiled and said helplessly, "this kind of fate can't be robbed by others."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhu Yin nodded.

"Master, let's go back now!" Ouyangbai took the weapon and said with a smile, "the toxin has been taken. With your master's quilt, it must be refined soon."

"Go back!"

Taking something, Lin Feng nodded.

"Master, why don't you deal with this sea dragon." Ouyang Bai turned and asked.

"As you said, these sea animals have always been more cooperative. If I deal with them, and if these sea animals unite to deal with me, I will lose more than I gain. Besides, now our goal is Ruo Li. As long as Ruo Li is brought out safely, we can ignore these sea animals and solve things with interests, There's no need for us to get involved. "

"Yes, master!" Ouyangbai smiled and nodded.

"Master, there are many good seafood on this island. The taste is OK. Master, I'll eat with you!"

Ouyangbai spoke again.

"Be quiet for a while." Seeing Ouyang Bai chirping, Lin Feng said helplessly, "I study the toxins on the sea dragon."

"OK." Ouyangbai turned and went out. After a while, he came in again. He saw Lin Feng frowning there. Although ouyangbai had an idea, he went out quietly. He still didn't bother the master to save younger martial sister ruoli.

Lin Feng has been studying in the room and didn't open the door until three days.

Ouyangbai is waiting outside the door.

"Master, you can calculate it. My people told me that Zhao Haoran has a crush on an overseas relic these days and wants to take younger martial sister ruoli there!"

"Let's go too!"

Lin Feng said without hesitation.

"My sea beast is following Zhao Haoran, but they have been setting out for most of the day. That guy has a magic weapon that can travel thousands of miles a day. It's estimated that it's difficult for us to keep up."


The corners of Lin Feng's mouth are hooked, and Bo xunzuo carries Lin Feng and Ouyang Bai.

"I also have a baby who travels thousands of miles a day."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Master is better!" Ouyangbai smiled, flattered Lin Feng and said, "there's food to eat with the master!"

Seeing Ouyang Bai's look of being cheap, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. He saw that this boy is a cheap complex. There must be a lot of cheap places with him.

"Where's the sea beast?" Lin Feng turned to look at Ouyang Bai.

"Breath, I'll identify the location!

Ouyang Bai is in front of Lin Feng.

Boqi obeys ouyangbai directly, and Lin Feng prepares herbs while studying in the back.

The herbs came out one after another. When he caught up with Zhao Haoran, Lin Feng had got out the herbs to be refined. This is a brand-new pill. Lin Feng went through the herbs again. After confirming that there would be no problems, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, my Lord, someone is following us!" Ji ruoli said to Zhao Haoran with a smile.

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