A few days later.

I was reincarnated or was I transmigrated? Meh… Nevermind.

I was happy as I had a family. But I never saw my father. I was sad for me and my mother. As it is hard for a single parent to raise a kid, but that didn't mean that my mother looked weak or frail.

She was beautiful beyond belief. And she had an aura of power around her.

"Mama" was my first word. I said when I was 3 months old.

My mother was beyond happy. She cuddled me that day so much that it hurt.

But my mother was less of a talker. She always kept to herself. And she always had a sad look when I wasn't with her.

Maybe because of my father who I didn't know.

As I was growing up, I noticed something. That my room was filled with gold. Heck even the bowl that I ate from was made of it. Was it safe…. I won't get metal poisoning, will I?

Another thing was that I could understand what my mother was saying. But It was not spoken in English. I don't know why though It was a good thing. I won't have to learn any new language.

But the way she spoke, and the way people spoke, it felt like I was in an early age. But that doesn't explain why there was an Air conditioner in my room. Even though I couldn't see where the AC was so, I thought that it was hidden.

So I could conclude that I was in the future or in another world entirely. But Meh… I don't care.

Oh, and my name is Leandros but mother calls me Leon. It has a nice ring to it.

5 years later.

I meet with my Grandmother. She was as beautiful as an elegant queen. But from what I know she doesn't live with us or near us.

And she sometimes looked sad. Maybe because she can't see us often. She was quite a woman if I say as she was still looking young.

She had golden hair and blue eyes. Hmm, I think mom got her looks from gramps.

But the funny thing was in these 5 years I never knew what my mother's name was. Yes… I am already 5 years old not knowing my mother's name. Also, I asked about my father but she always smiled never talked.

Or said something like, "He was a stupid and an idiot." Maybe they broke up. Or maybe he is dead. Meh... I don't care as long as he doesn't hurt her.

What, I will kill anyone if they even want to hurt my mom. You can call me anything. I won't lose anyone in this life.

There were other maids but they stopped coming after some time.

But I could guess that we lived in a hill area. If you looked outside the window you would see green scenery. Most of it was like earth but a bigger version of it.

Even the smallest birds were the size of a crow. And everything was beautiful beyond.

And I wasn't allowed to go outside of the house.

But at least I wasn't alone. In the house, there was me, mother and another maid. She was like my big sister. And I called her Big Sis. Still didn't know any of their names. And I also think she is mute.

But my god she is beautiful. If she wore modern clothes she could make any men drool. With white pale skin, brown hair, with ocean blue eyes she looks amazing. And I am not even mentioning her curves and those big… cough… she is my big sis.

But that wasn't the thing that made me conclude that I was in another world. No, it was because on my 5th birthday I was gifted an egg that was the same size as me.

And even though I was 5 years old I looked like I was 13 or 14 according to earth's standers. But then my growth spurt stopped.

One day when I was moving around and checking around the Mansion. Yes, you heard that correct. We are loaded with money. And the Mansion was big enough that in these 5 years there hasn't been a month that I didn't get lost in it.

I came across a room where I could hear metal hitting each other. I peaked in and saw that my mother and Big Sis was practicing with swords. So that's where they were training.

My mother was wearing green battel gears. It was very uniquely decorated. It looked like an armor that came out of fantasy. And Big sis had a Black mixed with Red battle gear.

As I was watching them fight I felt my blood boiling with excitement. I also wanted to fight and learn to do the cool moves that they were doing.

They were going about their practice. I went into the room. I set on the chair. It was high but I found a steel bar to get on the chair.

When I was on the chair. My mission was accomplished. It felt like I won a war. Who build benches this high. It should be banned.

But then I noticed something the bar which I supported myself with was actually the handle of a square hammer.

Fufufu it was quite funny. Let's see if I am 'worthy' of it. I pulled and nothing happened. Oh playing hard to get.

Then I wrapped the lather around my forearm that was attached to the handle of the hammer and Pulled with all of my might.

Ok, you want to play the rough way then. I stood upon the bench and pulled with all of my might.

I then pulled. As I put pressure on it. I swore I could hear the hammer hum. And I lifted the hammer. "Yes, I am…. No, I'm falling"

As I couldn't handle the weight of the hammer I fell off the bench. With a loud 'Thud'

That gained the attention of mother and Sis. They looked towards me.

"Oh dear, why do you always get into trouble," mother said as she moved her arm forward and…

It was like magic and the Hammer came to her hand. With me hanging on to it, as the leather was still attached to my arm.

Big Sis came forward and took me in Princess carry. Oh how cute… Fuck you my little body.

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