I felt pain on the left side of my face.

And Boom… I was on the ground.

Quicksilver saw that Leon was not moving and saw that as an opportunity and punched him in the face.

QuickSilver looked at me and his fist and smiled, "Did I just do that? I punched the God of Thunder." Punching the air in excitement.

"Wrong God kid." Answered Tony as he hit one of the Ultron robots with his repulsers.

"Excuse me. I was having my moment there. And I am not" I said getting up. The punch didn't hurt that much but it did ruin my moment. I got up sighing and dusting my clothes off.

The speedster came running at me to give another punch. The hammer was with Thor who was dealing with Ultron's main body and the Witch.

But I had my own weapons. This time I didn't bring out the dagger as I know that Quicksilver can bodge it easily. I brought out two different kinds of round grenades and crushed them with my hands.

The moment Quicksilver was going to hit me, he was caught off guard as Spider Web like things caught me stopped both Leon and him in webs. Yup, it's a Web-grenade that Peter invented.

The other grenade was a shock grenade. So both of them got electrocuted. Was it safe to use your self as a bait? No.

Was it useful? Well... Yes

As the electric grenade stooped smoke came out both the webs and our clothes got burned off. Quicksilver fainted from the shock.

But I was standing, but I did take damage but not much to knock me out. "Wow, that was a huge shocker." it was my last words before I was sent flying.

When Wanda saw his brother stemming from getting electrocuted alive. She became angry and made her way towards Leon. But was stopped by Thor.

Thor wasn't going to hurt her because she was a child. Wanda took it as an advantage to using her power to knock the sonic dampener out with a physic blast. And used her powers to hallucinate him.

As Thor was put under control by Wanda he started walking away from the fight. Tony seeing that it wasn't going well shoot repulsor blaster at her. To which she just ignored as she was unleashing all her power because of her rage.

Wanda came running towards Leon as he was still recovering. Leon was caught off guard. As she used all her powers to rip him apart.

Boom now Leon was sent out of the roof.

As Leon was flying because of the blast he was keeping himself from being knocked out.

He was at least 10 stories high from how small the ship looked.

And now he was falling, while he was he saw that most of his body was burnt.

Seeing his flesh with burning wounds brought back some unfavorable memories from his past life. He gritted his teeth as he was falling but soon was caught by someone.

It was Hulk. He was smiling. "You wanted some action too Big guy didn't you?" I smiled as my healing factor kicked in repairing my body.

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