Ultron was using everything to complete Leon's challenge.

Ultron was not your ordinary AI. He was once a powerful being. He knew information that was unmeasurable.

He did not have a lot of Vibranium to work with. But if you mix a few other metals you could get something even stronger… Adamantium.

The same mettle that was on Logan a.k.a Wolverine.

By using metals and minerals he invented a few elements casually.

"Test-18 start." On the command of the Main Body(Ultron).

The others commented on the experiment. Few Blue Laser-like guns started firing at the same direction.

Even though these Laser guns could go through most of the things on earth with ease. It was actually a 3D printer. It was printing a box-like structure.

"Precess 38%"

"Precess 56%"

"Precess 88%"

"Precess 94%"

"Precess 100%"

"Experiment Completed."

As the other deformed boxes were being eaten by the No. 18 it was getting bigger.

"Hmm, why don't I name you, No. 18 semes a little unauthentic… You shall be named… Victor Mancha"


Ultron checked the security cam and saw a few cars that were outside the factory. Every car had stark's name on it either on the nameplate or the glass. But he wasn't worried.

Starting from the Newest Lambo from Tesla and also a few of Tony's personal favorite it had them all.


"So I am now your student?" asked Leon.

"Not quite" responded the Ancient one.

"Ah… Why?"

"But I won't harm humans. Hell, even I consider myself one." Leon argued back.

"Yes, that might be. If it was before Loki's invasion I would have considered it. But now I am a little cautious about things."

"Sigh… Well, thanks for the Tea. I will leave now." Replied Leon with a saddened voice as he got up from the chair.

"Well, I didn't say I won't teach you. You will have to do something for me." She said as she brought out a Brown paper from God knows where.

"Read this."


After reading this contract Leon looked at The Ancient one with half-closed eyes.

"let me get this straight, you want me to take your place if for some reason you don't find a successor."

She just nodded sipping her tea.

"Well, I have a certain doctor in mind. But after I met you something odd happened. Well, I can't disclose this information. But will you agree." The Ancient asked.

"Sure, why not. You are not making me a nun or anything, I can still get married and have a life of my own. I just have run your school, so why not." Leon finished as he sighed the paper.

The Paper vanished with a few ruins burning bright.


As Leon left with his pet dragon, the Ancient one gave a smile.

She was actually worried about him not signing the contract.

He could ask a few others to learn sorcery, but he came to her. It was a little odd feeling taking advantage of his situation. But what else could she do?

After meeting him for the first time, a strange thing happened. The time stone stopped working, and she was sure that wasn't all. And she had a hunch Leon had something to do with it.

"Just, Who are you, Leon."

I just wrote it for fun. But I didn't know that it would end up like this. So I am apologizing to all who felt offeneded.

As for what I think about him? Well, I think he is a brillient man. Knows what he is doing, but I don't agree with a few of his statements. But that's it.

So I think Eunus & ROMANSEAGLE is right, we come here for "Mental Vacation."


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