After some time Leon was wearing modern clothes.

"Ah, I love the feeling of wearing modern clothes." Leon smiled. As with his mother, he had to wear was different and uncomfortable. Leon then looked at Spiderman.

"So… I know your real identity. I won't tell anyone though. And thank you for saving me."

'But I think he doesn't believe me.' as surely he would be still surprised.

"Oh… you are welcome. But why were you going suicide?" Spiderman asked.

"I wasn't I was… teleported high up into the sky. And yes, my clothes got burned off. So that's why I was nȧkėd." I said it was awkward explaining to someone about this certain topic.

"I totally believe you man. But you should get a check-up."

I was getting a little irritated, "No I am not… Bro… if you don't want to don't believe me. And get me down of the roof. If you can." said Leon. 'Well, even I won't believe my explanation' Leon thought.


After getting Leon on the ground he left. Then Leon remembered something that he was just broke.

'I had no money. Fuck me sideways. But with my strength, I should be able to get some money. Fufufu...' Leon thought.

And after some time, Leon came out of a rundown warehouse. There was some blood on his clothes but it was obviously not his.

"E.. can't even take a punch or two. Now I have to clean this new shirt. But oh well I did get quite the present from there." Leon said as he looked at his bloody shirt. But was satisfied with the result of the raid.

'Even though I am an Asgardian why the hell does I feel weak. As far as I know, an Asgardian can lift 25 to 30 tons. But my strength isn't near that.

It's a good thing that I have high endurance. I should be careful next time' thinking that Leon rubbed his forehead.

He was Shot with a Hand Gun in point-blank range. But survived because of his high endurance. Survived meaning it bounced it off of his skin didn't even give a cut or anything.

'Having high endurance means high on defense, stamina, and regeneration. I am not this universe's Luke cage am I? And does all Asgardian have tough skin. But If I remember correctlly even Thor would get a cut from gunshots without armor.'

[You have leveled up the skill 'hand to hand combat']

"My hand to hand combat leveled up. So I need to fight to level up. Just great... This year should be when Ultron happens. I should level up some more. And I did get 10 System Point from it. So every time I Level-up I get System Point that's good. I have to earn some more this way."

As Leon got himself a room near queens to stay for the month. With a few extra bucks, the owner didn't even ask for any information. That was good.

'You might be wondering how I am able to know who Peter is, well he looks like Tom Holland. That's that.' as he saw him walking by.

As Leon went into the apartment He sighed... He is alone again. From what He understood his mother should be Hela.

'I always thought they looked similar. So which universe am I in?'

'The MCU or the Ultimate or the 616. I don't know. But if Frigga is my grandma, then Loki should be my uncle.'

'Because in the comics & also in Norse mythology Loki is Hela's father.'

'I also check myself out. I look like 17 to 18 years old.'

'But I should be older than Thor, then how? Maybe being asleep all this time slowed if not stopped my aging.'

'And what's with the high numbers on my status. Is it fake? Because I clearly feel weak compared to when I was with mom.'

'I have brown skin rather than having pale skin like my mom. Maybe, got it from my father's side.'

'I have a little muscular build. Having good facial features and being 6 feet tall I would be a lady killer if not for me being a shy person.'

'Yup, I am shy maybe it's because in my past life I was always looked down upon. Sigh... Even it took a few years before I could even speak to Big Sis because of my shyness.'

'And she used to live with us. Sigh... My love life is hopeless.' Leon thought with a saddened expression.

'Meh... I will figure it out. I hope there's a skill in the store that can help me.'

The next day, Leon saw Peter. He is with Ned. As he crossed them Leon said hi to Peter.

Which made him shocked. 'He still thought I was joking.' Leon laughed inwardlly.

As he was getting into the school bus he was looking at Leon from time to time. And the bus left. As the day was over I had nothing to do. 'I could take down a couple of gangs but in broad daylight, I think not.'

'I was just thinking, should I join Kamar Taj. But well let's check out the shop.'



-Mana Circuit

-Mana Heart

-Mana Coil

-Frost Axe

-Shadow take




As I was scrolling down I checked out the price varying from 50 to 500 with some conditions. I currently have 200 Points. And when I left up my had to hand combat last night I got 50 points.

'So I need to fight strong opponents. And for that I need dungeons. '

'I can increase a stat number meaning Strength, Speed, Endurance, Intelligence, or Mana for 50 Points. But my numbers looked good enough to not spend it on Stats but rather on skills.'

'Because dang they are expensive.'

And Leon bought 'Dungeon Portal' skill from the store with my remaining points.

Dungeon Portal: Creates a portal with various places. Difficulty can be adjusted for use. It is a System based skill. So as you clear each level you can get rewarded by the system.

It's a perfect skill. But the only problem is the time is the same as here. So if I wanted to clear a dungeon in 5 days I will be gone from here. It may rise up suspicion. But oh well.

The next day at night as I was leaving the apartment, someone or something attacked me.

Leon found himself in webs.

"Not cool man. I just bought this shirt." But that wasn't all he pulled the web. Normally I would not fall but the ground was slippery and I fell on a pile of dog shit.

Soon Spiderman came out. It was way too late for any people to be here.

"Firstly how do you know Me," he said with the beat batman impression he could pull off.

"You aren't good at this part of the job are you." 'My god is that Poop…' Leon thought.

"Answer m... " before he could finish his sentence I gave him a blow in his gut, knocking the air out of him.

"Peter listen your still an untrained Hero. You need proper training. Join a Dojo or something."

I said as I threw my shirt away. That was poop... wasn't it.

"Yes, but why did you punch me? " Peter said with a holding his stomach.

"Bro I almost fell face first on a pile of Shit. Be grateful I didn't kick you in your balls." I said showing him the shirt that was on the ground.

"Oh… Hehehe sorry about that" said the spider rubbing his head. 'Weren't you going Batsy a minute ago?' Leon thought looking at Spiderman with half-closed eyes.

"Spidey, you need to learn how to fight," Leon said as he calmly walked by. As he Remembered the Spiderman of this universe is untrained and also got control of his spider-sense much later.

And another thing even though Spiderman is my favorite but Peter needs to grow up. No one is perfect in this world. And we live in it. So if push comes to shove you have to take out the trash.

"Wait, please stay away from my family. If..." Leon heard Peter say those words like he was pleading.

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