Pei Yutu: "No problem, who?"

    Ping Mo took out a page from the stack of materials, with an unfamiliar signature on it, but since he could write a paper on orcs, he should be a scholar specializing in life sciences.

    "Okay, is there anything wrong with this person?" Pei Yutu took the information, which was full of dense data and professional vocabulary, and he felt a headache when he glanced at it.

    I don't know what Ping Mo thinks about this thing.

    It's not as good as those brain-dead Mary Sue novels, at least you can watch it for fun. In Pei Yutu's view, this thing has only one function, that is, hypnosis.

    Ping Mo: "This name is a bit familiar, I can't remember it for a while, you can check him for me... Do you have a military background."

    Scholars and the military should not be able to fight, but since my fiancé wants to know, he must do his best.

    Pei and Tu agreed, "No problem." Not to mention General Dai's relationship in the military, but only to say that he has been in the army since he was a child, and now he is a middle school student when he is less than 26 years old. There are only a lot of comrades who are willing to work for him, and it is not difficult for him to investigate a person.

    Ping Mo still warned: "Quietly, don't let people find out."

    Pei Yutu took the opportunity to put people into their arms: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what you explained, but when will you notify your relatives and friends?"

    Plain ink: “…”

    Since the decision to get married, the notice must be notified, but…

    Pei Yutu has already figured out the pulse of their daughter-in-law, "Are you embarrassed to admit to them that you are an Omega?"

    "..." Instructor Ping stubbornly said, "No, it's just a certificate, I'll tell you before the wedding."

    "I don't care!" Assistant Professor Pei began to act like a spoiled child again, like a 1.90 meter big bear child, entangling Ping Mo like a giant twisted candy, "Do you dislike me? Why don't you tell others? You still don't like me!"

    Instructor Ping was almost out of breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Get off."


    …and again.

    The ability of the surnamed Pei to turn over old accounts is first-class, but this is also the most guilty thing of Pingmo.

    Instructor Ping softened his tone: "Okay, I'll call now."

    Ping Mo opened the address book and, in alphabetical order, first chose Cheng Cheng, who already knew his identity.

    The phone is connected almost instantly, but Pingmo has not yet organized the language.

    After a "hello", she fell silent.

    Chengcheng on the other end of the phone thought that the signal was not good, and kept asking if he could hear him, but on the other end of the phone, Pei Yutu looked at Instructor Ping with bright eyes.

    Ping ink: "..."

    Instructor Ping bit the bullet and said dryly: "I have something to tell you."

    The seriousness of the tone made Cheng Cheng mistakenly think that he had some task to do, so he also became serious, "Whatever you command, Ping Team, it is convenient for me to speak here."

    "..." Ping Mo took a deep breath and said quickly, "I'm getting married, you... If you are free, you can come to my wedding."

    After a long silence, Cheng Cheng suppressed his emotions and asked, "Is it Pei Yutu?"

    Captain Ping: "Yeah."

    Cheng Cheng: "Captain, you should reconsider, the surname Pei is a playboy, he—"

    Before he finished speaking, the phone was snatched by Pei Yutu, "Becoming a deputy team? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha back back done. Our family Pingmo has not been awarded the title because she has been recovering from injuries. Ceremony, the new troops are still under consideration, and where they will go is still undecided. After all, they are a great hero. There are too many troops rushing for him, but it is good for you that he leaves Eagle Falcon. Hahaha, the two of us get married. This is a once in a lifetime event. You must be honored when you become the captain. You are no longer in the same army. The rules of Group E are very big, and they are mysteriously not allowed to go out at will. Hey, can you see me here? One side is missing, one must cherish—"

    Before he finished speaking, Ping Mo grabbed the phone with a black face.

    The person with the surname Pei still speaks human words, what is behind? What is "seeing one side less"? However, although Pei Yutu's mouth is a bit cheap, he is always good-natured towards his daughter-in-law, and he is not angry when he is robbed of the phone - anyway, he has already said what he should say.

    Assistant Pei is in a good mood.

    After notifying Cheng Cheng, Ping Mo found an excuse to send Pei and Tu out.

    Assistant Pei knew that his daughter-in-law disliked him and made trouble, but as long as he was willing to 'tell the world', he was satisfied, so he hummed and protested, and then he obediently rolled away.

    Ping Mo was not thinking the same thing.

    Before he picked up the phone, he had a premonition that Lu Feng would not agree to this marriage. After all, Colonel Lu was Pei Yutu's idol, and his own idols looked down on him, which should hurt his heart very much. .

    As expected, when Instructor Ping said his marriage plan, Lu Feng strongly objected and said bluntly, "That kid is not worthy of you! I don't agree!"

    According to Pingmo's character, he wouldn't say any harsh words that would damage his image as a macho, so it was difficult to explain to the elders "how much we love each other", so in the end he just did nothing Said: "Colonel, I will not change my mind, whether you come or not, the wedding invitation will be sent to you."

    Lu Feng was so angry that he coughed and cursed: "Your wings are hard! Don't listen to me!"

    After An Jing listened to Lu Feng's scolding, Instructor Ping felt that his brain cells were dead. He didn't want to talk to anyone anymore today, so he sent a text message to Leng Li, Brief and concise: "Lily, let me tell you one thing: I'm getting married recently. I'm busy today, I'll talk about it later."

    After sending successfully, Pingmo switched to offline mode and switched to the game interface to relax, leaving Leng Li alone to scream wildly.

    —"I just didn't stay in front of the hospital bed for half a month, Pei Yutu? Chengcheng? !"

    The little goblins Pei and Tu have recently become a giant spinning top, and wherever they go, a beaming wind will blow on the ground.

    Choose the date, the engagement banquet, the wedding car, the dress, the ring, and even where to spend the honeymoon.

    Pei and Tu Damascus sat in the splendid living room of Pei's father and Pei's mother's house, looking at the guest list and saying, "Dad, can your friends over there simplify it? The auditorium will not fit.”

    Mr. Pei protested: "They are all entrepreneurs with heads and faces. If you can't fit in, you can just change a hotel? Is there a shortage of hotels in our family?"

    Pei Yutu: "But the auditorium is too big, so the guests can't see the beauty of my daughter-in-law."

    Mr. Pei fell into contemplation: "It makes sense. If you marry a beautiful Omega, you should let the guests take a good look. This is the facade of our house."

    "Cough cough cough!" Ms. Dai couldn't listen to the superficial arguments of the two men, and changed the subject, "Have you discussed the color of the flowers?"

    "It doesn't matter what color, Pingmo doesn't like flowers."

    "Nonsense! There is no Omega who doesn't like flowers, so call Xiaomo and I will discuss with him directly, you don't know anything!"

    Ms. Dai made a gesture to get her mobile phone, but was quickly stopped by her son: "Pingmo is busy now, several chiefs are rushing for him, and he was invited to have tea by General Yue today. ."

    General Dai looked away from his precious map fish with disdain, "Old Yue is not good at fighting, he is good at robbing people, tell Xiaomo, don't go to him! The Fourth Army is good."


    "I heard it!" General Dai said in a loud voice, "Don't think I'm too old to be deaf!"

    At this moment, Pei Yutu's military terminal rang. He mysteriously got up to answer the phone. When he came back, he looked serious. Ms. Dai asked what was wrong, and Pei Yutu only said It was a matter of the army, so he took General Dai and whispered.

    Ms. Dai didn't care, and continued to discuss with her husband the arrangement of the seat map at the wedding venue. Mr. Pei was in the storm of his wife's airtight idea and could only hear the "protective net" from his son. It's an abnormal rupture", "So no one notified when Pingmo was sent", "Internal staff", "The list is for you" and so on.

    When the two of them came back, their expressions were a little dignified. Just when Mr. Pei was a little worried and wanted to ask questions, he saw his son suddenly slap his forehead and said seriously: "Mom , there is one thing you must remember."

    The whole family looked at Pei and Tu, and Mr. Pei even sat up straight.

    Pei Yutu: "Don't use red or gold flowers at the wedding! Especially gilt roses! I'm allergic to that stuff!"

    President Pei: "…"

    The treatment given by General Yue was good enough, but Pingmo politely refused.

    "I understand," General Yue is different from most of the chiefs in the military. He is a high-level intellectual with serious demeanor. He said with a smile, "I'll throw an olive branch to you now. There are too many troops, and it's normal to be picky."

    "Wherever I go, I obey the organization's arrangement, but this time, I have experienced life and death, and the leaders have taken special care of me. I am grateful." Ping Mo said, "I also have a little selfishness, After the wedding, I will report back to the army and take the opportunity to take a few more days of marriage leave."

    "It should be, it should be." General Yue liked this young man with a certain degree of advance and retreat, and couldn't help but fight again, "When you take your vacation, no matter when, if you figure it out , the door of the Fourth Army is always open to you."

    "Thank you, General," Ping Mo smiled, "I also know that I entered the Chick Bird Project at the age of eleven, and performed the mission for the first time at the age of fourteen. The most dangerous top-secret mission, in a blink of an eye, I'm almost thirty years old, I want to settle down, I don't want to perform high-risk missions anymore, and I want to be closer to my lover."

    In fact, the more important thing is that the person in the family is too vengeful, and always turns over the old accounts, saying "you left without a word, and there was no me in your heart", which is really a headache.

    General Yue knew that he couldn't talk about this young talent anymore, so he accepted the reality with regret, but he still liked Ping Mo and couldn't help but talk a few more words: "I don't know if your lover is here. Where are you high school?"

    Ping Mo said calmly: "Emergency mobile combat troops, Pei and Tu."

    "!!" General Yue was speechless, "Pei, Pei Yutu?? The pioneer Pei Yutu in the operation to destroy the White Cave? He, he, he, he..."

    After "he" for a long time, the general Yue finally "he" said the following text: "He is also an alpha!"

    General Yue, as one of the high-ranking generals of the military, heard that in that battle, Pei and Tu Pingmo had an earth-shattering brotherhood, and both of them were obliged to sacrifice for each other, Only now did he realize that it wasn't brotherhood, it was love!

    'Young people are so open now. ' General Yue thought so in his heart, took a sip of tea to suppress his shock, but said, "It's good, it's good, it's okay for the two alphas to be together, as long as you feel happy yourself."

    However, Pingmo then calmly released the material, "Oh, I'm not an alpha, I'm an Omega."

    "Pfft! Kekekekeke." General Yue choked on the tea.

      Identity." Ping Mo tried to tell the truth, only to find that admitting that he was an Omega was not difficult as he imagined, so in the future, he should be able to face it calmly at the wedding.

    Instructor Ping successfully gave himself psychological construction, but he did not take into account the feelings of General Yue. When the poor old general left the tea house, his expression was in a trance.

    —Big news! That incomparable man who is known as the strongest individual combatant after Lu Feng is actually an Omega! !

    Instructor Ping's application report was revised and revised, and finally submitted, but before it was approved by the superior, an accident happened first - Assistant Professor Pei's susceptibility period after being suppressed by drugs for a long time finally slowed down late.

    Pei and Tu Rou. Visible abnormality, the specific performance is: if he can't see Ping Mo, he will lose his temper, and when he sees Ping Mo, he will entangle him and won't let go.

    The alpha possessiveness and sexual desire in the susceptible period are as strong, and even the emotions are sensitive and fragile, so Pingmo really dare not change back to a cat in some kind of exercise.

    Only, the sixth time today, Ping Mo couldn't stand the toss, lost his temper, and forced him out of the bedroom.

    Assistant Pei, who was in a susceptible period and was emotionally vulnerable, forgot to cover up the sweet grapefruit smell in the room with his alpha pheromones, and opened the window in frustration to blow the cold wind (pretend) melancholy, so , the sweet, over-concentrated Omega pheromones floated out of the window.

    Because of frequent intimate movements, the already rich orc pheromone has reached a new height. In the past, instructor Ping accidentally entered the binding heat, and his Omega pheromone could arouse alpha emotions in a radius of several kilometers , not to mention now.

    In less than half an hour, half of the star city was boiling.

    Especially at the Allied Military University not far away, the volunteers composed of beta janitors and students are all frantically sending emergency inhibitors to the alphas.

    Emergency Suppressants at nearby pharmacies were out of stock at one point.

    "I have thought of countless ways to announce to the public that I am an Omega, but I never imagined it would be in this way" - when several entertainment journalists were carrying long guns and short guns in search of air The remaining sweet grapefruit-flavored Omega pheromone found in front of Pei and Tu Pingmo's house, the calmed instructor Ping had a dark face, thinking so.

    The author has something to say: Today is the third day of Sanxi, and there are four thousand words!

    Good night, babies, the lottery event should have a result at around 10 o'clock tonight, can the winners raise their hands in the message area, let me see if this event in Jinjiang is reliable No, did it steal my money (no).

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine

    : 277777771;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution:

    15 bottles of ferry boat; 6 bottles of small flowers; 1 bottle of flying girl pig;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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