My Once Handsome Husband
Chapter 115 - An Unwelcome Plan
Delaney was angry her husband wouldn't even consider anything but the plan he'd come up with. She stormed out of his study, passing Ian who raised his eyebrows when he saw her face.
Up in their bedroom, she dropped into a chair facing the windows. Outside, the dark clouds were looming ever closer. The rain wasn't strong yet but the wind was blowing and making the drops hit hard on the house now. Down below there were already a few broken branches on the ground from the trees.
Delaney pulled her feet up onto the chair, tucking them beneath her skirt. She rested her chin on her knees and starred out the window. There was an ache in her heart. She didn't want to be separated from her husband. His problem with storms was unpleasant but she thought they could handle it together.
Around midday, the bell rang announcing their meal. Delaney didn't move from her seat. She was still angry and upset with Vincent and didn't want to speak with him yet. She didn't agree with him but she didn't want to fight with him either.
It wasn't long before Ms. Bird knocked at the door and came in with a tray of food for her mistress. She put it on the small table next to Delaney's chair but didn't leave after. The maid scurried around, absently straightening and rearranging things that didn't really need it.
Delaney sighed, knowing her maid was waiting for her to say something. The chatty older woman was undoubtedly on pins and needles wanting to know what was going on.
At last, Delaney sighed, "You've heard of what goes on for Vincent if there's a storm in the night?"
Ms. Bird blushed with embarrassment, "I-I have. Yes. The other servants said he has something like night terrors."
"He does," Delaney agreed, "But they're worse than that. He gets violent sometimes, thinking there are threats around him or that he needs to protect people. It can be alarming."
"What are you going to do?" she asked, "What is he going to do?"
"He's going to have everything removed from one of the bedrooms except the bed and sleep there for the night. He thinks that's what is best."
"Will you sleep there with him?"
"No. He doesn't want me to. He's afraid he'll hurt me in the night."
Ms. Bird hesitated and thought over what Delaney had said. Delaney found herself now wanting to hear what her maid thought. The older woman's wise words had never steered her wrong before.
"Maybe... maybe that's for the best," she said as she looked out the window as Delaney was, "If Lord Adair hurt you in any way he would never forgive himself. I know you don't want to be away from him my Lady but I think he's right."
Delaney frowned, "I don't agree. It's not even really about being away from him. We could stay together and he could work through it with me. I could help keep him calm."
"But what if you couldn't? If these episodes are as bad as they sound I don't know that you can guarantee you could stop him if he started to get violent."
"My husband loves me," Delaney snapped, "He will never hurt me."
Ms. Bird looked down, silent. She knew it wasn't a good idea to argue with her mistress and especially not about Lord Adair. It didn't matter how close she and Delaney were. In the end, Delaney was still a duchess and she was just a maid.
"My lady," she continued cautiously, "I have no doubt that Lord Adair loves you very much. But if he isn't in his right mind there's a chance he might not realize it is you standing before him. I know you love him but you might consider letting him win this argument if only to keep him from the fear he would have if you were with him tonight and the overwhelming guilt that would come later if he hurt you."
Delaney didn't reply. Ms. Bird hovered for a bit longer, waiting to see if she would, but at last, she excused herself to get back to her duties. The duchess was left alone in her bedroom where she picked at the food that was left for her, not in the mood to eat much.
Still not wanting to leave her room, she finished eating and went to sit on her bed with a book, not knowing what else to do. As she sat there, she read and reread the same pages, not able to focus. The rain on the windows got stronger and thunder began to rumble, her mind kept being pulled back to her husband.
When a gentle knock came at the door it made her jump. Delaney looked up as it opened and her heart fluttered.
"May I come in?" Vincent asked, looking almost sad.
"Is this not your room anymore then?" she asked in accusation, "Is that why you're asking me to enter instead of just coming into a bedroom we've shared?"
Vincent frowned at her in annoyance, "You know that's not the case Delaney. I asked if I could come in because I know you're upset and I don't want that to get worse."
"I'm only upset because you wouldn't even listen to me!"
"I have listened to you but I know what I can handle these nights. You love me and want to think the very best of me. You are very sweet and I love you for that. But darling I can't trust myself and I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you. You know that."
Delaney stared at him, not replying. Ms. Bird had said something similar and she hadn't wanted to believe it. But now her husband was saying it too. She didn't want to believe Vincent could hurt her but if he did the guilt would kill him. He was already taking on all the guilt for them not being pregnant yet. She loved him too much to chance adding to his guilt and lack of love for himself.
The realization that he was right in his want to be away from her for the night hurt but it was the knowledge he would be suffering alone all night that brought tears to her eyes. She hugged her knees to her chest as the tears began to fall down her cheeks.
Seeing this, Vincent quickly closed the door behind him and went to her, pulling her into his arms and against his chest. Delaney buried her face against his neck and he kissed the top of her head, quietly murmuring that everything would be alright.
"I hate this," she spoke with a voice scratchy from tears, "I hate that you have to suffer and I can't fix it or even be there with you."
"Shhh," he hushed her, "I'll be alright love. It's happened many times before the one you saw. I think this idea of having nothing around will help me. And soon we will have the medicine from Ian and maybe that will fix it forever."
"We can stay up very late tonight," she suggested then, looking up at his handsome face, "We can play cards and make love and do whatever we want to do. Anything that will keep you awake. Then, when you're exhausted you can go to sleep there. Maybe you'll be so tired you won't wake up."
Vincent smiled down at her lovingly, "If that will make you happy my love we can do it. But you must promise when we go to bed you will let me go on my own."
Delaney studied him before nodding, "Alright. I promise I will."
Vincent kissed her then until Delaney was dizzy and breathless. When they came apart he said he was going to go finish some work but he would see her at dinner and then they would do anything she wanted after.
Delaney watched her husband leave and close the door behind him. She looked around the empty room and felt the tears sting in her eyes again.
A thought came to her mind. She got up from their bed and swiftly straightened her hair and dress. She stepped into the hallway and saw Vincent was already out of sight thankfully. Turning the opposite direction she walked quickly and quietly down the hall to another door.
Delaney knocked on the door to Ian's bedroom, knowing he would likely be in there. She was not disappointed when a moment later he opened it and was standing before her.
"I need to ask something of you," she began without preamble, "I know your father ordered you to keep me safe but would you also help keep Vincent safe if needed?"
Ian scowled, having clearly been woken from a nap, "I wouldn't let my father's business partner die if I could help it."
Delaney frowned at his blunt reply but accepted it. "Vincent is going to sleep alone tonight in a bedroom with nothing in it but the bed. I'm still worried he might hurt himself though or he might get out of the room and do something terrible. If I'm safe and sound in my room though you can keep an eye on him."
Ian's frown deepened, "You want me to keep an eye on your husband when he's in one of those... those states?"
"Yes," she confirmed, "You don't have to go in the room but maybe if you could just wait in the hall and guard him..."
"All night?" he demanded.
"Well yes... I'm sorry to ask Ian I just want to know he'll be safe. Please could you just keep watch out here until morning or until the storm has passed? Please?"
Ian stared at her, weighing his options. At last, he groaned loudly, "Alright fine. I'll keep watch out in the hall in case your husband goes mad and tries to hurt people. Although I don't know how you're expecting me to stop him without hurting him in the process."
"Don't hurt him!" she exclaimed, "If something happens you can just come and get me and I will talk to him."
"So I will get you, a duchess, and you will stop that tall soldier who killed a dragon, from hurting people?" His tone was mocking her.
Again Delaney frowned at him, "Yes. I will stop him."
Ian threw his hands up in surrender, "Whatever you say my lady. Tell me when he's going to bed and I will take up my post."
Delaney thanked him and smiled happily as she left, heading down the hall again.
Knowing Ian would be there to look out for Vincent lifted a weight from her heart.
Up in their bedroom, she dropped into a chair facing the windows. Outside, the dark clouds were looming ever closer. The rain wasn't strong yet but the wind was blowing and making the drops hit hard on the house now. Down below there were already a few broken branches on the ground from the trees.
Delaney pulled her feet up onto the chair, tucking them beneath her skirt. She rested her chin on her knees and starred out the window. There was an ache in her heart. She didn't want to be separated from her husband. His problem with storms was unpleasant but she thought they could handle it together.
Around midday, the bell rang announcing their meal. Delaney didn't move from her seat. She was still angry and upset with Vincent and didn't want to speak with him yet. She didn't agree with him but she didn't want to fight with him either.
It wasn't long before Ms. Bird knocked at the door and came in with a tray of food for her mistress. She put it on the small table next to Delaney's chair but didn't leave after. The maid scurried around, absently straightening and rearranging things that didn't really need it.
Delaney sighed, knowing her maid was waiting for her to say something. The chatty older woman was undoubtedly on pins and needles wanting to know what was going on.
At last, Delaney sighed, "You've heard of what goes on for Vincent if there's a storm in the night?"
Ms. Bird blushed with embarrassment, "I-I have. Yes. The other servants said he has something like night terrors."
"He does," Delaney agreed, "But they're worse than that. He gets violent sometimes, thinking there are threats around him or that he needs to protect people. It can be alarming."
"What are you going to do?" she asked, "What is he going to do?"
"He's going to have everything removed from one of the bedrooms except the bed and sleep there for the night. He thinks that's what is best."
"Will you sleep there with him?"
"No. He doesn't want me to. He's afraid he'll hurt me in the night."
Ms. Bird hesitated and thought over what Delaney had said. Delaney found herself now wanting to hear what her maid thought. The older woman's wise words had never steered her wrong before.
"Maybe... maybe that's for the best," she said as she looked out the window as Delaney was, "If Lord Adair hurt you in any way he would never forgive himself. I know you don't want to be away from him my Lady but I think he's right."
Delaney frowned, "I don't agree. It's not even really about being away from him. We could stay together and he could work through it with me. I could help keep him calm."
"But what if you couldn't? If these episodes are as bad as they sound I don't know that you can guarantee you could stop him if he started to get violent."
"My husband loves me," Delaney snapped, "He will never hurt me."
Ms. Bird looked down, silent. She knew it wasn't a good idea to argue with her mistress and especially not about Lord Adair. It didn't matter how close she and Delaney were. In the end, Delaney was still a duchess and she was just a maid.
"My lady," she continued cautiously, "I have no doubt that Lord Adair loves you very much. But if he isn't in his right mind there's a chance he might not realize it is you standing before him. I know you love him but you might consider letting him win this argument if only to keep him from the fear he would have if you were with him tonight and the overwhelming guilt that would come later if he hurt you."
Delaney didn't reply. Ms. Bird hovered for a bit longer, waiting to see if she would, but at last, she excused herself to get back to her duties. The duchess was left alone in her bedroom where she picked at the food that was left for her, not in the mood to eat much.
Still not wanting to leave her room, she finished eating and went to sit on her bed with a book, not knowing what else to do. As she sat there, she read and reread the same pages, not able to focus. The rain on the windows got stronger and thunder began to rumble, her mind kept being pulled back to her husband.
When a gentle knock came at the door it made her jump. Delaney looked up as it opened and her heart fluttered.
"May I come in?" Vincent asked, looking almost sad.
"Is this not your room anymore then?" she asked in accusation, "Is that why you're asking me to enter instead of just coming into a bedroom we've shared?"
Vincent frowned at her in annoyance, "You know that's not the case Delaney. I asked if I could come in because I know you're upset and I don't want that to get worse."
"I'm only upset because you wouldn't even listen to me!"
"I have listened to you but I know what I can handle these nights. You love me and want to think the very best of me. You are very sweet and I love you for that. But darling I can't trust myself and I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you. You know that."
Delaney stared at him, not replying. Ms. Bird had said something similar and she hadn't wanted to believe it. But now her husband was saying it too. She didn't want to believe Vincent could hurt her but if he did the guilt would kill him. He was already taking on all the guilt for them not being pregnant yet. She loved him too much to chance adding to his guilt and lack of love for himself.
The realization that he was right in his want to be away from her for the night hurt but it was the knowledge he would be suffering alone all night that brought tears to her eyes. She hugged her knees to her chest as the tears began to fall down her cheeks.
Seeing this, Vincent quickly closed the door behind him and went to her, pulling her into his arms and against his chest. Delaney buried her face against his neck and he kissed the top of her head, quietly murmuring that everything would be alright.
"I hate this," she spoke with a voice scratchy from tears, "I hate that you have to suffer and I can't fix it or even be there with you."
"Shhh," he hushed her, "I'll be alright love. It's happened many times before the one you saw. I think this idea of having nothing around will help me. And soon we will have the medicine from Ian and maybe that will fix it forever."
"We can stay up very late tonight," she suggested then, looking up at his handsome face, "We can play cards and make love and do whatever we want to do. Anything that will keep you awake. Then, when you're exhausted you can go to sleep there. Maybe you'll be so tired you won't wake up."
Vincent smiled down at her lovingly, "If that will make you happy my love we can do it. But you must promise when we go to bed you will let me go on my own."
Delaney studied him before nodding, "Alright. I promise I will."
Vincent kissed her then until Delaney was dizzy and breathless. When they came apart he said he was going to go finish some work but he would see her at dinner and then they would do anything she wanted after.
Delaney watched her husband leave and close the door behind him. She looked around the empty room and felt the tears sting in her eyes again.
A thought came to her mind. She got up from their bed and swiftly straightened her hair and dress. She stepped into the hallway and saw Vincent was already out of sight thankfully. Turning the opposite direction she walked quickly and quietly down the hall to another door.
Delaney knocked on the door to Ian's bedroom, knowing he would likely be in there. She was not disappointed when a moment later he opened it and was standing before her.
"I need to ask something of you," she began without preamble, "I know your father ordered you to keep me safe but would you also help keep Vincent safe if needed?"
Ian scowled, having clearly been woken from a nap, "I wouldn't let my father's business partner die if I could help it."
Delaney frowned at his blunt reply but accepted it. "Vincent is going to sleep alone tonight in a bedroom with nothing in it but the bed. I'm still worried he might hurt himself though or he might get out of the room and do something terrible. If I'm safe and sound in my room though you can keep an eye on him."
Ian's frown deepened, "You want me to keep an eye on your husband when he's in one of those... those states?"
"Yes," she confirmed, "You don't have to go in the room but maybe if you could just wait in the hall and guard him..."
"All night?" he demanded.
"Well yes... I'm sorry to ask Ian I just want to know he'll be safe. Please could you just keep watch out here until morning or until the storm has passed? Please?"
Ian stared at her, weighing his options. At last, he groaned loudly, "Alright fine. I'll keep watch out in the hall in case your husband goes mad and tries to hurt people. Although I don't know how you're expecting me to stop him without hurting him in the process."
"Don't hurt him!" she exclaimed, "If something happens you can just come and get me and I will talk to him."
"So I will get you, a duchess, and you will stop that tall soldier who killed a dragon, from hurting people?" His tone was mocking her.
Again Delaney frowned at him, "Yes. I will stop him."
Ian threw his hands up in surrender, "Whatever you say my lady. Tell me when he's going to bed and I will take up my post."
Delaney thanked him and smiled happily as she left, heading down the hall again.
Knowing Ian would be there to look out for Vincent lifted a weight from her heart.
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