My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 61 - Brothers

The next morning after breakfast, the brothers disappeared and Delaney met with Mrs. Crouch to go over the plans and things for the manor.

"I have word out that we're looking for a new ladies maid," Mrs. Crouch assured her, "So I think we'll have a replacement for Ivy soon. Lord Adair has always paid his servants well so places in the house are normally quite sought after."

Delaney had noticed in the going over the accounts that Vincent did indeed pay well. It had made her more annoyed that Ivy had behaved so badly and she wished she'd gotten rid of her sooner. Preferably before she'd hurt Vincent with her dramatic reaction to his appearance.

Once she was finished with her tasks with Mrs. Crouch, Delaney couldn't help wondering what Miles and Vincent were up to. Delaney wandered down the stairs, her hand gliding over the buttery smooth wooden railing worn from hundreds of years of use.

At the bottom of the stairs, she found a man about some task or another and commandeered him for her use. "Do you know where the Lords are this morning?"

The servant, nervous at being spoken to by the duchess herself, nodded quickly and told her he'd take her to them. She followed him as he led her down one of the long stone hallways towards the farthest end of Edgewood Manor.

As they walked she began to hear a strange clicking sound that grew into a clanging sound. When the servant finally stopped and gestured to a large pair of doors she already guessed what was going on behind them.

She thanked the servant and sent him back to his work. She hovered outside of the door listening to the shouting, laughing, and banging. When she finally pushed the door slowly open, she was pleased to see they didn't notice her.

The large room she recognized from her tour with Vincent. The floors were wooden and polished smooth. The walls were high and the side opposite of Delaney was almost entirely made up of paned glass windows.

Vincent had said it had been a theater although now it hadn't been used since his childhood. It had a small section of hallway just inside the doors Delaney had slipped through. Where the section ended, curtains were draped and it was behind them that Delaney now hid.

Vincent and Miles circled each other in the center of the massive room. Both had removed their shirts and boots and were now drenched in sweat. In their hands were flashing metal swords.

They were both smiling wickedly and Vincent ran a hand back through his hair, getting it out of his face.

"You're slowing down Miles," he laughed, "I'm a cripple and I'm still beating you."

Miles lunged forward, swinging his blade at his older brother who laughed as he leaped back out of the way, sending his own blade down. The force of the blow to his blade nearly threw Miles's sword to the ground. He jumped backward as Vincent jerked his blade back up and at him.

Delaney frowned, not liking that they were fighting with real weapons and no kind of protection against them. She watched as Miles blade slash down through the air, missing Vincent's abdomen by only inches.

As annoyed by that as she was, she couldn't keep herself from watching her husband in admiration. He was tall, lean, and strong. Even though he had his injuries from the war, they didn't seem to be slowing him down at all as he fought his younger brother.

She watched his body, fascinated by the smooth, flowing movements he made. As if in slow motion, she watched as one of his feet slid forward across the floor at the same time as his upper body twisted, cocking the blade back in his muscled arms.

Then like a trap being sprung, all that power came flying forward, sword whistling through the air, right at its target.  The tip of the blade missed Miles by a breath and suddenly that was all Delaney could take.

She stepped out from behind the curtains and it was Miles who spotted her first, knocking his brother's attacking bade to the side before raising his hands in the air as if in surrender.

Vincent laughed and followed his brother's gaze, turning to see Delaney watching them in disapproval.

"Good afternoon my Lady," he laughed, panting from the exertion, "I didn't hear you come in."

"You wouldn't have my Lord. You were too busy putting your lives in danger," she replied with a sullen look.

Vincent laughed as he strolled towards her, sliding the sword into its sheath hanging from his hip.

Coming towards her he didn't slow down so Delaney scrambled backward until her back hit the wall behind her. With a wicked grin, he swept in, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply, pinning her to the wall.

Delaney kissed him back for a moment until her swirling mind began to register something. She gasped and pushed against his chest, suddenly fighting to get free of him.

"Oh no Vincent get off of me," she squealed as laughter rumbled from his chest and he lifted her from the ground, holding her against his sweat-soaked chest.

"Eew quit," she laughed loud herself, pushing at him, "This is disgusting! Let me go!"

She felt his hard, body pressed against hers as he kissed her lips then down her jaw to her neck. Delaney gasped at the warm tingling that washed over her as he did so.

The action apparently affected him too because a soft groan came from him as he moved back up to her mouth, kissing her with sudden hunger. Delaney took his face in her hands, one sliding around to hold the back of his neck, pulling herself even closer to him.

Delaney's mind swam but suddenly she heard the annoyed voice of Miles.

"Alright enough!" he called in annoyance, "God Vince get ahold of yourself."

Vincent's lips eased away from hers with a heavy sigh. When Delaney opened her eyes she found herself staring into his and the longing there was unmistakable. She bit her lip and his eyes dropped to them.

He moved so slowly down to kiss her again, letting his teeth graze over her lip. When he leaned back again, he lowered her to the floor but his hands didn't leave her hips.

"Vincent!" Miles barked at him again.

Delaney watched her husband close his eyes and take a deep breath before letting go of her and turning to face his brother.

"I think I'm done for today," Vincent informed him.

"Yes, I guessed as much," Miles rolled his eyes as he threw Vincent's shirt to him but he didn't actually look annoyed.

He smirked at Delaney, "Are you going to faint?"

Delaney frowned at him as Vincent turned quickly, eyes wide. Seeing her expression Vincent laughed again and stepped up to her, taking her hand and pressing a light kiss to it.

"I think I smell like a man now," Delaney sighed looking down at her sweat-dampened dress, "Next time I'll have to remember to wear a cloak if I'm going to let you touch me after such activity."

Both of the brothers grinned at this and now Delaney rolled her eyes.

"You should both go get washed up. Probably bathe at this point. I can have your midday meals sent to your rooms."

"That actually sounds great," Miles smiled wistfully, "Having a nice long soak and then a nice long nap."

"Are you so out of shape that this little work wore you out?" Vincent teased his younger brother, "You're going to get fat."

"Ah well I may get fat brother," Miles slapped a hand on his brother's good shoulder, "But I'll still always be able to fight circles around you."

The three of them laughed at this as they headed for the door.

"You two go ahead," Delaney smiled, "I'll go let the servants know to prepare your baths."

Two large copper tubs were hauled up to each of the men's bedrooms as the water was boiled. Delaney left them to it and went back to her own bedroom. It felt oddly empty without Vincent there.

She reached around and managed to get the ribbons untied and unlaced from the back of her dress. Shrugging it off, she hung it over a chair. Wanting to make sure she didn't smell like sweat, she stripped off all her clothes.

Delaney found clean undergarments and put them on. She moved to pull the bell cord to call for Mrs. Crouch to come help her into a new dress but she hesitated.

Pulling on her robe, Delaney sat on the edge of her bed and thought over a plan. It was a risky one but now that it was on her mind she couldn't get it out.

She looked at herself in her mirror and bit her lip. Going to her table, she unwrapped her hands again. Once she finished she walked to her door and gathered her courage.

Easing the door open, Delaney was relieved when she looked out and saw no one in the hallway. Slipping out, she hurried down to Vincent's door and quietly opened in.

Inside, in the middle of the room was an enormous copper tub full of steaming water. Laying back, relaxing in the water was Vincent.

Delaney took a deep breath and walked towards the tub.

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