My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 1: Future Online Shopping Platforms

"This is... an online store in the 31st century?"

Seeing the phantom that suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhuo Rong operated it with some hesitation, but when he found that he could really operate it, he was a little frightened...

Zhuo Rong, 28 years old this year, not long ago, six years after graduating from university, he was gloriously unemployed. The economic environment has not been particularly good in recent years, so the company he worked for six years closed down, but he There is no rush to find a new job.

Because he still had some savings in the past six years, he planned to rest at home for a while, but who knows, he had a dream last night.

In the dream, he seemed to have traveled to the future, more than a thousand years later.

Just when he was seeing novelty, he was woken up by urinating, but after he went to the toilet, he found that there was an icon in the lower right corner of his vision, which appeared in his dream to see the online shopping websites of future people .

I subconsciously thought about opening it, but the icon turned into a virtual image and appeared in front of Zhuo Rong. At the same time, I have given feedback to Zhuo Rong about how to use this icon.

Judging from the information fed back from the icon, Zhuo Rong can indeed buy things on this interface. As long as he buys and confirms the payment, the things he bought will appear in front of him through the space wormhole.

In the same way, if he wants to sell things, he can naturally do so, and he can also sell them in this way. After receiving all the information, Zhuo Rong also looked at this future online store.

I have to say that the change in a thousand years is really too great. From Zhuo Rong's point of view, it may be even greater than the change from the Song Dynasty to the present.

In the eyes of Zhuo Rong, the online store at this moment sells a variety of things, such as intelligent microcomputers, bionic humans, personal aerospace devices (which allow people to travel freely between space and the earth), and even There are spaceships for sale.

Yes, it is the kind of spacecraft that Zhuo Rong imagined, the kind that can fly to other planets. After a thousand years, human beings have basically occupied all the terrestrial planets in the solar system, and completed the completion of these planets. remodel.

The population has also exceeded 30 billion at this time, and humans are currently developing towards the nearest centaur galaxy, but this cannot be completed in a short period of time, so this has nothing to do with Zhuo Rong. Now he is just watching These things are full of envy.

It’s impossible to say that he doesn’t want these apps, but the problem is that he has no money in the 31st century, so he has to find a way to sell something before buying these high-tech apps. Thinking of this, He looked for it carefully, he wanted to see what there were in modern times, which was very valuable in this era.

In the past, he remembered that he had seen many environmental protection advertisements saying that the most precious things for human beings in the future would be air, water, minerals and other non-renewable resources.

These were the first things he looked for, and it turned out that people in the future would not lack these three things...

Thinking about it, human beings can make air purifiers now, so how could human beings fail to make better and bigger air purifiers after more than a thousand years?

In the future world, let alone smog and sandstorms, in the environment where human beings live, there is even very little dust, and there are even strict standards for the number of bacteria. The air must be much fresher than it is now.

Besides water, pure water was created decades ago, how can there be no clean water in the future? Similarly, in the future, while retaining minerals, the quality of the water itself will be much higher than the current water.

Moreover, future humans will also create something called active water, which can stimulate the DNA of organisms and make organisms develop in a better direction.

In other words, if people drink this kind of water, they can survive all diseases and live to death.

And the price of this kind of active water is no different from that of mineral water.

Fifteen yuan for ten liters, it is cheaper than the mineral water bought outside now.

As for non-renewable mineral resources, they are actually the most useless in the future world.

Because humans have mastered controllable nuclear fusion after a thousand years, the little boy is nuclear fission, and the hydrogen bomb is nuclear fusion, and controllable nuclear fusion is the artificial sun.

In the future, a nuclear fusion power supply the size of AA batteries can provide 200 billion kwh of electricity. You must know that the annual electricity consumption of Shanghai is less than 150 billion kwh.

Such a battery can provide the power consumption of the city for more than a year, and such a battery costs five yuan a piece...

It is precisely because of this thing that coal, oil, natural gas and other minerals that can be burned to generate energy have no effect in that era.

Why? The same cannot be said, because compared to oil and natural gas, coal is still somewhat useful, because coal can be transformed into diamonds through high-pressure chambers.

Artificial diamonds in the future will be cheaper than glass today.

After all, there is already artificial diamond technology now, and it will naturally be much cheaper in the future.

A fist-sized man-made diamond weighs two kilograms, costs 120 yuan a piece, and 130 yuan can turn it into a colored diamond. However, man-made diamonds are still different from natural diamonds.

Of course, the difference does not lie in hardness, smoothness, etc., but in its molecular arrangement. The arrangement of natural diamonds is chaotic, while the arrangement of man-made diamonds is orderly. But even so, because humans have found more More and more planetary relations.

So even if it is a natural diamond, it is only worth about 300 yuan per kilogram.

But the natural ones are not big and not as beautiful as the man-made ones, so the man-made ones obviously sell better.

"I can buy this thing and sell it in reality, but I still haven't found anything that can be sold in the real world!"

While flipping through the information helplessly, Zhuo Rong said with some emotion.

Now anything on this website can be used in the real world, and I can make a lot of money by playing with it.

But the problem is, he has no money...

While flipping through the future website helplessly, Zhuo Rong thought about the real world, what else can be sold in the future, let alone, hard work pays off.

He rummaged through it and found one.

'Live wild sea fish, the quantity is limited, and the price is favorable. '

"Huh? Wild sea fish?" Looking at the shop in front of him, Zhuo Rong was taken aback for a moment. He is no stranger to wild sea fish. It's not because he likes eating fish so much, but because he likes fishing, so he pays attention to a lot of them. UP master, often watch live broadcasts on Xiaopo Station.

So subconsciously, he clicked into this shop.


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