"Is this Cartier's Blue Balloon Diamond Collection?"

"It looks so pretty, daughter, is this watch expensive?"

Looking at the watch, Zhuo Rong's mother hadn't expressed anything yet, so the two started talking first, and upon hearing Aunt Shang's words, her daughter also nodded dully.

"Conservatively estimate, it must be several to one hundred thousand!"

"Hiss..." Upon hearing this, Aunt Shang gasped.

Hundreds of thousands?

Now the average house price in this city is more than 12,000, how many hundreds of thousands is it to wear a house on your hands? My God, this is too exaggerated!

"Isn't there an invoice here, just look at it, hey? My piece costs nearly 700,000?" Listening to the conversation here, Zhuo Rong's father couldn't help but forget about smoking and drinking at this time , couldn't help opening his watch box, and when he saw the watch, he liked it very much, and then he also found the invoice inside.

When he saw the numbers on the invoice, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

And Zhuo Rong's mother couldn't help but gasped after reading the invoice. As for Aunt Shang, mother and daughter, they were already stunned.

These two watches together...more than one million? Too exaggerated.

"It's for you, you just take it with you. Don't worry about the safety issue. I've already arranged it for you. Okay, mom, what do you want to eat? I'm hungry." Looking at the shocked eyes of his parents, Zhuo Rong waved his hand indifferently.

He knew what his parents were worried about, and if the money was revealed, it would be troublesome if he was targeted by someone and took the risk.

But Zhuo Rong will not let such a thing happen, the ability of Weinao is very strong, not to mention that Zhuo Rong now has 17 Weinao (he is Xiaozhuo, 15 girls each, and there are One.), he asked Xiao Zhuo to control sixteen of them at the same time, and if there is anything that is not good for his parents, he will be found out immediately.

Whether someone is stalking his parents, whether someone is planning something that is not good for his parents, Xiaozhuo will filter them all.

Now is the era of the Internet, even if the robbers want to rob, they have to make a phone call, as long as they make a phone call, they will be intercepted by Xiao Zhuo.

If they want to take action, Xiao Zhuo will know that on the Internet, Xiao Zhuo is a god.

"Okay, let's wear them. By the way, let me introduce you. This is your Aunt Shang. This is your Aunt Shang's husband. You can call him Uncle. This is your Aunt Shang's daughter. She used to come to our house to play when she was young." Well, I'm three years younger than you, you young people should have a good chat!"

Putting on the watch happily, Zhuo Rong's mother smiled and introduced to Zhuo Rong.

Originally, when Zhuo Rong saw the battle when he came back, he still had some doubts, but now he can be sure that your parents are arranging a blind date for him...

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong couldn't help sighing softly. Sure enough, the thing he was most worried about didn't happen.

But thinking about it, it's understandable. I'm already twenty-eight years old after all, and his parents have a reason to be anxious. In the past, they had to work, make money, and go to work.

But now, in the eyes of his parents, Zhuo Rong seems to have achieved fame.

If you want money, you can have money, if you want a house, you can have a house, if you want a car, you can have a car, and you can get whatever you want.

The guy himself is pretty handsome, and he doesn't have any bad habits, he's perfect!

At this time Zhuo Rong is not in a hurry, his parents should be too.

"Brother Zhuo, hello!"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's mother's words, this time Aunt Shang's daughter did not follow to the kitchen, but looked at Zhuo Rong shyly, making a shy look.

Zhuo Rong also nodded towards her.

Although he said that he didn't intend to go on a blind date, he still asked Xiao Zhuo to check on the girl, and it turned out that after the investigation, he didn't even have that intention.

Because it is obvious that the girl in front of her is not a cheap lamp.

Don't look at her now, with very light makeup on her face, a very flat body, and black shawl hair, she looks just like Xiao Jiabiyu, but in fact, she is a big player.

When Xiao Zhuo searched, he saw photos of her hanging out in various nightclubs and taking intimate photos with other men. According to the situation Xiao Zhuo found, this girl is sixteen years old and has not gone to school since she graduated from junior high school. , and then hang around outside all the time.

Up to now, I have been together for almost ten years, and I have had at least 20 boyfriends, and basically no more than half a year. As for the record of opening a house, there are tens of thousands of records.........

Sometimes there are three or four room opening records in one day, obviously these records were not opened with her boyfriend at the time.

0. Seeking flowers 0-010308001 Feilu 151342020]

It can be said that this is a guy who is super good at playing. I don’t know if he is interested in the money of Zhuo Rong’s family, or because he feels that he has played enough and wants to find an honest man to marry, so he came to find Zhuo Rong for a blind date. .

However, according to Xiao Zhuo, her parents didn't seem to know about her outside affairs these years. She kept claiming at home that she worked in a foreign company, so she didn't see anyone in normal times, and his parents didn't suspect it.

But they didn't know, before they knew it, their daughter was about to reach the level of killing ten thousand people. Seeing this, Zhuo Rong shook his head, and then moved to the side.

The door is a guest, so although Zhuo Rong said to keep a respectful distance from this girl, he did not expose her face to face, but politely finished the meal with his parents until the family left. When Aunt Shang's family left, Zhuo Rong Rong's mother couldn't help but pat Zhuo Rong.


"How is it? Your daughter from Aunt Shang's family is not bad, she is pretty and has a good figure, and the most important thing is that she is quiet.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Rong's mother was quite optimistic about this little girl, but after hearing what his mother said, Zhuo Rong thought for a while, and he was going to make up a lie.

"Mom, I actually saw this girl when I first came in. I have to say, this time, you missed me..."

Looking at his proud mother, Zhuo Rong said with a serious face.

"I also feel that this girl is a bit fake. In what era is it now, how can there be such a shy girl? Son, does she have some illness or something?"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Zhuo Rong's father also asked suspiciously.

"Old Zhuo, don't talk nonsense. This girl has never been with someone before. It's normal to be shy when you come to a blind date. I just think this girl is good. Son, if you don't match, just tell me, anyway, I think it's pretty good! "

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said to his father, his mother curled her lips and said with a displeased face.

"Well, haven't you ever dated someone? She should have had a teacher...Dad, you are right, she is indeed sick, but it is not about the spirit, but about her private life. "

Seeing his mother's stubborn appearance, Zhiye could only speak with a smile.


I will be admitted to the hospital again tomorrow night, and this is also sent on time, hey, I have a headache... Two....

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