My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 109: Qin Shuhua's Invitation

After going around Longteng Garden, Zhuo Rong took the car back to a certain palace villa.

He has no intention of renting out the two villas here.

There is one building that he definitely lives in, and there is another building. If his parents want to come over in the future, they can live here, which will save trouble.

After walking around the two villas and confirming that there was no problem, Zhuo Rong also settled down with peace of mind. The problem mentioned here has two aspects.

One is the issue of property rights. The Qin family is doing very well, very clean, without any finishing touches, and even the villa comes with a bonus of 10,000 yuan for electricity, 10,000 yuan for water, and 10,000 yuan for water. Gas bills, in case there is a water or electricity outage at home, which is inconvenient.

The second is the issue of safety. It is necessary to see if there are any traces of people living here, whether there are cameras or the like. With the help of Yang Qian and the others, with the help of Weinao, it is natural that they can go inside and outside Before and after, carefully check the transparency.

But the stay is lived, but there is a small problem that needs to be solved.

That is, he forgot again that Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and Guo Xiang couldn't cook anymore.

"Otherwise, master, you can buy another sister here!"

Seeing the empty kitchen and the three bewildered girls, Yang Qian made a suggestion to Zhuo Rong.

Biochemical people, what is set is what they are, and they just don’t know what they haven’t set.

So it's a little embarrassing.

"No, let's go out to eat, buy new people or something, don't talk about it in the future, I have fifteen of you, and my mother feels that I am sorry for you, if I buy a few more

I guess my mother will have to tear me apart first. "

Shaking his head, Zhuo Rong directly rejected Yang Qian's proposal. From his point of view, now fifteen girls are actually enough, and they are too busy this evening. If there are more, he has to worry about his body, right...

So after thinking about it, he was going to go out to eat.

Where is this? Magic City!

This is one of the best super cities in the country, so if you want to eat any local food here, as long as you have money, you can eat it.

Although the food in the real world is definitely not as delicious as the one in the future, and it is not as good as Jia Min and the others, but Zhuo Rong is still ready to try it.

As for the travel problem, don't worry, because after Zhuo Rong and the others were sent over, the driver left the car here according to the above arrangement, and took a taxi back by himself.

So Zhuo Rong and the others can drive anywhere at any time.

But here, before Zhuo Rong could choose a place to eat, the phone rang.

Zhuo Rong saw that the caller was none other than Qin Shuhua.

"Hello, Miss Qin~". "

"Hey, Mr. Zhuo, you are not mean. If I hadn't heard from the people below, I wouldn't even know that you came to Shanghai. When I arrived in Shanghai, I would definitely do my best to be a landlord.

I wonder if you have time tonight?"

Hearing Zhuo Rong's voice, Qin Shuhua over there already started talking in a row.

"Uh, I don't have anything to do tonight, and I'm just looking for something to eat. Since Miss Qin intends to invite me, I'm sure I want to reward her.

"That's really great, do you need me to send someone to pick you up?"

"No need for this, just tell me where to go."

Hearing that Zhuo Rong was willing to come over for dinner, Qin Shuhua was also very happy. At the same time, she asked if Zhuo Rong needed someone to pick him up. Naturally, this was unnecessary, so Qin Shuhua exchanged a few words with Zhuo Rong before giving it again. Zhuo Rong sent a location.

"Well, we don't need to go find something to eat in the evening, there is a treat.

Looking at the location of this private restaurant, Zhenrong also talked to Yang Qian.

"Master, your whereabouts must have been leaked by the people at Longteng Jiayuan, do you need us to deal with it?" Compared to eating, Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and Guo Xiang are more concerned about Zhuo Rong's privacy Question, so I asked Zhuo Rong directly.

"No, the Qin family's power in the whole country is not small. Although I have no intention of entering the business world, many friends are better than many enemies. The first stop I went to Longtengjiayuan, I knew

They should tell the people of the Qin family, but I didn't expect Qin Shuhua's response to be so fast. I thought she might not call until tomorrow. "

Looking at the phone playfully, Zhuo Rong waved his hand and started talking nonchalantly.

His base camp is in his own manor. He came here this time to meet those legendary bosses, and also to guide Yang Qian, Yang Sitian, and Guo Xiang.

The three of them will be the ones who come out to run in the future, "and Cha Rong can be lazy to run around.

With this time, he might as well go fishing at home. When it comes to fishing, his hands are a little itchy again. He remembers that here in the capital, it seems that there is a long river out of the sea, and there seem to be some very expensive things here. For the big fish, the protection of the species is another consideration. For example, the Yangtze River knife that has been fried to 4,000 pounds, that is, the long-jawed anchovy, is produced here.

`. I don’t know if there are still any. If you have time, you can go fishing twice, but you have to buy the fishing rod and so on, and it’s very troublesome to take it back. This is a problem. Come fishing again... You can also drive a yacht, it seems that the yacht is not too far away..."

While packing up his things, Zhuo Rong began to study in a low voice.

Soon, after the four of them packed their things, Guo Xiang drove. Zhuo Rong didn't sit in the back this time, but directly sat in the co-pilot's seat. For Guo Xiang, Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and the others Zhuo Rong is very reassured about his driving skills.

Other drivers, if there is any accident, will subconsciously use the co-pilot to block their way, but biochemicals are not subconscious, they will do their best to protect 100% Rong's safety.

Unless they died first, it was impossible for Zhuo Rong to injure a cold hair.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, but it also represents their attitude.

Driving, Zhuo Rong soon arrived at the place where Qin Shuhua was positioned.

This is a small two-story western-style building, just like the ones that appeared in the movies and TV dramas of the previous dynasty. It really looks like a combination of antique and western style. Although there are some conflicts, it is not against harmony, as if it should be here. So average.

In the parking lot of this store, after parking the car, there was already a girl wearing a cheongsam standing in front of Zhuo Rong's car.

After seeing Zhuo Rong's group get off the car, she also nodded respectfully to say hello, and then said to Zhuo Rong very gracefully: "Mr. Zhuo, this way please, Mr. Qin has been waiting for you for a long time! ".

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