My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 111: Possibility Of Cooperation

"Our Qin family's business actually has a wide spread. In addition to the jewelry industry, which is mainly engaged in, real estate, you know, we also operate. In addition, we also have chemical and mechanical production, including automobiles. Dabble."

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Qin Shuhua also briefly explained the power of the Qin family.

In fact, she said this to show off the power of her family.

Tell Zhuo Rong from the side, their Qin family is ~ a huge family.

And after hearing Qin Shuhua's words, Zhuo Rong also asked Xiao Zhuo to search to see if there was anything in these things that could be cooperated.

In fact, he is just fooling around, searching for fun, because he knows that if you surpass others by half a step, you are called a genius, and if you surpass others by one step, you are called a lunatic, and after a thousand years, you don’t know how much you will surpass these people. So these things, Zhuo Rong will not take out, he just search-play.

As a result, this search turned up a lot of things.

But Xiaozhuo also knows that it seems that it is not suitable to take out too many high-tech things at present.

Therefore, all the projects that have been presented are some projects that have the opportunity to cooperate.

For example, in the chemical industry, new materials... Well, this is not something ordinary people can touch, so let's pull it down!

But it's still possible to look into new car batteries.

The batteries used by Zhuo Rong at present are all miniature nuclear fission batteries. This application is definitely not popular, but he can use the original battery of the display.

The original battery is the collective name for the first batch of super batteries from the future about 300 years from now, and 700 years ago. This kind of phone is not small, and one piece must be as big as the mainframe of a current computer, but this battery has several advantages.

One is that it will never burn, and its safety performance is just right.

The second is that there will be no power loss due to weather conditions. This kind of battery was first used to equip the spacecraft, so it must be above 1000 degrees, and there will be no fluctuations above minus 230 degrees.

Third, although the battery is still being charged, its charging speed is extremely fast. It can be charged at a maximum of 300 degrees per hour, and the battery itself has a full capacity of 300 degrees.

Watt hours.

Perhaps it is not clear what it means to say 3000 kWh.

At present, the top-notch products of the brand that can't stop the car on the earth only have 100 kWh of electric energy, and can run five to six hundred kilometers.

With 3,000 kWh of electric energy, it can run at least 15,000 to 6,000 kilometers.

Basically, some people who don't use the car too much, run for a year on a single charge, and there is no problem.

And the most important thing is that the electric company and the like do not need to worry about the electricity bill, how much should be spent on charging or how much to charge, just completely remove the mileage anxiety

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong felt that this could be done.

But he had to think again.

For the rest of the time, Zhuo Rong and Qin Shuhua had a very happy meal.

Satisfied with wine and food, Qin Shuhua also sent Zhuo Rong and the others to the car, watching Zhuo Rong and the others leave just like that, and after Zhuo Rong left, Qin Shuhua's secretary came over.

"Sister Qin (called Mr. Qin when she was outsiders, and Sister Qin when there were no outsiders. Her relationship with Qin Shuhua is indeed very close), this Mr. Zhuo, doesn't seem to be a person worth making friends with."

"Oh? Did you see anything?"

Hearing her secretary's words, Qin Shuhua looked at her playfully.

"Lust, incompetence, slovenliness, freewheeling... On top of that, his business problems are in the hands of his women, and I really feel like he's going to end up with nothing.

Hearing what Qin Shuhua said, the secretary didn't hide anything, and directly expressed his feelings towards Zhuo Rong.

"Hehe, counting these three, he should have thirteen outstanding women. If an outstanding woman follows him, it may be because of their friendship. If two outstanding women follow him, Then it might be for his money, for his reputation...

But if there are thirteen outstanding women following him, it means that he must have some special ability that we don't know about.

Just wait until his fruit arrives, and I'll give you a taste. "

Seeing the secretary's perplexed look, Qin Shuhua smiled, and then walked towards her car.

The dinner with Qin Shuhua tonight was just a very ordinary dinner.

0·seeking flowers·

Zhuo Rong just came up with some ideas, but he didn't put them into practice. We'll talk about the future. The current Qin Shuhua is not worthy of his trust.

After returning to the villa, Zhuo Rong and the others washed up and went to sleep.

In the blink of an eye the next morning, around nine o'clock in the morning, Zhuo Rong took Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and Guo Xiang to Ali's newly built headquarters.

When their car arrived, they saw that there were already people from the Ali Group welcoming them. For Zhuo Rong, the largest natural person shareholder of the Ali Group, these people said that they must not let Zhuo Rong in some trivial matters. Rong is not happy.

So Zhuo Rong is quite happy today.

Including the afternoon, he also met the retired President Ma.

They also talked about equity and company operations.

Zhuo Rong only wants money, and he doesn't want to care about how the company operates. Of course, if Malaysia always wants to buy back the equity, it is also possible. most worried.

Zhuo Rong is very calm, but he doesn't know if Zhuo Rong sells his shares, will the people who come back up again be as calm.

But let him spend money to buy back Zhuo Rong's shares, and he doesn't have so much cash.

After all, although Ali said that he was hit badly, but after all, he is still a super giant with more than 2 trillion soft sister coins, and hundreds of billions of cash, but it is really not that easy to get.

Therefore, President Malaysia can only guarantee that it will definitely make Zhuo Rong's shares more valuable, and ask Zhuo Rong not to sell these shares.

Zhuo Rong still agreed to this. After all, he doesn't lack money or anything. What he lacks now is enough money to guarantee his own influence.

So he also said that the next time the Ali Group tries to die again, then he will really sell the shares, and then the real high price will get it.

As for the current situation where he still retains the equity, Yang Qian, Yang Sitian and Guo Xiang will also come to check and supervise from time to time. He doesn't care about the operation, as long as he doesn't lose his interests, it doesn't matter

After hearing Zhuo Rong's words, the Ali Group people also breathed a sigh of relief.

The biggest trouble seems to them to be solved ten. .

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