"They take care of the house at home, and they take care of me in normal times. Mom, it's not like you haven't eaten the food they cook, and you don't worry about what I eat, you worry about what they eat? They are not hungry. It's on!"

Seeing his mother's appearance, Zhuo Rong rolled his eyes and said.

"You still have the nerve to say that Xiao Min and the others are hard-working children. They don't dislike you for being too old, they don't dislike you for being a playful person, and they follow you wholeheartedly. Don't you talk about building a board at home and confessing to them? Isn't it right to help with housework and cooking at home?

If they don't come back, why are you coming back? The Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed a few days ago, I thought you brought your daughters-in-law back, old man, put the leftover vegetables in the refrigerator, these few dishes are enough!"

With a blank look at Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong's mother spoke directly to Zhuo Rong, and then followed Zhuo Rong's father to the kitchen to collect the leftover dishes.

Looking at the appearance of his parents, Zhuo Rong hesitated to speak, well, it seems that his status in their hearts at this time is indeed not as high as that of Cao Min and the others.

"Yes, I don't have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future."

With a self-deprecating smile, Zhuo Rong walked into the kitchen.

010 "Don't rush to collect things, Dad, Mom, I brought you delicious food, you have to eat it while it's fresh, I'll make it for you!"

"You know how to cook? Xiao Min and the others taught them?"

"No, it was taught by Yuan Tianqing, you will know after a while

Looking at his mother with the look that you will not poison us to death, Zhuo Rong sighed helplessly, hey, he is really a younger brother in my family...

But fortunately, after a while these small tubes were cooked, his father and mother still ate some to save face. I have to say that very few people who eat seafood can stand the deliciousness of the small tubes.

It should be really delicious, especially delicious, especially the fresh one, it is indeed much more delicious than the frozen one...

The old couple basically took one bite at a time, they just needed to take out the transparent bone plate in the middle, otherwise, they probably wouldn't even look at it.

About one hundred small tubes were wiped out by Zhuo Rong's family of three in one lunch.

And Zhuo Rong's mother also ate a lot of the dishes.

After all, these foods are all made of ingredients that Zhuo Rong brought back from the future, and the taste is naturally quite good.

"When will you come back this time? Is there something wrong?"

After eating and drinking, Zhuo Rong helped his mother pack up the things, the family of three also sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV, Zhuo Rong's father also asked Zhuo Rong.

"What? Miss me, so I'll stay at home for a few more days."

Hearing what his father said, Zhuo Rong thought that his parents missed him, and it was true, except for the Mid-Autumn Festival, he has hardly been home recently, and the Mid-Autumn Festival only stayed together for three or four days. , so it doesn't matter if you stay at home for a few days.

"What are you doing staying at home? I mean, if you want to do something, do it quickly, and go back quickly when you're done." Unfortunately, Zhuo Rong's original gratitude for family affection in his heart did not last for three seconds Well, it was broken by his father.

"That is, go back when you have nothing to do. If you bring Xiao Min and the others back to live, you can stay as long as you like. If you come back to live by yourself, then go back quickly." At this time, Zhuo Rong's mother also chimed in.

"No, Dad, Mom, you guys are too double-standard, don't worry, Jia Min and the others won't be hungry." Looking at his father and mother, Zhuo Rong also said a little bit dumbfounded.

"It's not a question of whether you're hungry or not. Let me ask you, Xiaomin, Qiu Xiaoxiao, Yang Tao, Wang Qian, Zhu Xia, aren't they pretty?"

Looking at Zhuo Rong's appearance, Zhuo Rong's mother also lowered her voice and said at this time.

"Pretty!" Of course she is beautiful, these faces are all carefully selected by him, and they are all in line with his aesthetics, in (abci) he will only use faces that look good to him.

So their faces are invincible, their bodies are even more invincible, and their personalities are even more invincible.

If people ask Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong might pretend to be 13 or something, saying that he is face-blind, so he can't recognize whether the other party is pretty...

But when his mother asked him, he still told the truth.

"how about you?"

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Zhuo Rong's mother also looked at him.

"I'm not bad." Touching his chin, feeling the stubble that grew today, Zhuo Rong thought for a while and said.

"You, you are at a pretty good level. You look good among ordinary people, but if you want to say that you are worthy of Jia Min and the others, my child, your looks are indeed a lot worse. It is true that you have some money, but you After all, you are not as rich as a country yet, and there are more people in this world who are richer than you, and now Jia Min and the others follow you, probably because of gratitude, but this kind of feeling will fade."

Looking at Zhuo Rong, Zhuo Rong's mother said worriedly.

Hearing this, Zhuo Rong finally understood what his mother was worried about.

He Zhu and the others were worried that if they were gone, would Jia Min and the others cuckold him? Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing. If he was talking about others, he might not be at ease, but for Jia Min and the others, He is definitely 12,000 rest assured.

"Don't worry, feelings are mutual, I believe in them, and you should also believe in her..." Looking at his parents, Zhuo Rong said seriously.

"Of course we believe in them, they are all good children, but no matter how good they are, if you cherish them, they will go away, and the best treasure is to accompany them, listen to me, we have nothing to do here, you should hurry up after finishing your work Go back, wait for a while to have a holiday, and your dad and I will go to your place to play again."

Interrupting Zhuo Rong's words, Zhuo Rong's mother also made a decision directly.

Well, Zhuo Rong originally thought that he would do his filial piety at home today, and then go to Su Zhibin's side tomorrow, but now it seems that if they don't go by themselves, they can talk about themselves all afternoon.

Seeing this, Zhuo Rong had no choice but to end his time to go home early, and drove directly to Su Zhibin's home after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Zhibin's real estate, there must be at least twenty or thirty in the world, but the place where he lives now is the old house of the Su family, which is where every head of the Su family lives.

If Su Zhibin steps down as the Patriarch of the Su family in the future, he will also move out.

The Su family's compound is not in the suburbs of the city, or in any villa area.

Just in the city center, within the second ring road, is a huge courtyard with an area of ​​almost 30,000 square meters. Of course, it is far worse than the current Zhuo Rong's manor.

But, this is downtown!.

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