"Don't worry, Mr. Zhuo, I will install your plane according to your instructions. When the time comes, I'll ask you to come over for inspection. After everything is fine, just call me the final payment." gone."

After the model is selected, it is natural to add decoration later.

In terms of design, Zhuo Rong doesn't have to worry, because Xiao Zhuo can design a set of interiors for Zhuo Rong at any time that he likes very much.

After sending the interior requirements and decoration situation to Zhou Chengjun, Zhuo Rong also paid 100 million cash as a deposit, and he will pay the rest after the plane is ready.

In this way, after booking the plane, Zhuo Rong also left the airline with Su Zhibin, drove back to Su Zhibin's home.

When he came back, the dinner at Su Zhi's family was naturally going to continue.

Immediately, the two of them began to push the cups and drink.

Of course, they drink mainly to talk about things, to study the sales of Zhuo Rong's fruits and grains after they are planted next year.

So neither of them drank too much, just tasted it.

After drinking until about eight o'clock in the evening, Zhuo Rong also went back to his parents' house.

01 Of course, Su Zhibin sent someone to drive Zhuo Rong back to the car. In fact, according to Su Zhibin, Cao Ya just lived here.

But Zhuo Rong has the habit of taking a bath and changing clothes at night, so he went home anyway.

After he came home, his parents even nagged him a few words, telling him to go home early tomorrow morning, Zhuo Rong was quite speechless about this.

But for him, this is pretty good, besides, he really misses Jia Min and the others after seeing each other for a day.

"Okay, I'll go back after breakfast tomorrow morning."

Looking at the appearance of his parents, Yuan Ye could only speak with a wry smile.

Then I went to take a shower and went to sleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

The next morning, after getting up and having breakfast, I was ready to go home.

What do you think he wants to go home for? That's really not true, but after leaving home for a day, he is really homesick, and it seems that he is getting more and more homebound.

"Okay, mom, I'm leaving first, remember to call me if you have anything to do, after a few days of vacation, will you and my dad come to my house?"

By the time Zhuo Rong finished his breakfast, it was already past nine in the morning.

His father had a shift today, so he had already gone to work in the morning, leaving only Zhuo Rong and his mother staying at home.

While Zhuo Rong was eating, his mother was practicing dance steps in the distant living room.

Old lady, there are not many people who don't like dancing.

"Okay, let's go back quickly. Remember that after you go back, you must help if you can. After a few days of vacation, your father and I will visit our daughters-in-law." Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Rong's mother didn't turn her head. Said.

Hearing what she said, Zhuo Rong also nodded, well, it's not up to me to go.

I can't stay here...

Of course, this was just a joke, when Zhuo Rong left, he was actually quite happy.

After going downstairs, Zhuo Rong got into his car and prepared to go home.

But before Zhuo Rong had gone far, his cell phone rang suddenly, and Zhuo Rong saw that it was not someone else calling, but Sun Qingyuan.

"Hey, Old Sun, why did you think of calling me today?"

Looking at this number, Zhuo Rong also picked up the phone. You must know that Sun Qingyuan is usually very busy at work, so when he usually comes out to play, it is Zhuo Rong, Yuan Tianqing or Yang Sheng Zhang Luo, why did he make a special call today? Are you here?

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, are you home?"

"I'm at my dad's and mom's, and I'm walking back, and I'll be home in a while."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's voice, Sun Qingyuan over there also asked the market. Zhuo Rong also told him about the situation by the way.

"Then don't rush to go back, just come to Lao Yuan directly, I bought a lot of oysters, let's share."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Sun Qingyuan here also laughed and said.

"Oysters? Did you buy them? Where did you get them?"

After hearing Sun Qingyuan's words, Zhuo Rong couldn't help being a little puzzled. Sun Qingyuan's house didn't grow this kind of thing, so where did he get the oysters.

"Hey, you'll know it when you come, so it's a mistake!"

Seeing Zhuo Rong's question, Sun Qingyuan still pretended to be mysterious and said with a smile.

Although he was a little curious about how these oysters came from, Zhuo Rong believed in Sun Qingyuan, so he drove directly to Yuan Tianqing's place.

When he arrived here, he found Yuan Tianqing, Yang Sheng, and Qiangzi were all there.

At this time, in the small courtyard of Yuan Tianqing's house, there must be at least seven or eight sacks of oysters. These oysters are not very big, the largest ones are only seven or eight centimeters in size, and the small ones are only four or five centimeters in size.

At this time, Yuan Tianqing, Yang Sheng, Qiang Zi, and Sun Qingyuan were each sitting on a small stool, eating oysters there. After seeing Zhuo Rong approaching, Yuan Tianqing took a basin for Zhuo Rong, and a Small stool, indicating that Zhuo Rong is also ready to start!

"Why do you have so many baby oysters? Is this for eating, or for something?"

Looking at the oysters in front of him, Zhuo Rong also picked up a bag and tried it. This bag weighed about two hundred catties, but it was really heavy.

"Eat it, dig out the small ones and make oyster sauce, and eat the big ones directly. These things cost ten yuan a sack, and I took pictures of them."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Sun Qingyuan also laughed and said.

"Ten dollars a sack? What the hell?"

Hearing the price, Zhuo Rong was stunned. He took a special look. Although the oysters of 457 are not big, the quality is actually pretty good. Why are they so cheap?

"Hey, this can be regarded as the benefit of being in the system." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Yang Sheng also said with a smile.

Then these people talked about the origin of these oysters to Zhuo Rong.

These oysters are farmed oysters.

Oysters cultivated in China are mainly divided into two types, which differ from north to south.

The oysters cultivated in the north are called long oysters scientifically and Pacific oysters. The most famous oysters of this kind are from Lu province.

It is big, the meat inside is also fat, and it tastes refreshing. It is a must-have delicacy for barbecues.

And there is another kind of oyster, which is the oyster in front of Zhuo Rong now.

Most of the oysters sold now are of this kind of oyster, and it is also this kind of oyster that is used to make oyster sauce. The famous sea oyster fried and sea oyster tofu soup in the southeast coast are also made of this kind of oyster.

This kind of oyster grows small, the individual is not big, and the meat quality is not bad, but the advantage is that the growth speed of this kind of oyster is extremely fast, and the cost of breeding is very low.

So there are quite a few people raising this thing in the southeast coast.


I just came back two days ago, and I have to go to the hospital again, this time I didn’t save the manuscript completely, it’s over……………

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