My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 195: A Different Surprise

One meal, this time it really made the two of them almost unable to move.

But looking at the leftovers on the table, they really want to eat.

Teacher Sun and Teacher Yue are quite satisfied today. Zhuo Rong's house is really full of surprises. They left Zhuo Rong's house again after eating and digesting for about an hour. Let's go around Rong's manor.

But even when it was turning around, Mr. Sun was still eating the fruit, he could really eat it, and he really couldn't stop eating.

While eating, they also looked at these things in Zhuo Rong's house.

Naturally, the first ones to recommend are Grass Sheep, Pine Beast and Snow Drill.

Seriously, they have never seen these sheep, cows, and pigs before, no wonder the taste is so good, and when they turned to the wall and looked at the sea yellow that Zhuo Rong planted here, they also Can't help feeling very emotional.

You must know that this is a real sea yellow seedling. The most important thing is that it does not look too small. Now these trees may not be used to make tables and chairs, but if they are used to car beads, they are enough. Of course, it is impossible for Zhuo Rong to use these sea yellow seedlings to drive beads.

His sea yellow is not the same as the original sea yellow in this world, this is the tree species of the future. It will not take long for these trees to grow, such as Zhuo Rong, so there is no need to kill 623 chickens to get their eggs.

What's more, is Zhuo Rong short of money? At least he doesn't seem to be short of money.

Playing at Zhuo Rong's place until after three o'clock in the afternoon, Teacher Sun and Teacher Yue drove away from Zhuo Rong's house reluctantly. Of course, they also brought a lot of things to the doctor before leaving.

Zhuo Rong is very generous to his friends.

Beef and mutton are given ten catties per person, and fruit and so on are similar, about ten catties per person. Of course, the most important thing is three fish, a total of 4.5 million.

After they left, Yuan Tianqing and the others also went back, and Zhuo Rong also bought three fish outside to make up for the three fish.

Then just live his little life. For Zhuo Rong, there is really nothing now that can affect his life.

Not to mention Zhuo Rong's side, Teacher Yue and Teacher Sun over there drove back to the hotel, and they immediately started packing.

Three fish sticks, of course, I went directly to the courier company to consign them. I sent them tonight, and they should arrive home tomorrow. It shouldn’t be a big problem to get them with pressurized and oxygenated things.

As for what they ate, they took it with them.

Originally, they planned to stay here for one more night (abej), but they checked out after 5:00 pm, bought air tickets and went back to the capital directly.

When Mr. Yue and Mr. Sun returned home in the car, to be honest, everyone in their family was a little shocked and puzzled, because didn't they say they would come back after a while?

Come back in such a hurry, is there something wrong?

But when they took out the fruits and meat, the eyes of the people in their family became confused, because of some fruits and meat, they even flew there specially.

And looking at the appearance of these people in their family, Teacher Yue and Teacher Sun turned their lips almost at the same time, whether it is worth it, you will know if you try it!

"Oh my god, what is this, why is it so delicious!"

"Okay, old grandson, where did you get this?"

"Dad, this fruit is delicious, is there any more?"

"Husband, this meat is so good, no wonder you made a special trip, it's just too little, why don't you buy more?"

As the meals of the two families were ready, the whole family became lively all of a sudden.

I have to say that even the most provocative food critics will not be able to find fault with Zhuo Rong's future food. As long as it is cooked and not burnt or mushy, then this food is delicious. It is the magical use of top ingredients.

Seeing how shocked the people in their home were, Teacher Sun and Teacher Yue felt that it was worthwhile for them to come back in such a hurry, and completely forgot what they were doing in Zhuo Rong's house.

Tonight, for the families of Mr. Yue and Mr. Sun, it is still very harmonious.

For them, the food tonight is really great.

But it is not so easy to get more.

The next day, Teacher Yue and Teacher Sun waited at home for a whole day, just waiting for the courier to arrive. At noon, the courier finally arrived. When they saw that there was nothing wrong with the fish they ordered, they were relieved .

Then Mr. Sun settled his fish at his home first, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took the bag and went to Mr. Yu's house.

And Mr. Yue went directly to Mr. Guo's house after the fish arrived.

Teachers Guo and Yu are fine today, especially Teacher Yu, after hearing that Teacher Sun said he was going to send fish, he waited at home early in the morning, preparing the fish tank.

When they saw the fish from Zhuo Rong's family, even if Mr. Guo didn't know much about fish, he could tell that the fish was definitely top-notch.

Regardless of its body shape, size, and arrangement of scales, it can be said to be impeccable.

Teacher Yu was even happier, and immediately began to take pictures frantically.

But what they didn't know was that these two didn't bring them the real good things, those fruits and meat, because those things were so rare.

Of course, if there is a chance in the future, they would not mind taking them to play in Zhuo Rong's house. There are so many good things in Zhuo Rong's house!

As for whether Zhuo Rong will agree, they are quite confident. Basically, as long as Zhuo Rong is not provoked, Zhuo Rong is quite easy to talk to, and he does not have the sharp sense of a young entrepreneur.

The reason why Zhuo Rong does not have such a sharp feeling is actually mainly related to his previous life and his current life policy.

If Zhuo Rong was a rich second generation, or a person who had studied very well since he was a child, maybe he would be very sharp, because he knows that he has the ability to be sharp.

The former has money in his family, while the latter means that he can earn more money. This is also the reason why most geniuses are very lonely.

But Zhuo Rong was not a rich second generation, nor was he a particularly good student.

In addition, after graduating from university, the society has already smoothed his rough edges for so many years, so after he got the system, he didn't think that relying on this system

Dominate the king, or change the social process of human beings.

What he was thinking about was how to make himself comfortable. Under such circumstances, it would be a ghost if he had horns, but now he has already gone to sea. Today's weather is good and suitable for fishing, so he started to go fishing early in the morning. They left with Yuan Tianqing.


The last one has been saved. I asked my friend to buy me medicine from outside. I finally got it in. After taking it, I don’t know how it works. I don’t dare to say if there will be an update tomorrow. It depends on the situation. I am speechless. …

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