Sixteen people, driving four cars, seemed to be quite grandiose. Following Zhuo Rong, they decided to go out to play today.

They hurriedly finished their breakfast, and then drove away together.

Only the pets in that room were left to be monitored by Xiao Zhuo.

As they drove out, the weather outside also improved slightly.

The original heavy rain turned into light rain at this time, but it seemed that the cold wind was even stronger.

Don't look at Zhuo Rong who just drove downstairs and came into contact with the cold wind for a short while, but he still shivered from the cold.

But after getting into the car, the car automatically turned on the air conditioner and circulation, and this feeling disappeared. Driving the car, Zhuo Rong and others quickly went to the city and found a shopping mall.

To be honest, when Zhuo Rong and his group entered this shopping plaza, it became the most dazzling scenery in this shopping plaza. Of course, this scenery mainly refers to Zhuo Rong

When fifteen beauties surrounded Zhuo Rong, booing and inquiring, buying some snacks and feeding them to Zhuo Rong with their own hands from time to time, it was as if they were feeding dog food to men all over the world.

Even those who have girlfriends are extremely unbalanced in their hearts.

After all, I am only one, but the other guy has fifteen, fifteen, and they are all so beautiful and have such a good figure... Too, because it makes people angry!

Ignoring the envious eyes of these people, Zhuo Rong and the others first went to the game hall of the shopping plaza to play around.

I still remember that Zhuo Rong liked to play in such a game hall when he was in elementary school.

They also wanted to go to Internet cafes, but the Internet cafes were strictly censored at that time, especially after they had to use their ID cards to turn on the machines, it was difficult to go, so they also went to the game hall.

But what kind of King of Fighters did they play at that time? Although 97 was still a classic at that time, it seemed that they played more like 2002.

However, in the current game hall, there are almost no people playing these games.

In the current game hall, there are basically six kinds of games. The most popular game is the game of pushing coins. However, what is released is not coins, but tickets. These tickets can be exchanged for prizes, followed by claw machines. , some caught, and some were exchanged for game clearance.

There are also shooting machines, there are four in the distance, and there are many people playing.

There is also the kind of game that shoots to pass the level, and many people play it.

There is also racing, whether it is a car or a motorcycle, and some people play it.

Of course, there are also dance machines occupied by a few young ladies all the year round, recording videos there.

To be honest, when Zhuo Rong used to look at his phone at night, he would watch the dancing videos of these young girls, but only on his phone, because when you see these internet celebrities in real life After what it looks like under the real filter, you are not interested.

(The author has personal experience. There is an Internet celebrity company outside the author’s wife’s community. Every day, many girls shoot videos there, dancing, riding motorcycles, street photography, etc., and each one is long. ....It is quite exaggerated. At first glance, there is no one over 1.6 meters, but in the lens, it is at least 1.7 meters

The white socks, which are half-length below the knee, strangle the calf like a sausage, but once it is stretched to a certain extent, it really looks good, and the Internet celebrity will be disillusioned without the mobile phone. )

These girls dancing on the dancing machine today, um, how should I put it? Standard internet celebrities.

So before Zhuo Rong and the others came, they were quite concerned.

But when Zhuo Rong and the others came, even their film crew couldn't help but look at Jia Min and the others, but Jia Min and the others, except for Zhuo Rong, were not fake, no matter men or women, let alone Picked up a conversation, asked no questions......

After playing in the game hall for a whole morning, Zhuo Rong and the others got nothing else but a lot of dolls. After all, for their reaction nerves, it is really not difficult to break through the barriers, traps, and the like. , Of course, only this is not difficult.

After throwing these dolls into the trunk of the car, Zhuo Rong and the others went up to eat again, this time they chose a barbecue restaurant.

Generally speaking, girls like to eat barbecue, but they don't like to eat barbecue.

Because the barbecue is too oily and the taste is too strong, many girls, although they like to eat, don't like to go to the barbecue restaurant. But Cao Min and the others are not so entangled anymore.

For them, what Zhuo Rong likes to eat is the most important thing, they don't care.

After eating the barbecue, Zhuo Rong and the others went to the movies again. Good guy, there are sixteen of them, occupying the two rows in the middle.

The movies they watched were not like the romantic movies they usually watch on a date, but the recent popular war movies. After watching, apart from Zhuo Rong being a little moved, Jia Min and the others really I don't feel anything.....

Presumably, they are cyborgs, and they come from a thousand years later.

If you tell them about the Battle of the Founding of the Nation, they will only understand if they understand it.

They only know that in their hearts, Zhuo Rong's position is more important than anything else, including this court, this country, and even this world!

If there is a button in front of them, pressing it can save Rong Rong, but it will kill 7.7 billion people in the world, including themselves, then they will press it without any hesitation, after all, the priority of the master But the highest.

After watching the movie, Zhuo Rong took them to play the recently popular script Killing.

In fact, the last time Zhuo Rong paid attention to this store, he remembered that it was still an escape room. I don’t know when it started. The script killing is more popular than the escape room.

But playing script killing is obviously mainly to see whether Zhuo Rong's brain can turn around. After all, Jia Min and the others are logic geniuses. "It is almost impossible to confuse them.

They will observe any clues (Nuo Lihao), so basically in this game, when everyone does not use the microcomputer, it is to see if the choice of Huo Rong is right, and other people will not be wrong. To be honest, Zhuo Rong has no gaming experience.

But Zhuo Rong was very happy.

In the evening, he took fifteen more girls to the restaurant where he ate sheep and scorpions that day, but this time he went to the hot pot restaurant next door, and he also specially called his parents to have a family together , had a nice dinner.

Zhuo Rong was happy, Zhuo Rong's parents were even happier, and Jia Min and the others, Zhuo Rong was happy, they were happy too, and the day passed happily.

After sending Zhuo Rong's father home who had drunk too much, Zhuo Rong and the others went back to the manor directly, washed up, and lay on the bed. Not long after, Zhuo Rong fell into dream Z.

Looking at Zhuo Rong's smile in his sleep, Jia Min and the others sighed. .

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