My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 222: How To Deal With It?

"Okay, brother, buy a pack of cigarettes for the extra fifty.

Brother Hou is not very familiar with the two brothers who caught the hornets, they both introduced each other, so he didn't intend to keep the other party for dinner, but directly took out his mobile phone and transferred 350 to the other party. It's normal to give more.

When the other party saw that brother Hou was so sensible, they were embarrassed to say anything, and instead helped to divide the hornets.

Zhuo Rong didn't really want it at first, he just came here to watch the fun, and by the way, he asked Brother Hou to treat him to a meal, even if it was repaying the favor from last time, but Brother Hou insisted on stuffing Zhuo Rong with two catties of hornets, Zhuo Rong can't do without it.

And Yuan Tianqing also advised Zhuo Rong to keep the hornet away.

"But what should I do with this game?"

Seeing the wasp thrown into the trunk, Zhuo Rong couldn't help scratching his head, and asked with a "four-nine-zero" confusion, what should he do with this game?

"Bubbling wine, this is a good thing. I drank baijiu at your place, and it tasted very good. Just use that wine to soak, and then add some medicinal materials. This thing is a great tonic.

Hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing also started talking with a smile.

"Do you want to make wine?" Hearing what Yuan Tianqing said, Zhuo Rong also looked at these hornets, and had no choice but to take them back to make wine.

Now the wasp Hou Ge gave to Zhuo Rong is a hornet called Hornet.

This wasp is very large and very poisonous, but the most striking thing is its big head, otherwise it would not be called a hornet.

This kind of wasp is only found in Asia, but there are not many of them, so it is very dangerous.

Is this thing reliable for making wine? What about others? Zhuo Rong doesn't know, he is a little apprehensive.

But now is not the time to think about these things, because Brother Hou has already made arrangements to go to eat, but it is not a restaurant, but Brother Hou's home.

The layout of Brother Hou's house is similar to that of Yuan Tianqing's house, but it can be seen that it is older. Brother Hou is already married. There is a wife and two children in the house. The eldest is a daughter who is already in high school. Yes, the second child is a boy, also in junior high school.

At this time, the two children were not at home, and the sister-in-law was cooking at home.

But it can be seen that Brother Hou is not very confident in his sister-in-law's craftsmanship.

What my sister-in-law cooks is basically some small dishes, such as plain cucumbers, fried peanuts, shredded potatoes, and a pot of boiled edamame. The main dishes are all bought.

A large pot of boiled pork slices, a large plate of pork ribs in a pressure cooker, a large plate of stir-fried beef with parsley, small farm fried pork, Hang pepper beef tenderloin, mutton vermicelli soup, basically all meat......

Thinking about it, a professional fisherman like Brother Hou is already tired of eating fish.

So I usually prefer to eat meat at home instead of seafood.

While waiting for the food to be delivered, they didn't stay idle, but opened the hive, blanched the living bee chrysalis inside, and then fried them.

Not to mention, this thing smells so good, it's really delicious, but Zhuo Rong really didn't dare to eat it, as I said before, he's really afraid of bugs.

But these are minor problems. After the fried bee chrysalis was served, all the dishes ordered there were also ready, and then it was time to eat.

Although it was said that Zhuo Rong came by car, he couldn't come here without drinking, and he didn't struggle. Anyway, he could ask Jia Min and the others to pick him up later, and it wouldn't be a big problem.

So when the beer was opened, they were not very acquainted at first, but they quickly became acquainted.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the drinking party broke up, and Zhuo Rong also asked Jia Min and Zhu Xia to drive a car to pick him up. Of course, he also brought Yuan Tianqing and Qiang Zi home while picking him up.

As for their car, just throw it at Brother Hou. When Brother Hou wakes up tomorrow, he will drive it back to them when they go out to sea, and then send it to Brother Hou when they come back. This does not exist. what is the problem.

After throwing Yuan Tianqing and Qiangzi back home.

Zhuo Rong also returned home in the car, but he was going home. Looking at the two-pound wasp in the car, he was still a little entangled.

"Have you ever had a drink?"

Scratching his head, Zhuo Rong looked at Jia Min and asked.

"No..." Looking at these hornets, Jia Min and the others were not afraid, but they really didn't seem to be very good at this game.

"Otherwise, I'll just play with it." Holding the mobile phone, I searched the Internet for the things needed to make wine, as well as some medicinal materials, and found that these things are also varied. If this is the case, then go blind yourself. Clubbing.

He remembered that when he and his dad went to visit when he was young, many families would have a huge wine tank, some made snakes, some made lizards.

However, Zhuo Rong didn't plan to brew these things. Now that there is a hornet, he can study some other medicinal materials.

"Bingtang and jujube are definitely necessary, and then we need to buy medicinal materials, and see if there are any interesting responses after a thousand years."

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong also opened up the future platform and began to study it.

As a result, it seems that the future of Chinese medicine should not be lost, because there are still medicinal materials such as ginseng and cordyceps sold online.

And according to the future website, because the science of the future has broken the relationship between the genetic wall, so although the ginseng on their side is said to sell a lot, the actual medicinal effect is better than the real wild ginseng .

For example, the medicinal efficacy of common 10-year-old wild ginseng is 1, and the medicinal efficacy of 10-year-old understory ginseng is 0.7. What? Garden ginseng? It should be radish...

No, garden ginseng is actually not as good as radishes, radishes can also make you feel better. Apart from making people angry, this thing has no use.

As for the future understory ginseng, because it breaks the relationship between the genome, the efficacy can reach 2.1, which is more than twice that of common 10-year-old wild ginseng, and this efficacy will continue to increase as the breeding time increases.

Compared with the 10-year-old wild ginseng, the century-old wild ginseng has a medicinal effect of 5-1, which is five times that of ordinary 10-year-old wild ginseng, while 30-year-old ginseng can reach 2.7. this value.

In the future, the 100-year-old forest ginseng can even achieve the medicinal effect of the 1000-year-old wild ginseng.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to sell this product after buying it, because the age is not enough, even if the medicine is effective, no one will buy this thing, but Zhuo Rong bubble wine does not matter.

Thirty-year-old ginseng will sell for 5,000 yuan a catty in the future, so buy two catties first.

Cordyceps sinensis has also overcome the problem of breeding in the future.

The efficacy of the medicine is no different from that of wild ones, because this stuff is originally only rare, not something from last year, as long as it is imitation wild, it is no different from wild ones.

This game should be the kind of 1 stick and 1 gram in the future. It costs 1000 yuan per kilogram. You can buy a little more of this. It is also good to prepare some for your father. Let’s start with ten kilograms...

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