It took two days to brew the wine. After Zhuo Rong finished brewing the wine, the typhoon that lasted for almost a week finally passed.

And counting the time, it was already November, and Zhuo Rong was going to go to sea again, but this time, he was going to go directly to the sea.

Counting it, he hasn't been to the sea for a long time, and now that he thinks about it, he really misses those groupers.

Zhuo Rong usually had nothing to do, so he decided to go to the sea, so he just went directly. The next morning, Zhuo Rong woke up at six o'clock in the morning.

After finishing his breakfast, he drove straight to the old yard and did not go there.

It was He Li Ke who went to the sea with him today.

After getting on the boat, Guo Xiang went to sail the boat, and Zhuo Rong and Li Ke also untied the boat rope tied to the old pier, and prepared to go into the boat cabin to have a rest.


But just when the boat was about to move, but before it moved, a shark fin suddenly rose from the sea in the distance.

"Wait a minute.....…."

Seeing this thing, Zhuo Rong who was about to leave couldn't help but stop, and looked into the sea with some doubts, because this shark fin seemed familiar to him.

As Zhuo Rong stopped, the shark fin also quickly swam to Zhuo Rong's side.

And when the shark swam over, Zhuo Rong also recognized who this guy was.

Yes, this guy is really an old acquaintance of Zhuo Rong, that tiger shark he has encountered three times, Zhuo Rong originally thought that after saving it for the third time, it should have gone to the open sea, but no Knowing what was going on, he came back with his own boat.

"Master, maybe it came back to repay its kindness." Looking at this shark, Li Ke obviously knew it too, so he also squatted down, looking at the guy who stopped after swimming to the side of the boat, and looked at the shark. It came out, it knew Zhuo Rong and knew Zhuo Rong's boat.

"You bastard, are you really guarding my sea area?" Looking at the tiger shark swimming in the sea at this time, Zhuo Rong also stretched out his hand and smacked its big head.

Did it hear Zhuo Rong's words? Zhuo Rong didn't know clearly, but it did respond to Zhuo Rong patting his body. Zhuo Rong couldn't help laughing at the guy's appearance.

I bought five catties of beef from the future and put it in the water.

Sensing Zhuo Rong's movements, the tiger shark also turned its head. After seeing that it was for food, it bit the beef with one bite, and bit it into its mouth with a flick of its head.

Then it didn't go away, just circling around here with the beef in its mouth.

"That's pretty good. After all, the defense capability on the sea is not strong, and it can also resist some troubles with it." "Looking at the movement of this tiger shark, Li Ke here also said with a smile.

"Well, as long as you feel fine!"

Although I don't know how long this tiger shark will stay here, there is nothing wrong with having it here to watch.

"Master, don't you want to give it a name?"

I have to say that, including Jia Min, they actually like Zhuo Rong to name things, but they can't name them, so they like to watch Zhuo Rong get up.

If it weren't for what Zhuo Rong said, if the ingredients were named, they would have feelings and it would be difficult to eat them. They all wished that Zhuo Rong would name the thousand sheep, hundred cows and pigs in the family.

"Tiger shark, isn't the scientific name called weasel shark...then it's dozen seven."

Hearing what Li Ke said, Zhuo Rong has already gotten used to it, and now he doesn't think too much about his name, he basically just says whatever comes to mind.

Tiger shark, the scientific name is weasel shark, weasel, the most famous one should be one dozen seven, so there is nothing wrong with calling it this name.

"One dozen seven, well, remember, from now on you will be called one dozen seven." Repeating Zhuo Rong's words, Li Ke here also yelled at the tiger shark that was still swimming in the distance

At this time, Guo Xiang also sent news that the ship was ready to start.

Then Zhuo Rong's boat sailed directly towards the open sea. As for the newly named Yi Da Qi, it is still wandering in this sea area. It is not known whether it really wants to repay its favor here, or regard it as its own territory.

But anyway, Zhuo Rong doesn't care about these small problems.

For him, having a tiger shark guarding him at the pier is indeed a matter of high safety factor.

Although the security system of the ship controlled by Xiao Zhuo can basically monitor everything here, but prevention and control are two different things!

Following Zhuo Rong's boat, they sailed out of the old pier, and soon they drove out of the nearby area with boats. When there were no people around and no boats, Xiao Zhuo began to hide their advance "Then this The speed of the ship is also increasing rapidly.

Originally, it would take at least a few hours to drive from here to the open sea.

In Zhuo Rong's case, it turned into about two hours.

Just after nine o'clock, Zhuo Rong had already come to the open sea. According to the coordinates given to him by Kangle, Zhuo Rong came to the top of a rocky area.

Speaking of happiness, this kid has been really miserable recently.

Ever since he failed to cheat Rong Rong, his luck seems to have been going against him.

A while ago, I heard from Yuan Tianqing that the machine malfunctioned first, and the boat crashed into a fishing raft. Not only did it cost a lot of money to repair the boat, but he also lost the owner of the raft's red fish in a cage.

Later, in order to make money, this boy went fishing in the open sea when the typhoon had not completely passed. As a result, the waves were too big and the boat capsized all of a sudden.

Fortunately, he went fishing in the open sea with others. Besides him, there was another boat. No one was injured, and the boat did not sink. Instead, it capsized again. broken.

To replace it with a new one would cost hundreds of thousands at least.

But if you don’t replace it with a new one, his boat will be considered useless, because to go to the open sea, such as sonar, satellite image (with good money), and satellite phone are necessary, otherwise, if you go to the open sea, you will be blind. Don't talk about fishing, you may not be able to come back.

But this time he has no money at all, so he has been trying to sell the boat recently.

Yuan Tianqing told Zhuo Rong about this, because he was thinking about whether to sell Kangle's boat, but Zhuo Rong told him not to. If Yuan Tianqing wants to buy a new boat, if the money is not enough, Zhuo Rong can lend it to him. The boat of Kangle does not say that it is bad or bad.

It would be inappropriate to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to replace these new things.

So after hearing Zhuo Rong's words, Yuan Tianqing didn't buy it, but he always wanted to change the boat, and Zhuo Rong was not trying to be polite to him.

If he really wanted to borrow money from Zhuo Rong to buy a new boat, Zhuo Rong would definitely lend it to him.

This is different from brotherly loyalty and the like, just because of the wealth he created for Zhuo Rong, it is absolutely impossible for Zhuo Rong to be so stingy!

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