My Online Shopping Platform Leads To The Future

Chapter 228: A Ship Calls For Help

After a hot pot meal, Zhuo Rong's body felt warm after eating too.

"Taking advantage of the fine weather in the afternoon, let's go fishing for a while."

Looking at the time, it was just past one o'clock, not too late, so Zhuo Rong reopened the live broadcast room and started fishing outside.

But as the old saying goes, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Don't get me wrong, nothing happened to Zhuo Rong's side, but it started to rain here. It's like this on the sea, and you don't know which cloud has rain.

"It's over. I just fished for more than an hour, and it started to rain. I guess no fish have opened their mouths. So let's do this today. The fish I caught just now will be uploaded directly to the Internet. Everyone, it's down!"

Looking at the clouds floating over in the distance, Zhuo Rong can't say that the sea is not safe when it's raining.

After all, this is a ship a thousand years later, and it can fly, so according to the understanding of people a thousand years later, let alone rain, even typhoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes are actually harmful to this yacht. Nothing threatening.

But Zhuo 01 Rong didn't want to be so conspicuous, so when he saw the rain coming, he directly said that the fish didn't talk, and this reason was the best reason for the broadcast.

Sure enough, after hearing what Zhuo Rong said, these people stopped talking about letting Zhuo Rong stay here for a while, and persuaded him to download the broadcast.

And Zhuo Rong was not polite, and after talking to the people in the live broadcast room, he stopped the broadcast.

Then he packed up his things and drove towards home quickly.

The cloud wasn't that big at first, so Zhuo Rong quickly drove out of the range of the cloud, but since he was ready to go home, Zhuo Rong didn't worry anymore.

Besides, today's harvest is still very good.

Fishing yellow fin tuna, more than 6 million were caught.

In addition to the oil cones he caught at the beginning, in the next hour or so, he caught a red spot, two blue spots weighing more than ten kilograms, and three big red snappers. Add more, add more, and earn more than 7 million

At this time, Zhuo Rong already has more than 80 million deposits among future platform buyers.

According to Zhuo Rong's calculations, about 20 million yuan will be enough for farming next year, and there will be more than 80 million yuan, so he doesn't feel any urgency now.

Sitting in the boat, Zhuo Rong and his party quickly approached the waters of our country, but at this time, their speed also slowly slowed down.

Because the sea has already opened at this time, there are still a lot of fishing boats on the offshore side, so be careful, and besides, Zhuo Rong doesn't particularly care about such a short time

But shortly after he sailed into our country's waters, he suddenly received a radio.

"This is Long Yuan, this is Long Yuan, nearby ships please answer!"

"Xiao Zhuo, what's the situation?"

Hearing this information, Zhuo Rong asked Xiao Zhuo with some doubts.

"This is the signal of the public channel. Generally, a ship will call this when it is in trouble, so that nearby ships can hear it." Hearing Zhuo Rong's question, Xiao Zhuo immediately replied.

"Oh? Is there any trouble with the ship? What's the situation with the Long Yuan? Do you know if the people on this ship are really in trouble, or is there some kind of trap?"

Listening to Xiao Zhuo's explanation, Zhuo Rong frowned. He must be cautious, so he didn't act like a bad person and asked the other party what trouble he had. Instead, he asked Xiao Zhuo to check first, and Xiao Zhuo Zhuo checked and found that there was nothing wrong with the ship.

This boat is the boat in the city where Zhuo Rong and the others are located. It is just a fishing trawler. This kind of large fishing boat usually goes to and from a large pier, which is on the outskirts of the city, so it should be that Zhuo Rong didn't know it before.

There is nothing wrong with the captain or the ship. The only problem is that the ship is a bit old. If you call now, it is very likely that there is something wrong with the engine, and the satellite phone can’t get through. He would call with a signal without a channel, and to make sure there was nothing wrong, Zhuo Rong also picked up the walkie-talkie.

"This is Dream Princess, it's near you, please answer if you have anything."

"Great, I finally got a response. I thought it might take a while. It's like this. Brother, we are now in XXX, XXX. There is a problem with the power of the ship's engine and we can't move. The satellite equipment on the ship is due to the previous The relationship between the typhoon was damaged for a while [Please help me to report to the marine police. M

Hearing Zhuo Rong's voice, the people on Longyuan immediately talked to Zhuo Rong.

Hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Rong naturally had no problem, picked up the satellite phone and called the marine police, and then he also drove towards that coordinate to see if there was any shortage of fresh water on board.

As his boat slowly moved towards this side, a big boat gradually appeared in his sight. This boat should be a million-level trawler

It looked really big, when Zhuo Rong saw it, the people on board also saw Zhuo Rong, and couldn't help waving their hands.

After Zhuo Rong's boat approached, a soft ladder had been placed here, and Zhuo Rong also boarded the boat along the ladder, and when he arrived on the boat, all the people on the boat surrounded him

Don't get me wrong, these people are not trying to harm Zhuo Rong or anything, they are just a little anxious, because their ship has actually been here for a day

They actually went out before the typhoon. The fishing trawler was different from ordinary fishing boats. They didn't go out on the same day and returned on the same day. Originally, according to their plan, they were going to go around Southeast Asia, and the time was about half a month.

Everything was fine at first, but when returning to the voyage, due to the deviation of the typhoon, they drove for a period of time in the typhoon, and then avoided a port for a few days.

And it was during the driving time that their satellite phone 653 was damaged, and it finally broke when they were walking back, and there was no place to repair it at sea, so they could only bite the bullet and continue walking this way, and it turned out to be a mess. It's off the coast, and the boat is broken.

Originally, their ship broke down here, so they should be discovered soon, but the problem is that they are also a little bit behind...

These two days the weather was not good and the tide was not good, so there were no fishing boats coming this way, so they waited at sea for a whole day. "Che Rong was the first person to receive their letter.

"Don't worry, I've finished reporting to the Coast Guard, and I should be here in a while. I'm here to see if you are short of fresh water or something."

Looking at the anxious eyes of these people, Zhuo Rong also smiled, saying that he had already called the police, and hearing what Zhuo Rong said, these people were relieved.

"Oh, thank you very much, we still have fresh water here, so don't worry, you are going out to play?" Looking at Zhuo Rong, the boat boss with his heart in his stomach also looked at Zhuo Rong happily Asked, after all, Zhuo Rong's yacht is expensive to build.

"Uh, it doesn't count, I'm also out fishing."

Touching Cao Mo's head, it really doesn't look like a fisherman in the traditional sense.

"Hey, it just so happens that we still have a lot of good things in the living warehouse here. Come and take a look and take some back, otherwise we don't know how to thank you." Hearing that Huo Rong is also here for fishing, here The boss of the boat also warmly introduced to Zhuo Rong. .

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