"Farming and animal husbandry?"

Hearing Xiao Zhuo's words, Zhuo Rong also asked in doubt.

"Yes, agricultural property. After testing, I found that in the world where the owner lives, the food eaten is worse than the food in my memory, both in terms of taste and nutritional value, and the agricultural and animal husbandry Explanations can be found from the aspects of climate, water and soil, and will not attract too much attention."

Hearing Zhuo Rong's doubtful words, Xiao Zhuo also said seriously.

"I don't understand one thing. Why do they still buy my fish if your food is better than ours?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Zhuo Rong became a little dissatisfied, and continued to ask Xiao Zhuo.

"There is not much difference in taste between eggs and native eggs, and native eggs are born by native chickens. The food that native chickens eat every day is mainly insects and grass seeds, which lack mineral components. , the daily feed is scientifically proportioned, so the eggs of laying hens are actually more balanced in nutrition than native eggs, but humans still prefer to spend more expensive money to buy native eggs. Our AI cannot understand this approach."

Hearing what Zhuo Rong said, Xiao Zhuo here also started to explain.

Hearing what Xiao Zhuo said, Zhuo Rong was indeed a little embarrassed.

Well, as the old saying goes, rare things are more expensive, let alone the problem of eggs and native eggs, let’s talk about the problem of large yellow croakers with a bigger price difference.

The farmed large yellow croaker costs tens of dollars per catty, and the wild large yellow croaker costs several hundred dollars per catty. Take the cheapest one that weighs about one catty as an example. The wild large yellow croaker is at least twenty times that of the farmed large yellow croaker. Some UP masters have made comparison videos.

It turned out that, overturned, there was little difference between the two.

Whether it is the taste or the taste, there is not much difference, at least there is no difference in the price of 20 yuan, but the supply of wild large yellow croakers is still in short supply, and the price is rising steadily.

As for the farmed large yellow croaker, almost no one pays attention to it.

This is the reality. Sometimes, the most difficult thing to figure out is the human heart.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Rong didn't argue with Xiao Zhuo anymore, and he couldn't argue with an AI. It said the food was delicious, so he just bought it and tasted it.

Anyway, Zhuo Rong is not without money now, the hundreds of thousands of fish selling money is basically enough to buy food, everything is enough.

I glanced at the food section of the website, rice. Zhuo Rong bought a bag of five kilograms. According to the package, this rice was actually produced on Mars. After humans colonized Mars, because the land on Mars was relatively barren, I deliberately A type of rice developed.

The rice grows in the ground and grows richer and more fertile with little human intervention.

However, the yield of this kind of rice is not as high as that of the highest one. The yield of one mu of land is only five tons, but the taste is said to be better.

A bag of five kilograms sells for 32 yuan.

Then Zhuo Rong bought some of the best pork, some of the best beef, the best chicken, eggs, and then bought a lot of fruit, watermelon, cherries, peaches, apples, oranges, tangerines, grapes, etc. etc……

As Zhuo Rong clicked buy, the transaction was completed, and the food he bought appeared on his bed in an instant. Looking at the food, Zhuo Rong couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Let's talk about the appearance first. The appearance of these fruits, meat, and rice is quite good.

The rice, one by one, has distinct grains, and there is almost no broken rice. It looks like small works of art, and it is really beautiful.

As for the pork, Zhuo Rong bought tenderloin because he doesn't like to eat fatty meat. The meat is bright red and has a particularly beautiful texture.

But speaking of beauty, the most beautiful thing is the beef over there.

The beef bought by Zhuo Rong is the better one sold in this store. The eye meat is 25 catties, and Zhuo Rong bought two catties. According to the store, this beef is best used for frying steaks.

Because the marble pattern on the eye meat is very beautiful.

Even Zhuo Rong asked Xiao Zhuo to look for 5A-level and beef eye meat on the Internet to compare, and it seems that they are not as good-looking as these meats.

As for the fruit, it is even more exaggerated.

Those cherries are as big as a baby's fist. The ones Zhuo Rong bought here are medium, large, even about the size of modern oranges.

The grapes grow like the Qingwang sold now, but with more, bigger and fuller grapes.

The other fruits, when taken out, have a strong fruity aroma. Although they haven't eaten yet, it can be seen that the fruits after a thousand years are indeed bigger and more beautiful.

I don't know about the color, aroma, and taste, but the color and aroma are absolutely top-notch.

The only thing that hasn't changed much is the watermelon, which is still the same as now, five catties a piece.

It happened that it was past five o'clock in the evening when he came back, and with the addition of fish sales and body modification, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and Zhuo Rong was already hungry.

So Zhuo Rong picked up these things and went to the kitchen.

The house Zhuo Rong lives in is a rented house.

His family is in this city, and the reason why he rented this house was because his home was too far away from his place of work, and his income was good, so he rented a house by himself.

This house has a kitchen, but the house has been rented for nearly five years, and Zhuo Rong doesn't use the kitchen very often, except that his mother would come over to cook for him occasionally.

But that doesn't mean Zhuo Rong can't do it.

Cook the rice first, and when he poured the rice into his rice jar, Zhuo Rong could smell a particularly fragrant rice fragrance, and this rice fragrance, when he started to wash the rice, the smell became more intense. After the rice is plugged in, it is done.

Zhuo Rong also first cut the beef into 1 cm wide steaks, and then marinated them with black pepper. He will prepare to fry the steaks later, then cut them into strips, and eat them on top of the rice.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhuo Rong also started to make fruits. First, he soaked the grapes and cherries, ready to eat after dinner, and then picked up the knife and cut the watermelon.

Ever seen a watermelon painted by Italian artist Giovanni Stanchi in 1672?

The watermelon is actually constantly evolving, so don't believe in those jokes in the time-travel novels where the hero goes to ancient times to steal watermelons to eat.

The watermelon at that time was really not tasty.

Taking the current watermelon to ancient times is a miracle, and when Zhuo Rong cut the watermelon, well, this watermelon is also a miracle now!

This watermelon is a real seedless watermelon, and the current seedless watermelon still has that kind of white seed, which is an unsuccessful false seed skin, but in this watermelon, there is no such thing.

At the same time, the watermelon rind was as thin as a human fingernail, when it was opened, the strong scent of watermelon inside rushed straight into Huo Rong's mind.

Smelling the smell, Zhuo Rong swallowed subconsciously, then picked up the spoon next to him, he couldn't wait to start!

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