"Is this shocking? If you knew that Jia Min wanted to find me for another 20 years, you wouldn't have passed in shock? Well, it's not a big deal, and there may be more in the future. Let me introduce you one time!"

Looking at the shocked Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang, Zhuo Rong also smiled, and led them to the kitchen.

"This is Yang Qian, this is Yang Sitian, this is Guo Xiang, this is Yang Wu, this is Cheng Jingjing, these two are my friends, this is Yuan Tianqing, and this is Pang Liqiang."

"Hello, sister Min told me about you, how are you, I will trouble you in the future, please take care of our family Zhuo Rong."

After hearing Zhuo Rong's introduction, Yang Qian and the others here also greeted the two generously, and at the same time Yang Qian also said something to the two with a smile.

"Uh, brother and sister, I didn't take care of him, but he took care of me, haha, that's fine, as long as there is no fire in your backyard!"

Seeing the appearance of Yang Qian and the others, Yuan Tianqing finally came to his senses, and then whispered something to Zhuo Rong, and then the two sat in the restaurant, followed Zhuo Rong and the others to have lunch, and after lunch, They also sent the live fish they caught to Zhuo Rong's live warehouse. As for the dead fish, they could also sell them at the original price.

Then the two waves of people continued to go fishing.

But the mouth in the afternoon is obviously not as good as the one in the morning. It is possible that the white pomfrets have already left. There is no mouth in the afternoon. Zhuo Rong is okay, talking with the five girls without saying a word, eating what they made good fruit.

On the other side, Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang could only helplessly wait for fishing, but after thinking about it for a while, Yuan Tianqing felt that Zhuo Rong had found five more girls. He could not only make himself envious, but also make others envious, so He called Yang Sheng and Sun Qingyuan alone.

That's right, it was called by a certain letter. Now our domestic 4G signal is very strong, and there is also a signal in the inner sea. Not only can you make calls, even live broadcast, play games, etc., the signal is also sufficient, but if you go to the outer sea , then there is no letter.

Zhuo Rong also needs to get a satellite phone if he wants to go overseas.

Of course, what is being said here is that Zhuo Rong is in a normal state, but the problem is not that he is not normal. With Xiao Zhuo around, Zhuo Rong can contact the outside world wherever he is.

"Did you know? Zhuo Rong found another five beauties home.

"Again, why do you use it?" Seeing the message sent by Yuan Tianqing, Sun Qingyuan immediately came back.

"No, isn't there Jia Min and the others?" And Yang Sheng here also said.

"Yeah, but Zhuo Rong found five more, I took a group photo just now, take a look.

"Damn, it's so beautiful again, huh? Why do I say so?"

"It's really beautiful. Even compared to Jia Min and the others, they are on the same level. My girlfriend said that they all look like those popular stars."

"Well, they do look alike, but they probably haven't been cut, because they are only 18 years old, and their bones haven't grown yet. They should all be natural. Hey, I'm envious!"

"It's useless to be envious, and we don't have as much money as Zhuo Rong!" Looking at Yuan Tianqing's words, Yang Sheng also complained helplessly in a certain letter.

"It's not that I'm hitting on the two of you. In fact, even if you two are as rich as Zhuo Rong, it's probably hard to find fifteen girls who are so beautiful, dedicated, and willing to share a man with other women."

Seeing the state of these two people, Sun Qingyuan here also spoke.

Well, it's true, but it's a bit heartbreaking.

It is impossible for a person to be selfish, even if it is deliberately stereotyped, it cannot suppress human nature, whether it is a man or a woman, they are all the same, they all desire to possess all the love of the other party, but Zhuo Rong is after all an exception

While talking and talking, the afternoon passed quickly.

Compared with the morning, their income in the afternoon is far worse.

Zhuo Rong was able to catch a total of more than ten catties of fish, while Yuan Tianqing and Pang Liqiang together did not have five catties. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon, and it seemed that the time was almost up, and they were ready to go back.

Naturally, they had to sail to Zhuo Rong's boat first, and gave Zhuo Rong the live silver pomfret weighing more than one catty, and Zhuo Rong directly transferred more than 5,000 to them according to the fish price.

In fact, Zhuo Rong would turn more in the past, but basically Yuan Tianqing would return it.

Because from Yuan Tianqing's point of view, one yard counts for one yard, friends are friends, fish harvests are fish harvests, and he only got so many fish harvests, so he took so much money.

If Zhuo Rong just sits and raises the price because of Zhuo Rong's generosity, this is not what a friend should do.

So after two refunds, Zhuo Rong also gave the fish at the price of the fish unless it was because of something. After giving the fish to Yuan Tianqing, Zhuo Rong was going back to sell the fish.

But just as he was about to leave, suddenly Yuan Tianqing's cell phone rang again.

After answering the phone, it was a friend of Yuan Tianqing's who called, Zhuo Rong had also met this friend, he belonged to their fleet, and he also had the other party when he was fishing for golden drums on a fish raft that day.

Calling now because his boat broke down.

This kind of thing is very normal in the sea fishing circle. After all, the car will break down, so how can the guy who often soaks in the sea not have accidents.

Although it is usually said that after reaching the shore or the fish raft, they will take the engine and propeller out of the water and cross them to the side of the deck.

But this will definitely cause problems over the years.

.Then you, Zhuo, go back first. I'll save someone.

After confirming the other party's location, Yuan Tianqing also said to Zhuo Rong.

"Let me go with you. The other party's boat is about the same size as yours. You don't have enough strength to pull (Zhao Hao). When will you go home? I'll help you pull it faster!"

After all, I've seen it before, it's just a matter of little effort, Zhuo Rong didn't care, so he said it to Yuan Tianqing, and Yuan Tianqing nodded when he heard what Zhuo Rong said, and it would be great if Zhuo Rong was willing to help.

Then the two ships sailed towards the accident site one after the other.

It turns out that there are three ships in total here, besides the one in Yuan Tianqing's fleet, there are two other ships, one is a serious tugboat, and the coast guard, besides that there are more than a dozen The middle-aged and elderly people were kneeling on the two boats, clasped their hands together, and muttered something in their mouths. Watching this scene, Zhuo Rong and Yuan Tianqing couldn't help but look at each other, and at the same time, they could see a trace of doubt and incomprehension in each other's eyes.

Then, looking at the helpless people in Yuan Tianqing's fleet, they asked, only to find out what happened.

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