Chapter 13:CHAPTER 13 : SET UP A TRAP

Candy had recovered in three days, actually she wanted to go to the office that day but Hanson told her to have a rest that day. Hanson visited her everyday he cook her meal too, Candy had refused him at first, but he insisted.

Candy :"Han ge you don't have to cook my meals, my mom had brought me some meals just now, you can check how full is my refrigerator now."

Hanson :"I just cook you some fresh side dish you can eat together with your mom's."

Candy :"But I don't want to bother you, I know you're busy too."

Hanson :"No matter how busy I am, I still have some time for you. Please don't reject my good will, if not I'll feel guilty more because you got hurt because of me."

Candy :"How come I got hurt because of you ? It was all my careless, not your fault !"

Hanson :"Can, this is not just simple accident, someone sabotage you ! Kelly found your robe was being cut off, we're still investigating this matter."

Candy got shock :"Huh ? Really ? Someone wanted to harm me ? Who ?"

Hanson :"We still don't know yet. You should be more careful next !"

Candy remembered what Kelly said few weeks ago, that she should be very extra careful to her supervisor Jolin "Is it her who harmed me ?" she just kept that question inside her mind, she didn't know how to find the evidence.

Hanson had received some reports about the last incident with the photographer and the make up artist, he had the evidence that Jolin who was the mastermind behind those incidents. Marvin had reported to him too about someone witnessing Jolin who cut the robe at the out bond ground. Hanson just kept all those information for the time being. He wanted to capture her next action, he had discussing with Marvin about setting the trap for her.

That afternoon, Candy got bored stay at home all day, she decided to go to Galen workshop to taste his cook, she took her sport car which was always been parked all day long at the parking lot. That afternoon, Hanson came back to his apartment to send Candy's lunch. He just got parked his car when he saw Candy walking to the parking lot, he followed her silently, then he saw her get into a luxury sport car "Is it her car ? I always saw this car all the time never move from it's place, now she ride on it ?" He took his phone and started to dial Candy's number.

Candy :"I'm going to my friends house."

Hanson :"But your foot still injured right ?"

Candy :"No, it's fine, I'm bored just stay at home all day."

Hanson :"Did you take a taxy ?"

Candy :"No, I'm driving my own car."

Hanson :"OK, be careful and come back soon, you must take a rest more."

Candy :"Yes I will, thank you for care about me Han ge."

Hanson mumble said to himself "her own car ? That sport car ? Is she really come from rich family ? Looks like it's her own apartment also, she didn't rent it." Unknown to him, that apartment was bought long time ago by both of their parents, Mark got offered first then he told Josh, he bought one too, that's why their apartment very close to each other.

That time, when Josh went to Candy's apartment, he got suspicious with Hanson who live next door, was he his best friend's son ? But he couldn't ask him more since Candy had chased him out.

Hanson got curious about Candy more now, he asked his HRD manager for Candy's information.

That night, Hanson went to Candy's apartment talked about the next project with her. He had told her supervisor Jolin to join the bidding project, he told Candy to make some design proposal for their project. She got excited hearing about the project, Hanson also told her about the trap he had been prepare together with Marvin to catch the culprit who wanted to hurt her. Candy nod she got understand about the whole situation now, and she got ready for it.

The next day Hanson held a meeting to discuss about the bidding project, Candy had assigned as the lead designer. She started to work together with her team including Jolin, they finished the proposal within three days, but they submitted their proposal a week later, because Jolin hold them. Jolin had her own plan with it, she sold them to the rival company, and the rival company submitted the design proposal first to the bidding company before Hanson's company did. Hanson knew it and he had prepare for it, he had told Candy to make the other design and not show it to the other team work. Then, Hanson told Marvin to submitted Candy's other design without Jolin notice, and Marvin submit it one day before Jolin went to the bidding company. When the bidding company received the design proposal from Jolin they rejected it, Jolin went back to Hanson and report the rejection of bidding project because the design proposal was the same with the rival company.

Hanson :"How come they had the same design with us ?"

Jolin :"I don't know. Maybe Candy was cheating, she stole their ideas ?"

Hanson :"What if I say the one that cheating was our rival ?"

Jolin :"What do you mean ?"

Candy came into Hanson's office together with Marvin.

Candy :"I always leave my sign in every design I make, only me who can notice it !"

Hanson :"So, can you tell me Jolin, who sold our design to our rival ? Do you have any clues ?"

Jolin was getting nervous, her cold sweat dripping from her forehead "I don't know sir, I have no idea."

Hanson :"My next question to you, Candy said she had finished her design last week, but you just submit the design just now. Why it took so long for you to submit it ?"

Jolin :"I... I was busy sir."

Hanson :"So, you still don't want to admit your wrongdoing ? Do you really don't mind to sacrifice my company to get suffer a lot ?"

Jolin :"What do you mean sir ? I don't understand ? Why should I make the company get suffer ?"

Hanson :"Jolin, I've given you a chance before, I have some evidence about you sabotaged Candy's project before with the make up artist, I let you go that time because Candy could solve the problem. But then you did it again harmed Candy on the mountain when we were happily got out bond adventure together. I think I can't tolerate you again this time, you've gone too far ! I've given you a chance to revealed yourself but you keep on denying. I'm sorry Jolin I have to dismiss you from now on. I don't want to see you again in my office, I'll transfer your salary to your bank account later. You may leave now !"

Jolin didn't say a word, she looked down all the time, she was very embarrassed, but deep down in her heart she got mad "I swear I'll take my revenge soon to you Candy, just wait !" She packed her things from her desk then she left the company.

Hanson held a meeting after Jolin left, he announce them the new supervisor was Candy, they all agreed with him, since the day Candy won the award, the order design for their company was increasing rapidly.

The result from the bidding project had came out, and their company won the project, Hanson very satisfied with his team work, especially Candy. That night he took her to his favorite restaurant to celebrate the winning project with her.

Candy :"Where are we going ? This is not the way home."

Hanson :"I want to celebrate our winning with you."

Candy :"Why with me only ?"

Hanson :"Because you are the pilot project ! We will celebrate again with the other team after we finished the work next."

Candy :"OK"

Hanson :"Is your foot OK now ?"

Candy :"Yes it's fine."

Hanson :"Shouldn't you go to the hospital again for check up ?"

Candy :"Well, I'm OK I don't have to see doctor again. Please don't worry about about me again Han ge."

Hanson :"OK now let's eat our dinner, the food in here is good."

Candy :"Hmm... you're right, it's delicious !"

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