Candy was about to get into her apartment, when Hanson followed her to her apartment.

Hanson :"Can I come in ?"

Candy :"Yes, but it's late now."

Hanson :"Can I spend the night here at your place ?"

Candy stared at him :"But your apartment just next door ?"

Hanson :"I know, but I want to be with you longer, can I ?"

Candy speechless, she couldn't resist him.

Candy :"Well make yourself at home then, I want to change my cloth now."

Hanson opened her refrigerator, it's empty. He went back to his apartment, he changed his cloth and he brought some wine and snacks with him, then he back to Candy's apartment.

Hanson :"I bring some wine and snack, I want to see a movie together with you here. Can you just pick one ?"

Candy :"What do you wanna see, I'll search from the internet."

Hanson :"Anything you want. Something funny ? Or Thriller ?"

Candy picked comedy film, and they enjoyed the movie that night together. He sat very close to her on the sofa, sometime he caressed her hair, he's very happy he could find the woman he had been longing for too long. He enjoyed the moment being together with her all night,

Hanson :"I'm very happy I finally can meet you again Qian ! I won't let you go again, I want to live with you forever !"

Candy :"Do you really love me that much Han ge ? Or are you just obsessed with me ?"

Hanson :"I'm not obsessed with you, I've been waiting for you all this time. And you finally open up your heart to me too, I'm so glad ! I won't force you to marry me in this short time, instead I'll be waiting for you patiently."

Candy :"Really ? Can I trust you ?"

Candy chuckled :"I still have a dream to pursue, I want to achieve something in my life through my career." When she told all about her dream her eyes got shimmering and very passionate, Hanson watching her thoroughly and tried to understand her passion while sometime he drank his wine.

Hanson :"I like your passion, I admire you as someone who has a vision for her future. I'll support your dream, just do your best !" He caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.

Candy :"Thank you Han gege, your words really warming my heart." she kissed his cheak suddenly, then she hugged him. He got surprised, he smiled and hugged her back.

Hanson :"Are you seducing me now ? I'm trying holding my desire now, don't challenge my limit Qian !"

Candy released her hugged, but Hanson pulled her body back, his body upper her body now, and he kissed her lips passionately, she felt suffocated after a while, she tried to push his body, he released her lips. She was panting "Calm down Han ge, don't be too harsh with me."

Hanson :"I'm sorry, I was too excited." He kissed her lips again but this time he did it gently. They were kissing each other again for a while, when his hand tried to sneak in to her cloth, she pushed him away "I think enough for now Han ge, I don't want to continue any further. This time is not the right time."

Though Hanson got disappointed but he could understand her, he back to his seat and enjoyed the movie for the rest of the night. When Candy said she wanted to sleep, he followed her to her bedroom "I want to sleep beside you tonight, just sleep. Can I ?"

Candy hesitated for a while, but then she agreed after Hanson convinced her.

Candy :"OK just sleep."

Hanson laid down beside her, watching her close her eyes and kissed her forehead. Candy turned her body to the other side then.

Hanson :"Let's have holidays together Qian."

Candy turned her body back into him :"When ? Where ?"

Hanson :"Our company is having holidays right now till January the fifth, let's go and have some fun in Austria, I heard the view is beautiful in there."

Candy :"Hmmm... looks like interesting, it's tempting. When will we go ? Are you gonna take your parents also ?"

Hanson :"How about we go tomorrow ? Just the two of us ?"

Candy :"Tomorrow ? That soon ? How about the day after tomorrow ? I'll tell my parents too."

Hanson :"I want to go just the two of us, is it OK with you ?"

Candy :"Well.... at least I have to tell my family that I will go abroad am I ?"

Hanson :"OK you may tell them you go with me. I'm very exciting now just to imagine spending those days with you only !"

Candy got blushed :"Just go to sleep now." Hanson smiled very satisfied, he hugged her tightly .

Candy :"Han ge I think I need to breathe, you hold me too tight." he released her.

The next day Hanson had booked plane tickets for the two of them to Vienna, also the hotel, while Candy called her parents to inform them about their leaving for holidays the next day. Then she went to the groceries together with Hanson to buy some food for their meals.

They got prepare for the holidays that night, Hanson insisted he slept together with her that night.

Hanson :"I'm afraid you'll wake up too late tomorrow, I have booked morning flight for the two of us."

Candy :"Alright, as long as you don't disturb me with your snore !

Hanson :"I don't snore, you did !" They both laughed.

They went to the airport in the morning, they arrived in Vienna in the afternoon, they had romantic dinner at the hotel they stay.

Candy :"Han ge did you booked one room only ?"

Hanson :"Yes"

Candy :"Only one bed ?"

Hanson :"Yes, anything wrong ?"

Candy :"Then you sleep on the sofa or on the floor !"

Hanson :"No, I sleep on the bed."

Candy glared at him :"I don't wanna share my bed with you !"

Hanson :"Then I'll sleep on top of your body !" He moved fast and now his body was on top of her body.

Candy got surprised :"OK..OK.. you can sleep next to me, now will you move ?"

Hanson :"No, before you kiss me first."

Candy grabbed his head and kissed his cheek :"You're getting naughtier now Han ge !"

Hanson :"I want more !" He grabbed her head then kissed her lips, they enjoyed the kissing moment for a while before they slept.

The next day they went to the mountain to enjoyed the scenery and the fresh air.

Candy :"Han ge, suddenly I want to paint, the view is very nice here."

Hanson :"Let's see what we can have around here."

They asked the local people how to get the paints stuff, finally they found a little store that sold painting stuff. Candy was really happy to get them, she started to paint that day, Hanson was there beside her reading some books. The next day they went biking to some places, Candy was enjoying her photography hobby, she took some photos with her camera "Wow the views is very nice here, thank you for taking me here Han ge !" They spent six days in Austria, they've traveled to some cities there, and enjoyed their "Advance Honeymoon".

It was almost new year's eve, Hanson took Candy to have dinner and enjoyed the new year's event at that hotel restaurant, suddenly he took a little ring box from his pocket and opened it while he knelt before Candy.

Hanson :"Candy, will you marry me ?" he's proposing her, with a diamond ring that he bought together with her at the same time they bought the jewelry for his mom.

Candy got shocked, she never expected before that he would proposed her in there at new year eve. She's speechless for a while, her eyes widened.

Hanson :"Just say yes will you ?"

Candy :"Yesss ... I do !" she smiled at him and he put the ring on her finger. He touch her chin and pulled it closer to his face then they kissed each other, at the same time they heard everyone counting down " Happy New Year !"the fireworks spread out in the air, the year had changed now. They both were filled with joy and happiness together they laughed and clap hands with the other people in that restaurant celebrating the new year.

They went back the day after, unknown to them their father had met together and had talked about some plan for their future.

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