Hanson back to his apartment with his mom.

Hanson :"Mom, why did you show up here today ?"

Selina chuckled :"I'm too curious with my son's love life !"

Hanson :"So, have you got the answers now ?"

Selina :"Yeap ! Since when did you both dating ?"

Hanson :"Wanna truth or lie ?"

Selina :"Of course the truth !"

Hanson :"Since Christmas."

Selina :"What ? That short time you both had slept together ?"

Hanson laughed out loud :"Hahaha... what's wrong with that, we're young people now can do it anytime mom, don't be too naive !"

Selina :"You youngster now, too brave playing with fire ! Just be careful not to hurt her son !"

Hanson :"Don't worry mom, I'll be good to her. You may come back now, I have a lot of to do with the cleaning stuff."

Selina :"OK see you again soon !" She hugged his son and kissed his cheek "You're still my big boy to me !"

Hanson laughed and wave to her :"Bye mom ! I know you love me !"

Candy :"Has your mom back home already ? What's wrong with your luggage ?"

Hanson :"Yes, she has. From now on I move here, where can I put my cloth ?"

Candy :"What ? Wait a minute we need to talk first..."

Hanson :"OK, I'm sorry to surprised you just now and didn't tell you about my plan in advance. Qian I don't wanna separate from you again, so I want to live together with you here from now on until we get married. Maybe I'll renovate my apartment a bit, we will move there after we get married. Do you agree with me ?"

Candy :"Well .... let me think..."

Hanson :"Don't think too much, I can't wait too long !" he hugged her body from back and kissed her cheek.

Candy could felt the warm of his body, she couldn't resist it, she remembered few nights when they slept together in Vienna, she admitted it he had entered her life, she got use to had him beside her on the bed now.

Candy :"OK... you can move here. Let me get some space for your cloth here."

Hanson was very happy to hear that, he brought his luggage to her wardrobe then back again to get another cloth. They were very busy that whole afternoon adjusting things in her apartment. They went dinner outside since they were very tired from tidying up the place.

When they were on the bed together again, Hanson held her hand and they looked each other.

Hanson :"Don't worry, I won't touch you if you're not ready."

Candy :"Thank you, just be patience with me."

Hanson :"Tomorrow just enter the office together with me, I will show our relation publicly, I don't want to drop you in other building."

Candy :"OK, do as you wish, I trust you."

Hanson :"Don't worry, I'll protect you !"

It was the first day of working day at that new year, they went to the office together like usually, he held her hand when entering the office. All the office worker saw it, they whispering to each other "Are they dating ? I never saw boss held any woman's hand before."

Candy was hesitate at first, she's too shy to show their relation in public :"Han ge you don't have to hold my hand." she tried to release her hand from him, but he held it tightly.

Hanson :"You're my woman, you don't have to be so shy ! Do you want anyone take me from you ?"

Candy :"No, you're mine !"

Hanson :"Then just walk confidently beside me !"

Candy entered her room, they parted now. Kelly came to her room suddenly.

Kelly :"Happy New Year Can ! Woah, you're so great, are you dating with boss now ?"

Candy smiled a little and mumble :"Mmm"

Kelly :"Since when ?"

Candy :"Since Christmas"

Kelly :"Really ? I thought he has an eye for you before that, remember when you were hospitalized from the accident at the mountain, boss was sooo worried about you, only him stayed beside you all night !"

Candy :"Do you think so ? So what were other rumors about me ?"

Kelly :"Everyone has suspected him liking you from the first time you work here ! You were still newbie back then, but boss chose you to help him with the international project. Some people were jealous with you !"

Candy :"Ah I see.... Was he that obvious pay attention to me ?"

Kelly :"Yeap, that's why Jolin was so damn jealous and angry with you ! I've told you right ?"

Candy :"Yes, thank you for warned me before."

Kelly :"But are you really serious with boss Can ?"

Candy :"Yes, of course. Why ? Are you jealous too ?"

Kelly :"Nooo, not me. I think you broke Marvin's heart !"

Candy :"What did you say ? Marvin ? What's wrong with him ?"

Kelly :"Don't you know, he likes you since long time !"

Candy chuckled :"Really ? I don't know that. Hey you'd better go back, we'll continue the gossip later."

Kelly :"OK see you."

Candy was very busy that day, she didn't see the clock until Hanson called her to his office.

Hanson :"It's lunch time honey, you need to take a rest, come see me in my office."

Candy :"OK, coming"

When Candy got into his office she saw some delicious food on the table ready to eat.

Candy :"Wow, where did you get these ?"

Hanson :"I've ordered them through internet, do you like it ?"

Candy :"Looks delicious ! Come let's try them !"

After they finished their lunch, Candy's phone rang, it was from Luna.

Luna :"Hi Can, where have you been ? I've tried to contact you many times since christmas but couldn't reach you till now."

Candy :"Oh hi Luna, I was on vacation."

Luna :"Where ? Why don't you tell me ?"

Candy :"To Austria. I was in hurry so I couldn't tell you, since I'm abroad I shut my phone off."

Luna :"With whom did you go ?"

Candy :"With my boss."

Luna covered her mouth with her hand :"Oh, are you dating him ?...Finally ?"

Candy :"Well....yeah .... you may say so..."

Luna :"You may say so ??? Candy you've been so close to me usually but why I don't know anything about you now ? We must see each other... no I have to see you this afternoon, I'll pick you up in your office !"

Candy :"No, you don't have to pick me up, just tell me where can I see you. We'll meet there."

Luna :"Why I can't pick you up ?"

Candy :"Because my fiance won't allow me to go with you alone." she glanced at Hanson, Hanson pretended didn't hear anything.

Luna :"Oh my God... are you guys that close already ? He even had tamed you ?"

Candy :"Don't say anything again just let us meet tonight, where ?"

Luna :"At Galen place, you know, he had opened a kitchen bar ?"

Candy :"I know his place, OK let's meet there !"

Marvin saw Candy and his boss holding hands together again when they got out from the office. He heaved a heavy sigh, Kelly came near him "Come on there's still a lot of nice women out there, just keep on moving on, she's not belong to you !"

Marvin smiled bitterly :"Yeah, maybe someone with a lot of money is more interesting."

Kelly :"Hey don't say like that, Candy is not someone who is materialistic ! I heard she's from rich family also, someone ever told me he saw her riding very expensive sport car."

Marvin :"Really ? I don't believe rumors, I only believe in my own eyes."

Candy and Hanson came to Galen's bar, there they met Luna and Galen.

Galen :"Come on in ...."

Candy :"Han ge, this is my childhood friend Luna and Galen. This is my childhood friend also Hanson."

Hanson smiled and he shook their hands :"Nice to meet you."

Luna :"How come he's your childhood friend also Can ? How do you know each other before ?"

Candy :"Remember once I've told you about a brother who I really admired a lot when I was a little, because of him I want to learn to play violin. It's him !"

Luna :"Oh that boy ?"

Hanson :"Our father used to be best friend also, when I was a child I was impressed by her boldness to messed up strangers wall with colorful paint." he laughed out loud.

Luna :"You really that bold girl ?"

Galen chuckled :"I believe she's that bold !"

Candy got blushed :"Oh really I did it ? I forgot." she laughed.

Luna stared at Hanson :"So, you pursued her first ?"

Hanson :"Yeap, I have a click feeling when I saw her again for the first time."

Luna :"How about you Can ? Why did you give up on him ? You used to denied him !"

Candy :"Well .... my heart finally melted to see his big effort." she stared at Hanson and smiled at him.

Luna :"Wow such a sweet story, so when will you get married ?"

Candy :"I think we will get engage two weeks after Lunar New Year."

Luna :"Wow that soon ?"

Galen :"I'll come even I'm not invited !" he laughed.

Candy :"Of course you both will invited ! You're my best friend ! So are you guys finally dating each other too ?" she shot them directly.

Luna tried to hide her smiled, she looked the other side.

Galen smiled :"Yes, we're dating now."

Candy :"Woah congratulation ! You've got your confident back Galen ! I know you used to be love and care for her, but you're not confident with yourself back then, that's why your relation was on and off all the time."

Galen :"Yeah, I was pressured by my dad also. But now, since I can pursue my own work and passion I have confident on me. I don't wanna lose her again." he hugged Luna beside him.

Candy :"I'm glad you did it Gale ! I'm happy for both of you too !"

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