My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 104 - Cathy's Teasing Act

Vincent, who was still immersed in the discussion, felt that someone observed him. He decided to shift his eye to see that Cathy was staring at him in awe. His signature mischief smile was plastered on his face, and he couldn't help but wink his one eye to the lovely girl.

Cathy looked away instantly with rosy cheeks while covering her face, causing Vincent to chuckle amusedly.

"Gosh... he's so sweet." unlucky for Cathy, Kitty also saw that little fluffy eye's exchange scene and returned to teasing her best friend. "Cathy, how did you two meet? Have you held hand? Did he kiss you? You have to tell me everything."

"What?? Since when you change profession become a reporter?"

"My job is a journalist for today only, and I want to know all of your love life."

Cathy laughed, followed by Kitty's laugh. Then they decide to meet tomorrow to spend some time together before Kitty went out of town for her postponed-concert schedule... thanks to a certain guy.

"Ah, I will invite brother Steve too. It's been a while I haven't seen him. How is he now?"

Hearing the name Steve made Cathy's body stiffen, and Kitty noticed it.

"What's the matter? Are you guys fighting?"

"No. Maybe yes... Well, I don't know."

Kitty was getting confused at this answer. So far, Steve and Cathy have never fought. They might have argued a lot over Cathy's stubbornness, but it was Steve who always gave in. Never once did Steve get angry nor make Cathy feel uncomfortable. So why does Kitty now think that her best friend does not want to meet Steve?

"So, which one is true? Did you fight or not?"

"In my opinion, we didn't fight. It's just that since then, brother Steve never contacted me again. He even didn't reply to my message. It seems this time he was angry with me."

"Why? What exactly happened?"

Cathy told her the incident last Sunday to her friend. At that time, she was already preparing to have a picnic with her siblings in Green Park. Steve called her and suggested her to go to another park, which she declined.

For the rest of the call, Steve finally forbade her to leave the house if she insisted on going to Green Park. Steve gave no reason why she shouldn't go to Green Park that day, and she thought her 'brother' was making nonsense. Afterward, Steve ended their conversation in an angry tone and did not call her ever since.

Cathy tried to call him after returning from the hospital, but Steve never answer her, and her call always went to the voice box. Cathy also sent several messages, which she finally gave up on not getting any reply.

"How strange. Why did he prevent you from going to the park?"

"I wish I know. You had no idea he was a pain last Sunday. It almost ruined my mood to go have fun with Anna and the twins." answered Cathy, shrugging her shoulders.

"Then, let's forget about it. I won't call him if you don't want me to. By the way, Mercy told me that you girls met accidentally. She said your shape is still as flexible as high school. She also said someone couldn't take his eyes off you. Is that guy the same person?"

Cathy did not know which one was more mischief, her best friend or her lover. Both of them loved to tease her the minute they found her flaw.

After answering her best friend's teasing question with a nod, they decided to part ways and go on a 'date' together tomorrow without being interrupted.

"Just tell me you want to get back with him soon."


Kitty laughs out loud as she returned to her music team.


When she first came to the lake, Vincent asked Cathy to close her eyes so that she couldn't see the road. Since she didn't have to close her eyes anymore, she could see their surrounding as they were on their way home.

What her friend said was true. It was not a public place but a resident house. More precisely, a large house building with two towering gates one kilometer from the estate.

As their car passed the tall gate, Cathy looked at Vincent, who was now focused on driving.

Cathy knew that Vincent was extremely handsome, but tonight the man next to her was much more attractive than usual. She wanted to keep looking at the man's face if only this boyfriend of hers did not tease her with a flirtatious tone.

"I know I'm a good-looking man, but you don't have to look at me as if you want to eat me alive."

Cathy's cheeks sprayed with red color like a ripe tomato for the umpteenth time and quickly shifted her gaze forward. Cathy tried to find a way to stop his teasing manner.

"There is something that makes me curious. Where did you find that place? Since when did the music machine in the lake exist?"

"..." Vincent cleared his throat uneasily and decided to refocus on the road.

"I heard that someone specially made the music box for tonight's event. How could that person be so skilled? How could he keep the music box from being damaged underwater? I never thought that the magic machine maker was such a romantic person. What kind of person is he? I would like to meet him personally. What do you think?" This time it was Cathy who attacked him with a playful tone.

Vincent stopped the car on the side of the road then took off his seat belt. Cathy was not at all suspicious and continued to tease her boyfriend without knowing the man was up to something toward her.

"How do I..."

Without warning, Vincent's towering figure drew closer to Cathy and made Cathy move backward until her back pressed against the door. Vincent's face was very close to hers, and the distance between them was getting smaller.

"Wh... what are you doing?" Cathy felt like her heart would explode at any time.

Is this guy trying to give her a heart attack?! Only Cathy could hear her loud protest.

The two faces became closer and closer until only a few centimeters.

Three centimeters... two centimeters... Unable to stand to see their closeness, Cathy closed her eyes while trying to hold the man's body by pushing Vincent's chest with both hands.

Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough to stop the man's movement who was getting closer and closer to her. She even didn't know if she was not strong enough or had no will to stop him.

What will happen to me?! Once again, Cathy cried out in hopelessness in her mind.

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