My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 107 - Which One You Like?

Vincent could not sleep well the whole night. Somehow he felt restless as if something terrible was going to happen. Vincent did not look at the clock because he was still trying to sleep by closing his eyes using his pillow. Even then, it couldn't make him sleep.

Finally, after he fell asleep and was sure that he would not wake up for the umpteenth time, a short notification sound woke him up. Vincent picked his phone with a sluggish motion to see who sent the message this early morning.

When he saw the sender's name, his smile broadened.

'Hi, good morning.'

He glanced at the clock on his phone and showing that it was already past six in the morning. Without further ado, Vincent directly called the sender of the chat.

"Vincent, you shocked me. I don't expect you to call me."

Vincent laughed crisply at the voice of the girl he missed. Even though they only separated last night, he felt he had not seen the girl in months.

"Good morning Cathy."

"Good morning. I thought you weren't awake yet. It's still six o'clock."

"How about you?"

"I'm used to getting up in the morning. It's just... I've been up late lately. Everyone in this house forbids me from doing my usual activities."

Vincent smiled to hear his lover was sulking.

"Didn't you meet Morse at twelve? Then I'll pick you up at nine."

"Ah? Isn't it too early?"

"Of course, I also want to date my lover. I can't possibly miss this day and let you date someone else."

"..." There was no answer from Cathy, but Vincent was sure his little girl was blushing. "Looks like you eat honey too much. Why did your sweet words level increase so much?" grumbled her to make Vincent laugh.

Their conversation continued for almost an hour before they finally cut off their voice call.

It was less than nine o'clock when Vincent arrived in his car in front of Cathy's house. Meanwhile, Cathy exited precisely nine o'clock and stared at Vincent's car in confusion.

"Shall we get in the car again?"

"Of course."

"I prefer walking and taking public transportation."

"I can park it in the parking lot, and then we'll be walking as much as you like."

"Okay, I will comply as you wish, mister Regnz." teased Cathy while slightly bending her back to the front, earning a cheeky smirk from the man.

"I didn't know that you loved walking hand in hand with me."

"Are you picking a fight this early in the morning?" pouted Cathy, realizing Vincent would love to show her which one was better at teasing.

"Forgive me, princess. Please come up." Vincent opened the car door while bending his body slightly. His attitude was like a servant who opened greeted the royal princess.

Cathy held her smile and tried to put on a sullen face as she climbed into the car. When Cathy was about to fasten her seat belt, Vincent had taken over.

"Why didn't you let me do it myself? It looks like you like to fasten my seat belt."

Vincent shifted his head toward Cathy, causing their faces to be so close to making Cathy hold her breath.

"How could I not like it? It's the only chance I could see you this close-up."

"You meanie." Cathy smacked Vincent's chest lightly to make the man laugh.

They chatted during the trip as if they never ran out of topic material. Every now and then, they would tease each other and joke around, but it's mostly Vincent who wins their teasing war.

After parking the car, the lovebird walked across the building to the flower garden. Vincent took a photo with his analog camera every ten steps as usual.

"Vincent, which one do you like the most between your camera and me?" Cathy couldn't help but imitate the man's question last night.

Unfortunately, there was no sign from the man as if Vincent was thinking the answer seriously.

"I see. You don't know the answer. Thank you, I already know how you feel." Cathy walked ahead of Vincent with a wide stride.

Vincent, who was still confused about finding the right answer, realized that he was in danger. The danger of facing the cynicism of the lover.

"Cathy, wait." Vincent caught up with her in just a few steps. Then interlocked his fingers between Cathy's fingers. "How could you be compared? My camera is nothing compared to you."

"Really? Then can you take it off now?"

Vincent turned his gaze in another direction and then scratched the nape of his neck.

"Does it have to be now?"

Cathy could not hold back her smile anymore and circled her arm around Vincent's arm.

"I'm just kidding. Come on."

Vincent chuckled at the adorable girl's smile, realizing that his little lover stopped teasing him. This was one reason why Vincent often wins in this teasing war.

Cathy always stopped in the middle because she was afraid of the consequences she would receive if Vincent counters her.

She would have a heart attack if Vincent brought her face closer to her without warning, like last night. Because of that, Cathy was not too far when teasing her lover. To be more precise, she didn't dare.

"I thought taking pictures was your job. After knowing who you are, I'm guessing it's your hobby?" guessed Cathy.

"Hmm... you could say a hobby, but also a job that I love. Sometimes I accept projects from several brands that want my services. If there is no job, I often take a walk while photographing interesting objects."

"What object do you like the most?"

"Everything that gives off the impression of a warm feeling. For example, an elderly married couple is still walking hand in hand. Or when a family is on a picnic. Sunday is my favorite day. Many families gather at the outing place like the garden or the amusement park."

"I can see that." Cathy smiled broadly, feeling that she knew more about her lover's favorite things.

"But lately, there is one object that I can't let go of."

"What is that?"

Vincent answered it with action and suddenly pointed his camera at Cathy and...

Shut! A camera sound indicates a photo has been taken.

"Vincent," Cathy's whining sounded sweet, and it made Vincent grin.

Vincent didn't stop his action and kept taking her beautiful figure into his camera even though they were still walking.

"Stop it already." Cathy's hand tried to block the camera lens. "Watch your steps, please, or else you will hit someone behind you."

Finally, Vincent complied the girl's wish with endless beaming smiled and walked next to Cathy, not forgetting that their two hands were intertwined.

"Aren't those kinds of cameras complicated? I heard how to print them isn't easy either."

"It is true, but I prefer to do the printing process."

"Did you print it yourself?" Cathy was more surprised to hear that Vincent printed his own photos.

"Of course. I'll invite you to print it with me sometime."

"Why not now?" Cathy even felt excited to do something new.

"Well, I don't mind doing it now, but you will be late seeing your second date."

"Ah, right." it is evident that Cathy looked disappointed. "I don't want to be late on my second date."

"Really, why does it feel like you like Morse much more than me?"

Cathy chuckled, seeing her lover pretended to be sulking. "You know it's not true. I like Morse as much as I love my sisters. But I like you as a man, and I could count on you when I have a problem."

"Are you bribing me now?"

"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth."

Vincent smiled broadly, then took Cathy's hand, "I'll show you something in return."

Cathy blinked in confusion at the man's words. Nevertheless, she followed Vincent's steps, and they arrived at a building with glass doors.

Gallery V collection? Why did Vincent bring her here?

Frank, a gallery keeper as well as Vincent's close friend, glanced at the lovebirds in front of him.

Cathy was embarrassed to hold hands in front of Frank, and she tried to get her hands out of Vincent's hands. Lamentably, her lover would not let her go, and Cathy felt like her hands were chained inside the man's grip.

"Why are you here? Are you showing off your relationship and giving me dog food? It hurts, you know, for a single man like me."

Cathy's eyes widened and embarrassed when she heard Vincent's laughter as a response to the poor eligible man.

"Frank, you misunderstood. I... I..."

"Relax, Cathy. He loves to receive other's dog food, so ignore him."

Frank snorted at his best friend's explanation and decided to walk away from the new couple.

In the beginning, Frank enjoyed chatting around with Cathy and support Vincent's feelings toward the girl. He felt like they were meant to be together and Frank felt relieved when his best friend's love confession succeed.

However... he would not let Vincent show off his fluffy sweet moment with his girl right in front of his nose.

Author, please give me a girlfriend too T.T

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