My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 111 - Cathy Is Rinrin?

"You don't remember? She liked to follow you around."


Suddenly a small girl traversed inside his mind. Didn't he also see the child at Chloe's death anniversary? Was it Rinrin?

"I don't remember." although he did slightly remember, he did not wish to fall into this old man's trap. He knew Lest would continue to persuade him to come back, and he had no desire to return or join an LS organization.

"You're not afraid you'll lose Catherine?" Lest showed the sly smile that Vincent hated the most.

"Are you threatening me?" Vincent's jaw tightened, and the anger he had been able to control overflowed just like that when Lest mentioned his lover's name.

"You won't be able to protect her with your strength now."

Vincent laughed sarcastically in response to Lest's utter nonsense.

"Do you think Catherine is Paxton? Why are you making it look like she's in danger? Even if she's being targeted, I'll protect her without LS's help !!"

Vincent deliberately bumped his shoulder against the older man's shoulder very hard as he passed him. He walked with wide strides and eager to leave the annoying older man right away.

"I'm sure you will call me sooner or later!" Vincent could still hear Lest's loud voice and accelerate his pace.

After a brief reunion with his former mentor, Vincent got into his car and leaned back in his chair, which was positioned as if it were half lying down. He rested one hand over his eyes.

He felt very irritated at what Lest said. And he didn't want to get carried away when he picked up Cathy later.

"Forget it... forget it... Just consider it as nothing but trash," murmured Vincent like a spell to hypnotize himself.

Vincent tried to think of other things to get rid of Lest's words.

The apartment he has bought has experienced huge profit. Should he sell it? Previously he had planned to sell the Marlin Lake estate, but since it was a special place of his relationship with Cathy, he didn't sell it. It looks like he has to sell the apartment. Or should he just rent it out?

Then Vincent thought about his family business. He seemed uninterested during this time and did not care about his family's business. But the moment Vincent heard that something was wrong or was suffering a loss, Vincent would act to save his family business. He recently had news that the wood stored in Bryant's warehouse had burned down, and the glass in one of his father's branches was crushed. If he did not deal with it immediately, his family's business would suffer a considerable loss. Not only that, if they did not immediately finish the project using these materials, there would be complaints from everywhere, and Regnz's reputation would be tarnished.

Vincent's brain was twisting to save his family business. Of course, he didn't do it himself. He got help from his team members as well as... the Alvianc group. The immense support regarding business or finance came from the Alvianc group.

He didn't know why Greg was so generous in helping him, but he didn't really rely on them either.

In the middle of his thoughts, his phone rang.


"Guess what I found on Chloeny?"

Vincent frowned at this name again. Why has he heard this name so often lately?

"Why are you investigating Chloe?"

"Didn't you tell me to investigate her death?"

Vincent sighed as he has completely forgotten about it. He had no recollection of telling Pasha to find out anything about Chloe's death eighteen years ago.

"I thought it would take a long time. Why did you find it quickly?"

"No, that's not it. There are rumors. It said twenty-five years ago, Chloeny Paxton gave birth to a baby girl. Not only that, the child lived in Eastern Wallace for a year."

"That's not possible. The first time I met Chloe twenty-five years ago, I'm sure she was not pregnant at all, let alone give birth. Then the child lived in Eastern Wallace, as I remember there was no girl..." Vincent paused his words when he remembered something.

'Pinpin, Pinpin,'

Right. There was a little girl who used to live in Eastern Wallace. A cute, adorable, and annoying child who often interfered with him to study. The child's name was Rinrin, not that he remembered it, but he still caught the name escape from Lest's annoying lips.

But... He was sure that little girl belongs to Chloe's attendant. Chloe had no daughter... right?

"Anyway, Chloe can't possibly have kids." somehow, Vincent began to doubt it.

"Wait a minute. I'll send you an even more shocking photo."

Ting! His phone rang, indicating an incoming message. Vincent opened it and saw the picture he received. His hand gripping his phone tightened to realize the faces in the photo.

Photo of Chloeny with her attendant carrying a toddler girl and Benjamin, who was still twelve years old.

What surprised him even more was Chloe's face. If people didn't know Chloe, they would think it was Catherine in the photo.

Why? Why does Catherine have the same face as Chloe? The only difference between the two was the color of the eyes. Chloe's eyes were dark brown while Catherine's were light ones.

Was this why whenever he imagined Chloe's face, it always the face of Catherine that appeared instead? Does this make sense?

Wait... the toddler on the attendant's arm also had the same hair color as Chloe, only her eyes were light brown... like Cathy??

This toddler can't be Catherine.

Catherine... Rinrin? No. Impossible! Catherine couldn't be one of those merciless Paxton!

"You see, her face was exactly like Catherine's. It looks like the Catherine West we once investigated was the child Chloeny Paxton was hiding. Catherine West is Chloeny's real daughter. No wonder now any data on Catherine is already..."

"Impossible!" snapped Vincent interrupting Pasha's explanation.

Pasha was stunned because he never heard his boss shout at him. What's with his boss? He couldn't understand the boss's mind at all and...

Tut... tut... tut...

Vincent disconnects the call then rudely throws his cell phone into the next seat. Vincent started the car engine and headed to a place.

He did not care anymore if his guilt should come back to haunt him. He would still plunge into the abyss of his downturn. As long as he could confirm that Catherine was not Chloeny's real daughter, he was willing to live in the shadow of his nightmare.

But if it turned out that Catherine was indeed Chloe's daughter.... what should he do?

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