My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 137 - Kinsey And Cathy

In the afternoon, Kinsey accompanied Cathy to chat and answered whatever Cathy asked about their father. Cathy just found out that Kinsey had barely met their mother while she had spent a year living with her mother.

Kinsey also told her that Steve Mango's real name was Stevanord Paxton, which means the man was their older cousin.

No wonder Steve had treated her like a brother toward his sister, and she felt comfortable with him.

At first, she was also surprised because Kinsey also treated her as a sister. Unfortunately, she believed that Kinsey had malicious intentions on her, so she never considered the possibility that Kinsey was indeed her brother.

Now somehow, she felt herself dreaming. Cathy thought she was the eldest child and often felt jealous of friends who had an older brother. She was envious her friends had someone to rely on, and they could rant, sulk, and their brother would fulfill anything their wish.

She remembered Kinsey's attitude, which sometimes goes too far when giving her attention. When Cathy was working as Kinsey's assistant... the man never gave her any proper assignment. In fact, Kinsey often bought her a lot of gifts and acted like workdays were holidays.

Others could see Kinsey spoiling her and always trying to please her. Only Cathy couldn't see it because she already despised her boss.

Now that she knew Kinsey is her twin brother, Cathy did not know what to do. Even though they were twins, they had only met for a few days. It will take time to get used to being with her brother.

"You don't need to feel awkward. I want you to get used to me. Besides, ever since I found out you are my sister, I've thought of many things to adore and cherish you." said Kinsey with a proud smile that is rarely shown.

Cathy blinked her eyes at that unusual smile... she didn't even know that this man... er... her brother could smile like that.

"Since when did you know I am your sister?"

"A few months ago."

"Why didn't you say it from the start?"

"Believe it or not, it feels pretty good to see your cynicism. So I didn't tell you on purpose."

Cathy frowned at that. "You act as if you've known me for a long time but make me guilty to treat you like trash." scolded Cathy.

"That was quite amusing, actually." Kinsey giggle, which made Cathy frowned even more. "I already know about your existence ages ago. I knew I have a twin sister, and you can't imagine how hard our father tried to track you. Until he finally gave up and shut himself down. We thought you died with mother too."

Cathy blinked unexpectedly that her brother knew he had a twin while she had no idea that she'd had twins all her life.

"And also mother left a letter for both of us. From the letter, I know that I have twins. I never opened nor read yours. I'll give it to you when we get to my place."

"Isn't this your home?"

"Yes. But I meant my headquarters on some hidden island. You won't be able to find it on the map. You could say a secret island known only to the Alvianc family."

Cathy smiled genuinely at Kinsey for the first time to make him feel relieved. He assumed that whatever wall between them was slowly crumbling down.

Cathy also asked what happened last night. She felt that three people were trying to ravish her, but she doubts it was a reality.

"What people? I found you in your reunion place unconscious. Perhaps you are too tired or stress thinking about something."

Cathy heaved a relief sigh as what happened in her memory was only a nightmare.

Believing that it was only a nightmare, Cathy didn't experience any trauma, and it made Kinsey smiled in satisfaction.

"Uhm... about mother's letter, when can I see it?"

Kinsey sighed heavily before replying, "I didn't read your letter, so I don't know what was in the letter. But if my guts tell me right, our mother would explain some things that should be great secrets. I could just tell you about the secret now, but I'd rather you not find out.

Like I said before, you will not like the truth that you will hear. But, if you decide to find out I will not prevent you. It's just, once you find out... you will not be able to come back. Your life is not as peaceful as now and also... maybe you won't be able to be as cheerful as usual with your three younger siblings... or when with that person." That person? Cathy had absolutely no idea who her brother meant.

"That's why I want you to think about it carefully. Once you're ready, I'll take you to my headquarter. Deal?" coaxes Kinsey, hoping he could delay his sister from learning the truth.

Cathy had no clue what kind of secret could change her life now. But she remembered the strange incident that had happened around her.

It seemed like she really would not like the truth she was about to hear. So she just obeyed and chose not to read the contents of her mother's letter, even though she was craving to know about her mother through the letters.



Kinsey smiled broadly. Usually, when he called out her name, Cathy just looks away or responds compulsively. But now, Cathy responded to his call in a polite and gentle tone.

"I know everyone calls you Cathy. Can I call you by a nickname too?"

Cathy blinked a few times, not expecting the question.

"Uhm... I think it's okay. You don't need to ask permission."

"I understand, then from now on, I will call you Rinrin."

Once again, Cathy blinked in confusion.

"Rinrin?" Didn't her brother ask permission to call her Cathy? Why is it now become Rinrin?

"Our mother always calls you by the name Rinrin in her letters. So it's been ringing in my head that I'll call you Rinrin once we meet."

Cathy's heartfelt warmth when she heard her brother's explanation. Is this what it feels like when a mother and brother were always thinking about her?

At that moment, the wall of defense against Kinsey shattered to pieces. It felt like she wanted to call her twin by the name or nickname 'brother,' but she still felt awkward.. But secretly in her heart, she was already calling Kinsey, a 'brother.'

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