My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 153 - His Number Seven

"Now tell us, how did you meet Vincent? As far as I know, Vincent will run away as soon as he meets a girl. So I was amazed to hear he has a lover. Why do you disturb me?" Felis said the last sentence to Frank because his friend elbowed her hand repeatedly.

"We can discuss something else. How about ..."

"What do you mean discussing something else? I'm interested in the person who managed to captivate Vincent's heart. After all, Vincent has set her number as seven. How could I..."

"How do you know if Vincent assigned her number seven?" this time, it was Frank who interrupted Felis' sentence.

"I've seen it on his phone. He saved Catherine's number as 'My7'."

"Really? Are you sure?" Cathy could see Frank's eyes turning cheerful.

"I am sure. What? Do you think I had a sight problem?"

Hearing this, Frank smiled broadly and looked at Cathy with an unfathomable look that Cathy couldn't understand.

What does she mean Vincent assigned her number as 'My7'? Why did Frank look so happy and smile at her mysteriously? What's wrong with number seven anyway? 

Why makes it important that she was Vincent's number seven? Cathy couldn't understand what they were talking about at all.

"So... how did you guys meet?" asked Felicia back to her original question.

"Uhm..." Cathy didn't know what to answer. Her feelings were both chaotic and dark. She was longing for Vincent at the same time didn't want to talk about him. Just hearing the name Vincent drained her energy, especially if she had to recall her memories with that man.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk about it," answered Cathy at last before finally dissolving into her thoughts.

Felicia noticed the gloomy expression on the girl and wondered if something happened between the lovebird.

"What happened?" whispered Felicia to Frank.

"Vincent disappeared without a word. You already know that too."

"I know. But isn't it at least Vincent still contacting her?"

Frank gave her a look, making the tigress gasped in shock. "No way! He didn't contact her either? What a jerk." she managed to hold her anger and made a lower yell.

"Catherine, how about we go to the gallery?" suggested Felicia, earning a sigh from her friend.

"Why go to the gallery? She's been there often."

"Does our dear friend only have one gallery?"

"You mean..."

"Yes, that one," said Felicia confidently.

"Then, after finishing this meal, I'll escort you."

Frank didn't think he was very good at comforting a broken-hearted woman. Felicia had experienced it and now has learned to accept the reality. Therefore, he will leave it to Felicia. Better to let the two women talk privately and comfort each other.

A few moments later...

Cathy and Felicia entered an ancient building consisting of three floors. Once inside, Cathy could see many photos in the frames that were displayed on the table. Photo of a boy and girl. There were also photos of the two boys as well as the faces of other young children.

Felicia explained the photos one by one. Most of the pictures there were photos of Vincent and Felicia when they were kids.

This was the first time Cathy has seen a photo of Vincent as a child. She felt that Vincent looked very cute and sweet when he was young. She also saw the mischief glint of eyes and the big smile that still lingered on his face.

Cathy didn't say much, but she enjoyed Felicia's story about their childhood.

"Look at this."

Cathy saw a boy on the bed with black hair standing straight. It was seen that the child had just woken up.

"Isn't it funny? His hair always looks like this every time he wakes up. That's why I call him a black hedgehog."

Cathy just smiled in response to the giggling laugh from Felicia.

Next, Felicia showed a photo where little Vincent pinched the cheek of a boy who was taller than him. Apparently, the boy is Benjamin.

This was also the first time Cathy has seen a photo of her uncle as a child. Cathy did not miss Felicia's sad and hurt expression when she mentioned Benjamin.

Cathy also realized that Felicia was trying to avoid Benjamin's photos and only focused on Vincent and herself.

Unfortunately, the longer Cathy heard Felicia's explanation about Vincent's childhood, the more her heartfelt anxiety. Suddenly she didn't like the kind woman in front of her. She had never felt this before. What is this feeling?

"Have you ever had feelings for Vincent?" even Cathy herself was surprised that she didn't expect to ask this. But when she saw Felicia stop walking and her body stiffen, her heart ached. It looks like she won't like the answer.

"If I said I never had feelings for him, would you believe it?"

Cathy couldn't answer it. She didn't know whether she should believe it or not. Judging from the dozens of photos between Vincent and Felicia, everyone could see their affections toward each other. It was highly impossible if they didn't have any feelings.

Now Cathy knew the feelings she feels right now. She felt sick because Felicia seemed to know Vincent better than she did.

She was jealous that Felicia knew about Vincent's childhood. She was feeling jealous... jealous of a woman for the first time.

"I do not know," answered Cathy limply. She wanted to get out of there immediately before her jealousy grew and did the thing he would regret.

"I did like him once," said Felicia, making Cathy grip her long coat. "I even imagined that the two of us would be the perfect couple and that one day we would get married.

But do you know the exciting part? Vincent likes me too. I can feel it. The way he acts around me, the way he looks at me or stares at me... all his sweet gestures are very different when he meets other women. We both like each other and are inseparable."

Stop it ... I don't want to hear it. Begged Cathy but couldn't find her voice.

"Sadly, Vincent never expressed his feelings to me. If only he did, I would have accepted him, and I think we are already married and have some kids who look like us."

Cathy's lips trembled, and her voice was very weak as she dared herself up to ask.

"Do you know why Vincent never confessed?"

"Because I'm not his number seven. I'll never be number seven in his heart."

Number seven? What does the number seven actually mean? Isn't it common for people to call someone their number one? Why does it have to be number seven? What's so special about this number?

"But I'm so grateful he never did. Because then I can meet Benben, fall in love with him, and also..." Felicia paused for a moment. "At least now he's found his number seven. That's why you don't have to worry. He will definitely come back to you." without Cathy knowing, Felicia tried to change the topic.

"Can I ask something? You've been calling me his number seven. What does that mean?"

"That..." Felicia did not continue her sentence. Instead, looking at Cathy with an investigating gaze made Cathy feel uncomfortable. "Before I answer, I want to confirm something. How do you think about Vincent right now? Is it still the same, or already change? If there is a change in your heart, what kind of change is that? You love him even more and want to always be by his side, or do you feel you are not worthy of being on his side?"

Cathy's face turned pale at that. Why was Felicia able to touch something she was trying to hide? Since she learned the truth of her past, since she read her mother's letters, Cathy felt she didn't deserve Vincent's love.

She was afraid that Vincent would suffer with her, and she was scared that Vincent would blame her by using her mother. She was worried... there were many things she would be afraid of if Vincent was by her side.

"I... I don't know whether I deserve to be with him or not."

"That means you doubt his feelings for you."

"No. To be precise, I'm not sure of myself."

"You doubt your own feelings?" Felicia's tone sounded incredulous. "Are you trying to tell me that you plan to forget about him?"

"I don't know. I don't know anymore." Cathy's voice was trembling, and tears were threatening to come out of her place. "Can you not push me anymore? How much longer do I have to wait for him? It's been a year I haven't heard from him. You all defend him because you are his best friend. You told me to hang on, then what about my feelings? Since that night, I have never been able to sleep peacefully every night. My days were full of unpleasant facts and making me stress. I... I don't know.." this time, Cathy couldn't hold back her tears anymore and let them run down her cheeks.

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