My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 173 - Wedding Day (2)

Cathy's eyes filled with tears seeing this. Since she found out who her birth mother was, she has only seen her mother's photo twice. The first was from Kinsey, and the second was the photo on the wall in Eastern Wallace.

Cathy did like to see her mother's face. However, she did not wish to look at her mother's ugly side every time she sees photos on Eastern Wallace. The aura her mother gave off in the photo was intimidating and arrogant. Cathy didn't like it that much, so she never wanted to go back to visit Eastern Wallace.

But the photos currently she saw was now filled with smiles and joyful laughter.

Cathy saw her mother playing with the sand on the beach or hugging two boys while squatting and throwing bread at the birds flying around her.

All these photos show the warm side of a Chloeny Paxton. Cathy appreciated the photos one by one with tears in her eyes before storing them in her photo album. This album will be her treasure for the rest of her life. She would keep it and take good care of it.

Vincent, oh Vincent... how much more happiness will you give me? I feel even more unequal to be with you because I can't provide you with anything but my feelings. Cathy crouched wordlessly.

After wiping her tears being careful not to spoil her make-up, Cathy took several other red roses and made one with the flower she was holding. Cathy found it challenging to carry the flowers because her small hands couldn't handle them, not to mention that she had to bring her photo album along. Nevertheless, she could still hold the 'bouquet' of flowers without falling.

Cathy continued her steps before stopping when two cute little children stood in front of the stairs with their typical children's smiles.

The two children brought a beautiful basket filled with flower petals. The three of them climbed the carpeted stairs while the two children threw flower petals into the air.

Once on the second floor, Cathy saw a man standing in front of her with a big smile. Vincent wore a white suit while holding a red rose with a small pin.

"Will you put this flower on my suit?" asked Vincent.

Of course, Cathy did it happily. She let Vincent take over her 'bouquet' of red roses then pinned the red rose to Vincent's white suit. Her precious album has been given to Frank by Vincent while Cathy was doing the pin.

"I'll give it to you when our procession is over," Vincent stated when he saw that Cathy did not want to be separated from her mini-album.

After that, Vincent gave back her 'bouquet' to Cathy. Cathy's eyes looked at the bouquet with a confused look. Where did the ribbon that tied the bouquet come from? Cathy turned her gaze towards Vincent, who was staring at her with pleasure.

Ah, Vincent had tied her with a cloth to form a ribbon. It will make her easier to carry the red rose bouquet. Now she does have a bride bouquet.

Then, the two of them walked into the hall to complete their wedding ceremony. There were two witnesses and a pastor who was ready to bless their marriage.

After several prayers and advice for the bride and groom, the pastor asked the bride and groom in turn.

"Vincentius Regnz, do you take Catherine Alvianc to be your wife, love her, take care of her and cherish her, whether in healthy or sick, as long as you two live?"

"Yes, I do," Vincent answered confidently.

"Catherine Alvianc, will you take Vincentius Regnz to be your husband, love him, take care of him, and honor him whether healthy or sick as long as you two live?"

"Yes, I do."

Then the pastor ordered the bride and groom to face each other. The pastor asked Vincent to hold Cathy's hand and say their wedding vows.

"Catherine Alvianc, I take you to be my wife, to have and care for one another from now to eternity, in times of trouble and pleasure, in times of abundance and lack, in times of health and sickness, to love and respect, until death do us part."

"Vincentius Regnz, I take you to be my husband, to have and care for one another from now to eternity, in times of trouble and pleasure, in times of abundance and lack, in times of health and sickness, to love and appreciate one another, until death do us part."

There was applause from the guests as soon as the two of them finished saying their marriage vows. Their applause was even more thrilled when the bride and groom exchanged rings.

"Thus, in the name of the Lord, I declare before God and his congregation that Mister Vincentius Regnz and Miss Catherine Alvianc are officially and legally husband and wife."

Once again, the sound of applause was heard. Everyone present was also happy for the bride and groom, especially Vincent's friends and team members. They knew very well how Vincent's condition was before meeting Cathy, after meeting Cathy and when he separated from Cathy.

All of Vincent's changes and the man's motivation to live were all rotated on the girl. That's why they were all so happy for the groom.

Not long after, the pastor beckoned the groom to kiss the bride earning an excited whistle from everyone.

Vincent lowered his face and drew closer to Cathy. Their closeness made their hearts beat fast. Without any doubt, Vincent landed his lips right against Cathy's lips... for the first time. There were cheers from his friends and neighbors.

Vincent immediately looked away and smirked when he saw Cathy's disappointed gaze. Vincent pulled Cathy's waist close to him with one hand while the other hand pushed Cathy's nape closer to his face.

Once again, their lips met, only this time their kiss was more passionate than before. As if he were enjoying fresh strawberries, Vincent assault Cathy's lips greedily.

Cathy's heart was pounding rapidly. In fact, she was sure her heart had never beat this fast before. She let her husband lead their kiss, which made her legs go limp.

The cheers this time were the longest, and even whistled sounds were heard from his team members.

Vincent grinned in the middle of his kiss, and his eyes showed his trademark playfulness when Cathy looked at him with blushing cheeks.

Cathy pouted when she realized her husband teased her in public. "Stop teasing me,"

Vincent laughs with amusement before once again claiming Cathy's sweet lips.

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