My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 182 - Dorcas Is Alpha?

Cathy got up to go to her room to see the contents of the USB on her laptop. Just before she entered her room, Aunt Len called out to her.

"Miss Cathy,"


"There is someone who wants to meet you."

"Who is it?"

"She said her name is Dorcas. Do you know her?"

Dorcas? The name sounded familiar to her, but she also felt that this was the first time she had heard that name.

"I'll see her. Where is she now?" asked Cathy after storing the USB into the pocket of her jeans.

After informing her of the area, Cathy walked through a few turns before finally arriving at the fore room. There she saw a woman in her late forties wearing a classic elegant dress.

The woman was simple in appearance, but her aura showed undeniable dignity. Instantly Cathy felt queasy, and a sense of respect grew in her as she looked at the middle-aged woman.

Who is this woman? Why could that woman make her feel wary yet respectful towards her?

"Good evening, Mrs. Dorcas. I heard you are looking for me. Is there anything I can do to help you with?"

Dorcas smiled softly at her. Cathy could have sworn she could even feel a motherly aura rising from that woman's smile.

"I wanted to make sure you're alright the moment I knew you live in this area."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Thank God, you are growing well. How are you? How about your three younger siblings?"

Cathy blinked in confusion. Had she ever met this woman before? Why doesn't she remember?

How strange... even though Cathy was very well-known for her sharp memory of someone's face, she couldn't recognize this woman.

"Have we met before? How did you know I have three younger siblings?"

Dorcas handed Cathy an old photo. The image showed her adoptive parents' faces as well as her when she was about nine years old.

Unconsciously, Cathy's smile carried on seeing the faces in the photo. Anna sat on her pregnant mother's lap and herself in her father's... uncle Daniel's arms.

Now she was sure Daniel loved her. It was clear from Daniel's eyes in the photo.

But... why does this woman, Dorcas, have this photo. Cathy glanced at Dorcas with investigating eyes.

"Who are you? Is it possible that you are..." Cathy wanted to mention Zero but stopped her sentence when she saw the woman put her index finger to her lips.

Dorcas wrote something on paper and showed it to Cathy.

'There are spies here. Better not talk about essential secrets out loud.'

When reading the writing, Cathy felt restless and anxious. Who is the spy Dorcas is referring to? And will these spies threaten her and her sisters' safety?

She did not want her three younger siblings to experience the same incident as her two nights ago. Cathy didn't even dare to imagine the fear that would come upon her sisters if they were kidnapped.

"That's right. I was your neighbor when you guys were still living in Oakville."

Cathy frowned at this. Oakville? Isn't that the name of the place where she lived before she moved to Red Rosemary with her sister?

Cathy alternately looked at Dorcas and the writing paper on the table. Could it be that Dorcas wanted to talk about an important secret in writing while they chatted casually in their voices to trick the spy?

'Are you Zero?' Cathy wrote on the paper and returned it to Dorcas.

"Sorry, I don't remember you at all. Do you know me?"

'Zero did send me to look after you, but I am not Zero or from his team. I'm a member of Alpha.' answered Dorcas on paper.

"I remembered you crying at my doorstep with bloody legs. At that time, you stepped on broken glass in front of the twins' room door. Maybe you have forgotten."

Forget? How could she have forgotten? Maybe she just couldn't remember her neighbor's kind face. But she couldn't possibly forget that day... the last day she saw colors.

Cathy remembered crying for her father after receiving a heavy slap. She still remembered it as if it happened only yesterday. She could feel the feelings of disappointment, hurt, confusion, and... anger.

The longer she let her anger pent up, all of her feelings turned into hatred. She hated her father... Daniel.

However, she buried her hatred due to her affection for her sisters. She didn't want to let her hatred consumed her and affect the girls' growing up.

Over time, she thought she no longer hate Daniel, but it seemed she was wrong. She still hated him but not showed it directly. She hated him because she felt that her father was the main reason she couldn't see colors.

If what Vincent said is true... then the real cause is herself. The hatred that was growing within her occupied her soul and prevented her from seeing the beauty of this world.

The fact that she still couldn't see colors at this time... does that mean she still hates Daniel?

'Zero did send me to look after you, but I am not Zero or from his team. I'm a member of Alpha.'

Once again, Cathy read Dorcas' reply blankly. All this time, Cathy always assumed she lived as a normal girl who grew up in an ordinary family. Who would have thought, ever since she was born into this world, she was not that your ordinary city girl. Someone had eyes on her, waiting for the right time to capture her, and at the same time, other people had been watching her, protecting her secretly.

Cathy almost broke the pen when she wrote what was on her mind. 'If you are from Alpha, why did you keep quiet when Daniel abandoned us?!'

"I remember it. That time I stupidly asked for your help and let you called the police to arrest my father." came a cold and hostile tone from Cathy's voice. "I remember very well, you were one of the reasons for getting our father into a mental hospital."

Dorcas only responded with a sad and apologetic smile.

"Does that mean you don't hate your father?"

"I hate him. Now I know I've been hating him all this time. But that doesn't mean I will let that hatred over me. I was lucky enough to meet someone who can get rid of my hatred. It wasn't easy at first, but I want to forget it. Therefore... I do not wish for the past to shadow me and repeat my hatred. "

"Sorry. I can't do much to help you."

"You have helped me a lot. Treating my wounds, giving milk to my baby sisters, and soothing the twins, I feel grateful because of that. I will never forget your assistance. It's just that... for now, I don't want to continue this conversation."

"I understand," replied Dorcas, handing her another piece of paper before leaving.

'You can trust Owen. He's also an Alpha like me.'

Cathy's hand gripped her long cloth as she read it. Cathy looked coldly at Dorcas' departing back.

'Why did you leave the house without Owen or anyone?'

Cathy remembered Vincent's question at that time when they were running away in a car. Cathy didn't care at that time, but now she's wondering how Vincent got to know Owen when the two had never met before?

There were a lot of strange things about Owen that she often overlooks. Whether it was a coincidence or not, Owen saved her from harm on the most nit time.

She never could understand how her ordinary driver knew something terrible would fall upon her like a fortune teller. She remembered when a falling pot almost crushed her, or when she almost broke her head because she tripped on the stairs and so on. Every time she almost got an accident, Owen would appear like a hero saved a distressed damsel. Now it all made sense that Owen was an Alpha.

But didn't Alpha and Zero never meet? Then how did Vincent know Owen? And why did he feel that Owen also knew Vincent?

Whenever Cathy felt sad because she missed Vincent, Owen always comforted her and said she would see Vincent again.

Cathy stroked her forehead, starting to feel dizzy, and decided to go back to the room. Accidentally her hand reached into her pocket and pulled out the USB.

Cathy wasn't in the mood to check her USB's contents, so she put the USB on her dresser before lying down on the bed.

Her heart was strangely restless and uneasy. Cathy was sure she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. In the end, she decided to see the contents of the USB.

Once into a folder, Cathy saw a video there. Cathy put on her earphones before playing the video.

Her heart was racing with fear mixed with anger when she saw a familiar face there.

Katleen Morse, her dearest friend, was there!

How in the world her enemy seized her dearest friend?!

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