My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 32 - Benjamin's Request

Vincent entered the hotel casually and headed for the reception. Because his visits were routine, several senior employees were familiar with him.

"My apologize, Miss Felicia, but Mr. Ben advised that there are important matters to discuss with Mr. Regnz. Mr. Ben will meet you at the cafe."

Felicia just sighed at that and complied. In the end, the girl went first with a sullen face towards the cafe.

It didn't take a long time or a problematic procedure, such as making an appointment or something. Vincent was immediately escorted to an elevator that went straight to the floor where the CEO was.

As the elevator doors opened, Vincent glanced at the desk of the secretariat. He didn't want the girl to find out about his visit to Star Risen; if only that girl were there, he would hide his face.

Luckily the girl wasn't there. Strangely... he felt sad when he did not see the girl's face.

How weird.

"Charlie? I thought you retired?" Vicent teased at the head of the secretary that only a few years older than him.

The man who was almost the same age as Ben just shook his head at his jokes.

"Your cousin will never allow my resignation letter."

Vincent laughed at this response.

"It is proof that you are irreplaceable. But I heard you have a co-worker?"

"Ah, that's right. But it was only temporary."

"Temporary? Why?"

"... I think you should ask Mr. Ben directly."

Hearing this, Vincent frowned even more. Why did he feel like something was being hidden about his cousin's new secretary?

Is it true that the two of them have a special relationship? But, he was sure that this girl was in her early twenties. His cousin couldn't possibly fall in love with a girl who was a dozen years under her, right?

If so, what should he do with Felicia?

Realizing he won't get an answer from Charlie, he decided to go right inside to meet his annoying cousin.

He entered a large room with a bookshelf that stood upright to his left. The books were neatly arranged on the shelves, and there was a distinctive peppermint scent.

Not far there, he saw his cousin sitting at his desk staring at his computer with a solemn face. Behind him was a large glass window from left to right, allowing him to see the blue sky and several tall buildings outside.

Vincent closed the door again and walked toward his cousin casually.

"I hope that I came here not because of your stupid joke."

Benjamin, who was staring at his computer with a serious expression, now shows a relaxed face when he heard his voice.

"Well, you know me very well. Of course... I..."

"I will go, then." interrupted Vincent, about to turn around to go home.

"Wait. This time I'm not joking."

After reconsidering whether his cousin was serious or was playing tricks on him, Vincent decided to stay and sit across from Ben.

Not long after he sat down, Benjamin handed him an envelope filled with essential letters.

"What is this?"

"Have you ever heard of the name Payton Hill?"

"I have. Who doesn't know Peyton Hill? A pawnshop that infamous for blackmailing the poor. Why?"

"That's right. One of the leaders was caught beating the debtor to death. Not only that, after being investigated, this person is addicted to drugs and has been detained by the authorities."

"I've heard about it too. Since his trusted person has gone to jail, no one else can control the financial's balance. And now they are on the edge of bankruptcy. What about it?"

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. To tell you the truth, Payton's founder was James Paxton."

Vincent frowned as he started to understand where this topic will go.

"You want me to acquire it? If so, I can't. No. I don't even want to. Why don't you ask my father for help?"

"Well, if you say so. But you know, it would likely happen that James will persuade your father to marry you off to his daughter. It's the easiest way to get rid of the debt of gratitude."

"What? What's the connection... I'm not going to marry her! Clarissa is not a woman who is suitable to be a wife. Besides, my parents will not force me to marry someone I don't like."

"Your father may not. But what about your mother? Clarissa is very good at ingratiating motherhood. You know that too."

Vincent didn't like the idea at all. He could not imagine his mother entered Clarissa's ruse, who is the only daughter of James Paxton.

"Because of that, I want you to do it. That way, you can freely make your own choices. And James will have no more reason to marry his daughter to you."

Vincent sighed heavily, still not wanting to deal with that tricky older man.

"James is your family. Why don't you help him yourself?"

"You think I want to help him?"

Vincent became more confused when he heard this. Didn't Ben specifically ask for his help because he wanted to help James? Then what does he mean by saying, 'you think I want to help him?'

"You don't?"

"Nope. Not at all. In fact, I want to buy all the shares he owns until he had nothing left to hold."

Hearing this made Vincent's forehead frown. Is this really Benjamin he knows? He knew Benjamin was very nosy and loved to pull his leg, but he was sure that this man is not the one who has the heart to make his family suffer.

What was Benjamin Paxton planning to do?

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