My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 39 - Long Vacation

While waiting for their orders, Cathy's three sisters took turns telling stories about what had happened at their school.

Both Ben and Cathy listened to them while laughing with them. Even when the dish came, they still talked excitedly.

"How long do you guys have a holiday?" asked Ben.

"Anna will enter college in three months. Meanwhile, Lina and Lizzy will enter next month."

"Ah... three months off .." cried Lina.

"Not really. Once you guys start school, you will be bored to death at home."

Hearing this, Ben and Cathy smiled.

"Should I take a part-time job?"



Ben and Cathy said it simultaneously. Ben said he could, while Cathy forbade his sister to work.

Hearing different answers, but at the same time, Anna looked at the two of them with a confused look.

"Why can't I work?"

"Right. Why did you forbid your sister?"

"That... If she really wants to work, can she work at Star Risen?"

Ah... now Ben understood Cathy's concern. Through her experience, she knew the hardship of taking a part-time job. Cathy did not want her sister to undergo the pressure of a part-time job like what she was experiencing.

As much as Benjamin wanted to spoil his younger cousin, Cathy spoiled her younger sisters too.

"Of course. No problem. How about starting the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow? So fast?"

"Just a side job. Next week Star Risen on the island will have a global opening. There will be a photographer to take some pictures and make a document at our grand opening."

"Your only job is to help Cathy make sure the preparations for the event run smoothly."

"I'm coming too?" this time, it was Cathy who asked. It was the first time she heard of being assigned to the island of Pina.

"That's right. So tomorrow, you guys will go there for a vacation for five days. After that, the photographer will come, and then your work begins. The twins will also come with you."

"Really? We can come too?" asked the twins excitedly.

"Are the photographers from the V collection?"

"Ah, no. He is an acquaintance of mine. His skill is not inferior to V's. It's just that he's not as famous as V. You remember I told you about backup plans, right? When we are responsible for making sure everything goes well, we have to prepare a contingency plan."

"I will remember. But why just one photographer? Isn't this event will be grand?"

Benjamin shook his head. "Pina Island is a private island, and the guests are also highly selected. I just want to include a photographer I can trust."

Cathy nodded her head in understanding. Then she asked something that had been making her curious.

"Uncle... are you using work excuses to give me vacation leave?" guessed Cathy suspiciously.

"Oh? You know that?"

Cathy just sighed at her uncle's answer and thanked him genuinely. If only she had been allowed to vacation in Pina, she might have refused. Because of that, she was very grateful to have Benjamin as an understanding uncle.

Little by little, the view of men in this world began to improve. She could accept her uncle's kindness more easily. Neither did she think much about getting out of his uncle's protection.

After all, she realized that she was an ordinary girl. In her own strength, she would not be able to protect and bring smiles of happiness to her sisters. Despite the fact that she wasn't too fond of a father, Cathy already considered Benjamin a father figure.

A father. How is her father? Lately, she hasn't had the chance to visit her father. Not that she did not want to, but the doctors advised her not to see her father face to face for the next six months.

They provide reasonable reasons. Every time Cathy came, her father would throw tantrums and threw her out. A few days later, her father's condition improved, and he forgot about her. But he will be insane again when they meet face to face and back to square one.

Because of this, to maximize her father's recovery, the doctor forbade her to see her father face to face for six months.

She should have felt sad that she couldn't see her father, but... she didn't feel sad at all. For some reason, she felt relieved that she didn't have to meet her father as a child's duty.

She didn't know whether her feelings for her father were a form of annoyance or bitterness. Or is it... hate? Cathy didn't know the answer.

All she knew, she felt nothing knowing his father's insane condition. Like when she finds out about the state of a stranger who has a severe illness, she did not feel happy nor sad. That's how she felt about her father.

Two days later...

Just as Ben had said, the four West sisters arrived in front of the Star Risen hotel on Pina Island.

The air there was very different from their city. With just a breath of air, they felt like they were in the mountains.

From the airport to the hotel, they passed through thousands of trees on either side of them. On their way, they could even see the ocean to their left.

"Look, there are three colors around the sun!" cried Lizzy.

"It's so beautiful."

Cathy's three sisters never ran out of words to express their admiration for the island.

Cathy smiled with satisfaction seeing the cheerful smiles on the faces of her three sisters.

She might not be able to enjoy the beauty of the island; she might never be able to see what her three younger siblings saw, but as long as Cathy could enjoy the smiles of her three younger siblings, she wouldn't ask for more.

Cathy let Anna and the twins roam around the hotel building while she tried to get closer to the manager and other employees who worked there.

Even though her uncle had told Cathy to take a vacation, she couldn't help but activated her work mode. She wanted to finish her preparatory work before the photographer his uncle referred to arrived.

As a result, not only did Cathy know the ins and outs of Star Risen, Cathy also made many new friends there.

She was sure that next week's grand opening would be a success. Even if there were problems, she already prepared various contingency plans.

Only after that, she could join his three younger siblings to spend the rest of their vacation days.

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