My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress

Chapter 49 - Looking For Anna (2)

Initially, Cathy did not realize that the young man had followed her from the tenth floor. When she realized someone follower her, she sped up her pace, hoping she'd guessed it wrong. But until this very second, the man still following her from behind.

The distance between them was also strange. Not too far nor too close. As if the man was doing it on purpose.

Vincent was still thinking of the right answer that makes sense to the question when they heard the sound of shattered glass.

Cathy immediately turned to follow the sound source, and of course, Vincent followed her at the same distance as before.

They walked up to a turn where they heard a conversation.

Without hesitation, Cathy approached the two women. One was dressed in a plaid suit, which was undoubtedly her missing younger sister, while the other was dressed in a dark gown with several dazzling beads adorning around the woman's waist.

Judging from the woman's expression and how the woman looked at her sister with hatred made Cathy dislike her.

Cathy has absolutely no recollection of Vincent following her because her thoughts were focused on protecting her sister. Meanwhile, Vincent immediately hid behind a pillar when he saw a woman's face.

It's Clarissa Paxton! She finally shows up?

Cathy sauntered over to them while adjusting her breathing again. Her breath was slightly short of breath due to half-running steps while looking for her sister's whereabouts.

The closer to them, the more obvious she could see what had happened in this place. Part of Anna's hair was wet, while her face was covered with liquid.

Cathy stared down at the floor at the broken glass with spilled contents. She instantly remembered that day when her father threw the empty bottle right near her.

The memory was like a nightmare for her, and suddenly she found it difficult to breathe.

She felt her hands tremble with fear, and her legs almost fell as she was hit by tremendous trauma.

"Who are you? What do you want by coming here?"

The cold voice that sounded disdainful in her ears brought her back to her senses.

Cathy closed her eyes, trying to rid of the bad image from her mind. She tried to bring up Anna's face that she had seen earlier. Anna was suffering and tried to hold her tears in the place.

Now Cathy's hands were no longer shaking, and when she opened her eyes to the woman... she looked at her with a sharp and offensive gaze.

Only Vincent noticed the change in the woman's expression. At first, the woman had an arrogant face and looked down on Cathy. But now, her eyes widened in surprise, and there was a hint of fear from her eyes.

Vincent, who saw the small scene, could not see what the West sisters' expression like because their backs were facing him.

He was genuinely curious. What kind of expression was on Catherine's face? What could make a Clarissa Paxton look afraid and shock like that?

Vincent smirked, looking at Clarissa's condition. He finally had the opportunity to witness the day of the defeat of Clarissa Paxton.

On the contrary, Anna couldn't relax in her place, and she felt like all of her muscles went numb. She wondered how did this situation happen?

A few minutes ago, she had just come out of the girls' bathroom and headed for the elevator to go up to the tenth floor. Anna stood in front of the elevator while waiting for the elevator to arrive on the ground floor.

Then she felt something pushing her and nearly knocked her over. Luckily Anna had such good reflexes that her right hand had already touched the elevator button's upper wall before she fell, and her right foot rushed forward to support her.

Anna smiled with relief that she didn't have to fall with her head hitting the floor.

"Insolent! How dare you spill my drink on my shirt!?"

Excuse me?? Anna turned around to see the owner of the voice.

She didn't know who that woman was, but the air she emitted made her shudder. This woman is very dangerous. Anna thought warily.

Before she had time to explain anything adequately, her eyes filled with red liquid made her unable to speak.

Her front hair was wet, and the drink liquid flowed from all over her face to her neck and soaked her collar.

The color of the drink was red and stained her white collar. Anna couldn't see her appearance, but she knew her collar must have been tainted in red by now.

This dress was her favorite as her eldest sister gave it to her.

Why could this woman do it? That woman was the one who bumped into her. She should be the one who was angry at that woman.

Anna wanted so badly to confront her and defend herself, but when she saw the woman's gaze filled with confidence and intimidating aura while looking down on her, her heart sank for some reason.

Instantly her legs jumped back as glass flew towards her feet and shards of glass flew around her. She felt something scratch on her calf, followed by slight pain.

Anna didn't know what else to say. No. She felt something gripped her throat, causing her could not speak. Her body shivered because of her sudden fear.

Sister Cathy, I'm scared. She called her sister in pain. Her vision was blurry, but she tried not to let her tears flow out. She was crying not because of the pain she felt but because of her condition.

It was then that she felt the presence of someone beside her. Anna still lowered her face in fear that the woman's acquaintance would come and scold her. She thought the newcomer was the woman's friend to corner her.

However, she felt her right hand being grasped by a familiar warm hand.

Anna shifted her gaze to her right and saw her sister was standing beside her with a terrifying cold stare.

She knew she should feel scared when she saw the rare expression on her sister's face. An expression that made anyone see it would feel nervous and made their tongue-tied.

But this time, seeing her sister was here by her side... Her heart felt a great deal of relief and convinced herself that everything would be all right.

However, only Anna could feel her saddened heart.

When will I stop rely on sister Cathy?

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