"Friends passing by, please stop."

I saw that in the deep forest, a platform made of ancient wood stood, a middle-aged man who looked like a profiteer was shouting and drinking, and there was a wooden sign behind him, with some words vaguely on it.

Many monks are surrounded by the wooden platform.

"Look, fellow Daoists!"

"The death bell belongs, who's the flower?"

"Fufu Pavilion welcomes all Taoist friends to come and place a bet. With the next bet, you may reach the pinnacle of life!"

"Ha ha!"

"Of course, I recommend you to choose popular forces to bet, for example, the Promise God Dynasty in our Chaos Emperor Realm, the False God Tiangong, Luohua Sect, the Inextinguishable Dragon Clan in the Eternal Demon Realm, the Heavenly King Thunder Bear Clan, and the Scarlet Blood in the Endless Demon Abyss. Demons, Drought Demons, etc."

The middle-aged man touched his moustache and said to a group of monks with a smile.

"As long as you dare to go, I will dare to pay for it."

"It's better to act in a heartbeat. Please hurry up, fellow Daoists. After the Black Earth Dead Mountain opens, you won't have this chance."


As soon as this word comes out.

Many cultivators are a little moved. Although the Fufu Pavilion is not a top force in the chaotic region, it still has a reputation and at least some integrity, but you can try it.

Soon, there were many people betting.

"It makes some sense."

Not far away, Ning Tian and his party watched this scene, he touched his chin and seemed to be thinking.

"Giggle~ Husband, why don't we make a bet too?" Su Yueyao's laughter was like a silver bell, and she looked at Ning Tian.

"Hmm~ I think it's ok."

Ning Tian touched his chin and nodded.

Hearing this, Tian Mei, Tu Lao and others silently observed a three-second silence for the Fufu Pavilion. They were targeted by the nuclear good couple. The Fufu Pavilion might have to understand what it means to go bankrupt.

A group of people walked over.

The steward of the Fufu Pavilion was still shouting constantly.

"I'll make a bet."

At this time, a voice with a smile sounded, and everyone looked at it subconsciously, but they couldn't see the figures of this group of people. After all, Ning Tian and his group were all emperors except Ning Tian and Tian Mei.

I don't want this group to see the details. It's really too simple.


"Could it be, is this that big force?"

Seeing this scene, many cultivators around had a dignified expression.

The steward of the Fufu Pavilion frowned slightly, but soon stretched out, looking at a group of mysterious people, it should be a big money owner, maybe he can make a fortune from them!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and he looked at Ning Tian with a smile.

But just as he was about to speak, he was stunned.

Although he couldn't see Ning Tian's specific appearance, he could still see Ning Tian's smiling face.

this laugh...

Why do you feel like laughing more cheaply than yourself?

Who is the profiteer?

He was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and looked over again, but this time, he couldn't see Ning Tian smiling at all, and his brows suddenly wrinkled, could he be hallucinating? What a hell.

Afterwards, the steward smiled and looked at Ning Tian: "This fellow Daoist, who do you want to bet on?"

"Tell me about the rules."

Ning Tiandao was not in a hurry to place a bet.

"That's it..." The steward explained the rules of betting in a very quick tone. Probably there is no limit to the amount of the bet. If the object of your bet gets the death bell, it will be deducted from the wealthy pavilion. After the fee, you can get the bounty ten times your bet.

in other words.

The more you bet, the more spirit coins you get.


"Ten times the bonus."

Ning Tian murmured, squinted his eyes, and looked at the middle-aged man again: "What if I be the only one I bet on? Then, do all the spirit coins belong to me?"

Ten times the bonus?

If the patriarch is only for ten times the bonus, then it is not the patriarch's style.

"That's right."

The steward of the Rich House smiled and nodded, squinting his eyes: "According to the rules, this is indeed the case, but I still recommend fellow Daoists to follow the public, because only then will you be able to earn spirit coins."

It is a normal person who will choose popular forces to bet.

Because those small forces that were not known before have entered the Black Earth Death Mountain, let alone obtaining the death bell, it is a question whether they can survive.

They are willing to gamble, but not willing to give it for nothing.

"That's it."

Ning Tian was thoughtful, if the steward of the Fufu Pavilion could see through the fog, he would definitely be able to see Ning Tian's smiling smile under the fog.

The patriarch smiled, usually others don't have a good end.

"This fellow Daoist, can you think about it clearly?"

The steward of the Fortune Pavilion looked at Ning Tian and asked.


Ning Tian nodded slightly, then pointed at himself: "I buy, we win."


The steward of the Fufu Pavilion was stunned for a moment, and the surrounding monks also looked at Ning Tian and his party with strange expressions. These guys, are they okay? Popular forces do not choose, choose yourself?

Give it for free?

Or are they also a hidden force?

"This fellow Daoist, are you betting on yourself?" The steward of the Fufu Pavilion frowned slightly, but out of professional courtesy, he still confirmed it very seriously.

"That's right."

Ning Tian's answer was neat and tidy.


The steward of the Fufu Pavilion was silent for a while, and then nodded, "Okay, I don't know what kind of power this fellow Taoist is?"

As soon as this word comes out.

There are many eyes around, and it seems that they all want to find out.


Ning Tian pondered for a while when he heard the words of the steward of the Fufu Pavilion, and just as he was about to speak, the Lion King Fengyan snorted twice.


Use Lion's!

The name Lion Lord thinks is absolutely domineering and unparalleled!

Ning Tian was silent for a moment, glanced at the Lion King Fengyan, then looked at the steward of the Fufu Pavilion, and said, "We, tear down the Heavenly Gate."

"Tear down the gate of heaven?"

Many monks around were stunned for a while, and it was unheard of in their minds to open the door to the sky.

The stewards of the Fufu Pavilion were also silent for a while. Haven't heard of this force?

tear down the door...

It's so weird.

"Okay, how many bets will be placed on the demolition of the heavens?" The steward of the rich wealth pavilion turned around and wrote on the wooden board behind him. On it were the names of the major forces and the number of bets that had been placed.

From a distance, it is close to 10 billion spirit coins.

"Well... Since it's my own sect, it's natural to bleed a lot." Ning Tian pondered for a while, and said in a desperate tone.


"Going to send?"

Hearing this, the steward of the Fufu Pavilion shuddered in his heart, instantly ecstatic, with a bright smile on his face, turned to look at Ning Tian: "Haha! Presumably, the demolition of Tianmen can be said to be rich and powerful, I think the name of demolition of Tianmen must be I'll keep my name..."

However, before he finished speaking, Ning Tian's voice sounded.

"One Spirit Coin."

"Huh? What?"

The smile on the steward's face stagnated for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"I said, a spirit coin."

"?[Dragon Novel Network www.xiaodaba.com]??"

The steward of the Fufu Pavilion was stunned for a moment, and soon a Sima's face appeared on his face.

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