My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 10 - The Outside World

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In the sky, there was this huge thing. A huge fireball, I guess. And that's what we called 'sun.'

In the sky, once again, there were also some big masses of wool. These were called 'clouds.'

Clouds were the ones floating and mingling themselves into one another. The wool seemed to be motionless, but upon closer observation, it was actually moving.

The clouds were up there, too, as they were floating in the sky. All of this playful scenery took place under the sun.

Still, mostly, there was the sun.

And you know, that very sun, hanging high, high up in the sky.

Well, I think he might be a bad guy.

I mean, he wouldn't let me look at him. And that's not cool.

No matter how much I asked him not to--Just ... do his thing to my eyes.

He wouldn't listen. No matter what I'd tell him. He was persistent.

Here I was, in the alley. The same alley that was right in front of the main entrance I had just exited by.

I stretched my hand towards the big fireball. Hindering it from reaching my eyes. Taking a good look at it was the goal here.

I wouldn't want to go blind on my first day on earth, after all. I needed protection. Otherwise, well, things wouldn't be so good, right?

And what I would do to prevent that is just as follows--First, slightly letting go of my hand to the side. Second, I'd squint my eyes to a slit, that was the second step. And well, the third step being: hoping to take a brief look at it as all my operation was unfolding.

It was my third attempt now.

I'd gently move my hand to the side.

My eyes were the ones to squint in a second time.

And well, the result was the same it'd been for my first attempts.

"No can do, huh. He really won't let me see it," I sighed and shook my head repeatedly.

Anyways, here I was, under the sun.

The exit I just went out by was behind my back.

Before me stood my path.

"Let's go on ahead," I calmly cheered myself on. I took this first step outside. My very first step in the outside world.

The ground was made out of bricks. Square aligned bricks. All of these in close lines.

And I was the big human stomping on them as I followed the road. I walked and walked, still following the road.

Doing that, it came to a turn.

Thus I turned left.

"Oh," I observed. "So, the voices were coming from there, huh."

Voices and people were to be mixed up. That took place in front of me. All of them stood a dozen meters away from me.

I breathed in a full cup of air. I tightened the grip I had on my sword. Only then was I ready to proceed onward.

All these humans, they were forming a group. This group was occupying the better part of the road.

On the side of the road, there was a great deal of these people agitating themselves.

On the sidewalk, there were only three people or so.

So, yeah, actually, there are two groups there.

They seemed to be managing the crowd.

I couldn't really see well, anyway. From where I was strolling along the road I couldn't really make out what they were doing.

"People, people, settle down," one of the sidewalk guys announced. "While we absolutely comprehend the reason for your disappointment, we, as unfortunately as it may be, cannot prevent it from happening."

As a response, the people of the road settled down. The ruckus had stopped.

Each one of them started chatting with his peers.

What were they talking about? I don't know. Had it been important, I would just figure it out one way or another.

For now, let's just walk, I thought.

Still following the grey-brown bricks of the road, I was getting near them. Each step I treaded brought me nearer to them.

"Now, kind people, please, hear me out once more," added the announcer before he went on, "Each one of you here will be given a seal. That seal offers you three complete dinners at our Pizzato's."

So I was just exiting Pizzato's, huh.

Funny name.

"And while we do not pretend this will suffice to clear your discontentment--We're really sorry," they added as they bowed in apology.

"We want more!" angrily shouted one of the road people. He seemed to be furious for some reason. "More or nothing!"

Other people after him did go ahead and complain, too.

Some others weren't tapping their foot on the road nor were rejoicing at the announcer's announcement.

While some others were just nodding their head in satisfaction.

This was as far as the road people were concerned.

On the mediators' side, though, the supposedly responsible were now looking over to me.

It started when one girl on their side saw me.

She elbowed her partner and indicated to him to look at me. Thus the man waved his hand at me, indicating me to come over to him, or so I assumed.

Finally noticing me, hm. I squinted my eyes

Quickly, I arrived before them. I had to come to a stop.

It didn't take long for them to talk.

"S--Sir… You're hurt…" they managed, gripping their fists into balls.

And I?

--I replied with nothing.

Remember how it went? The first time I engaged in a discussion with a human.

Quite poorly, from what I recall.

I'll only wait for you humans to provide me with more material.

And as I decided I'd do that, fortunately for me, they did speak further.

This time, it was the female from among the two looking at me.

She'd looked like she'd been ready to burst at any time.

Her brows were noticeably arched up in worry.

As I was just blatantly looking at her and her coworker, she acted.

Gripping her white apron anxiously, she unsealed her lips.

"--Does that mean you've taken care of the monster…!?

And--Are you hurt anywhere except," she brought her hand to her throat. "Except for here…?"

She cast her eyes down only to take them back at me hesitantly.

Her comrade waved with one hand to their third acolyte.

He must've been indicating to him to take over with the crowd because that's what he did.

"Th--Thanks… Thanks for what you did, by the way," her cheeks were now adorned with red.

"I--I mean, you weren't compelled to do what you did for us… I just--just wanted to say my words of thanks," she bowed her head to me.

She sure talks a lot, huh.

After having heard her talking, I glanced at my outfit.

I was wearing a darkened belted tunic.

On my back was also to be found a cap. This cap would go from the lower half of my thigh all up to my shoulders where it was resting.

That piece will do the job.

I took my cap from behind me and brought it to before me.

Swiftly, I tore a piece off of it. I brought it up to my throat and began wrapping it around my wound.

"M--May I help..?" the female human managed.

I shook my head.

She really is worrying for me, huh, I thought.

The male human, as for him, didn't say anything.

After I was done wrapping my wound up, I was ready to talk.



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