My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 112 - Stronk

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What did he do…?

What did Old Sipping do??

Does he even have that much strength in his wicked and old and oh so full of tiredness body???

Certainly, this can't be!

But this is strong!

Very, very, very strong!

I gotta ask him, I gotta ask him!

'This' took place.

It was but devastating.

The meager walls collapsed.

The poor ceiling was brought down with them too.

And all the orcs…! All my friends!

They didn't even have a second or so to wave me bye-bye in a friendly way!

They all just collapse … being cut to two distinct pieces as they were.

Only my tiny black shell shuddered to that. My mind wasn't shuddering at all! I can testify to that. I can really do!

I was very calm and normal.

When all them boys–just been brought to death.

That's right.

Death simply occurred, at this point.

That thick yet super thin blade of light? It'd cut through the whole of this place.

The walls can't die; they already are dead. Same goes for the ambient air–it cannot die; it already is dead… I mean it's not living.

But now, take all them orcs, for example.


Most of them (if not all of them) were to be slashed thoroughly and perfectly through at the height of their shoulder.

And even it being their shoulders, they were so neatly cut through. Just like you'd be taking out all your anger on some butter with your kitchen knife. It just neatly cut through it.

And, and, except that, right now, the butter wasn't so much lightly armored by its natural oily and tender texture and condition!

It was very sturdy and very not likely to be cut through this way. I couldn't pull that off even with my short sword I considered so superior on my own. I simply couldn't.

And bones weren't butter, after all.

Though, right now, bones weren't so much of bones all the same, in this kind of context. I was amazed by that.

Anyway, everyone fell.

Even my dear old Tattooed; whom I'd made the acquaintance of previously on the battlefield; and the newly obtained pal Chief Orc.

They fell to the ground lifelessly.

Tattooed's shoulders were just about the same as his other pals.

He'd been slashed through just at the shoulders like his friends (that also were mine after all we'd lived together–oh, misery).

When Chief's shoulders–due to his more human-like features hence tinier stature–were to be left intact.

Instead, it was the top of his well-wrinkled though not too old throat that had been slashed through like butter.

It was very well done. And I looked upon that in amazement. Right below his earlobes, the top of his throat was gashed through entirely.

Chief's eyes were wide open to their fullest. There was no pain whatsoever carved onto the orc's face. Nothing like this.

There was only amazement; just about the same emotion which was carved onto my insect's face (or something along those lines) resting below my antennas.

Chief died as his head was cut off. Or maybe he didn't instantly die.

He who only had lost his head seemed to still be beholding of the events of right now.

His long hair (that was so far attached well-combed and arranged behind his head) spread out in the air as his full-widened eyes flew away … gently crashing down his still standing feet and legs.

Getting all my legs to work at once, I darted away from itself. The head would be crashing on me, I could see that.

And I evaded thus. I still could do that much. I wasn't all that freaked out at all. Don't worry.

It rolled, and rolled, and rolled further in the air, growing nearer and nearer to the floor with each passing second.

The gray hair of the middle-aged orc still was still spread out, following the head's falling to the ground.

At some point–thud!–the orc's head didn't but whack the leathery floor as the sound of it hitting the ground reverberated all its way up to the black shell resting just next to it.

They were enormous. Simply enormous and gigantic. The eyes.

That and, they were down to the ground with me, at this point; they still somewhat were clinging onto their life.

Looking and scanning around?


Even at this point?

And then they stopped.


The bloodbath of this place only was to be further extended.

And I was very calm and normal.


Even after all that happened, I was to be very calmed and normal. I hadn't been freaking out one bit, no, no. I have to insist.

And I could prove that.

Suddenly, the tiny black not trembling anymore insect-like creature on the floor just … burst out!

Switching between the two forms was becoming easier and easier as I practiced.

To my genuine self (the parasite I was quite fond of) I turned and transformed into that humanoid, said-to-be-noble form.

My whole player unfolded and blasted off of the ground.

And my silverish green hair fell back down my forehead, hindering my eyes again; I stood there, looking around with a sense of wariness.

I was mistrustful as to what had to come. And I didn't hide it.

Peering around with my pair of eyes, I saw the things.

The things that weren't quite things anymore–but the 'things' nonetheless.

The walls had been taken down quite entirely. Once again, they were quite measly, to begin with, but they still constituted about half the 'furniture' of this said-home.

They'd fallen down abruptly.

The wooden and bony sticks going about propping them up or something did shatter too.

The walls (which were only composed of rough leathery sheets so weren't actual walls) slashed open and cut into two distinct pieces; were now just laid flat on the ground.

Laying flat on the ground it was folded over the whole dead pile of bodies of the orcs that'd all been not so much butchered but still pretty badly cut apart.

Did you see them, though?

Not so much either.

Aside from the plumpy funny bumps they were forming from under their covering blanket as they all slept together as one united happy family.

And the not even completely sheltering ceiling must've played a part in covering them up with yet another warm sheet of leather under the sun, too.

It had shattered too, and fell upon them like a warm blanket, and covered them all up pretty neatly together.

Or it wasn't maybe all that neat of a covering, I think. Here and there, I could make out of an arm, going about showing the tip of itself, seemingly willing to crawl back out from this deadly blanket that was diving itself in complete and utter darkness.

But anyway, mostly, we didn't see a remnant of them. So it could be considered neat.

What one couldn't see a single remnant of–this time about, entirely–were the other dead people from among there.

The humans.

I'd executed them all, Old (that still hadn't shown himself at this point, I frowned at that fact) didn't have a role in this.

And, lying about on the other side of this … room that hadn't even walls anymore–they were all covered too. Not by the walls, but only by the fallen ceiling.

And so, they were hidden too.

"Heh, heh…" I laughed as nervously and awkwardly … and did say nothing to further complete this nervous stance of mine.

Straightening out my back, I gave a look around–the walls weren't hindering the outside from reaching my eyes.

What are we even doing, with Old Sipping?

So many orcs around.

These ones will be taking me as an enemy, right?

Were is he even, that old human male, huh?

Shouldn't he be appearing already?

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