My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 124 - My Party?

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These people; Clumsy Babe knows them.

Remember when the angry human shouted:


"Explain yourself, you snotty brat…!"

Being called out by such an annoying voice, I stirred.

And quickly got back to these two eyes. Upset and flaming, "It hurts, goddamn it! Watch your steps, next time about…!–you hear?!"


Being down to the ground, resting on my butt, I felt numb all over it.

And my ears were assaulted by this repeated, ringing complaining–what does he want, hah?

Think I'm afraid of you, human, hah??

"Hey, shut up, Rahir, why don't you?" but I was calmed down pretty quickly by this one's intervention, "Obviously, the kid's just as lost as you are, right now, don't you think, eh?"

And kneeling down next to him, one other man–the cool-looking guy who'd greeted 'yo!'–gave him both a hand to help him up and a slap on the top of his head, "come on, apologize to the kid for being such an ass–"

"–You shut up!"

That was right, humph. Very good point made by the cool-looking guy. I must've been as lost as he was.

Though he stubbornly protested.

"Don't upset me more than him! I'm upset, and … argh!–don't come near me, either!–bleh, bleh! I can get up on my own."

"That's … right, okay, you're excused." and that same very guy, before nodding to himself, he briefly turned to me and said,

"Hey, kid, he's excused, all right? He's got his reasons," and quickly turned back to his colleague, "–I understand it's been a harsh day, heh."

"You do, huh, leader?"

"I do. And I'm upset too, actually … well, not as much as you are, given the circumstances, though–but I feel you."

Both of them, one kneeling to the ground and the other sitting on his butt, quickly got up at once.

"Oh?" and tapping off the dirt of his black long tunic, "You? Upset?" he inquired playfully, yet with a mistrustful look doubled by concealed loathing.

There wasn't much dust on that angry person's clothes, though he still went at tapping it off, again, and again, for some unknown reason.

Was he that frustrated he needed to take it out on his super-cool, black tunic?

His counterpart wasn't so dusty as him; getting off the dust of his pretty standard clothes wasn't one thing he'd done.

"… Come on, now. Don't give me that."

"… hmm … yeah, sorry, I'm being an ass."

He was being an ass. That he was yes. Was he feeling regrets, maybe? Surprisingly to me, he quickly eyed me for a second–but as quick as it went; it did go away.

Feeling regret … over me, too? Hehehe, I'll blush.

Back at his colleague right away.

–The cool human didn't clean himself of any dirt and dust of the ground. As a matter of fact, could he even do that, when he possessed neither of these two?

Still though, he would perform some little trick.

"'Course I am, yeah … anyhow, here, take this; just like we said."

Getting his hand in the leathery purse resting next to the sword attached to his belt, he produced a few weird and round metallic things, "That's your share for today."

"Hm? And you give me right now?"

"Yes. You can go get that equipment of yours fixed and head back to town. We'll meet back up at the inn or something–we'll see."

"You … sure, leader?" giving a hesitant look at the leader person, he started to count up the coins in his hand, "Don't need me to carry the heads with you?"

"Come on, you know we don't need two for this job," placing a hand on the shoulder of the not so angry human anymore, "you set off and rest first, I'll take care of the rest."

"Parting away with me this quickly … meh!–you don't want me around you, 'that it?... I won't … insist to help you, y'know, heh heh."

Only after chuckling, "It's all right, just be gone, I'm serious."

"And … get that hand off of me–what's the goal? It's only creeping me out–you're acting weirdly friendly today."

"Shut it and go already; I can change my mind."

"You sure? Like, a hundred percent–no!–a hundred billions percent sure, sure, sure?"

"… I'm tired, too, you know."

"I'll take it, I'll take it! Sorry for tiring yourself too much, O my kind leader…! And thank you!"

"Right, don't bow; just go."

And the angry person–or not so angry person just did go.

Or … I don't know whether he simply went away after that, or if he … I don't know … might have performed some happy dance of some sort being actually going away … I simply don't know.

I don't know, I don't know. Don't ask, don't ask.

I don't know, because my head rang 'dinnnng!' right at that moment.

What's it mean when I say my head rings 'dinnnng!'??

I just got an idea inside of that thick skull of mine: "the quest … ain't that the quest … if I recall correctly…!" and only murmurs went off my two timid pondering lips of the moment.

There was that quest, if I recall correctly.

Isn't that Clumsy's group of friends and adventurers?!

And that 'Learning the ropes!' quest is about this?!

I'm such a genius!

Truly … verily … such a genius!

And yes, it was at that moment that I understood it wasn't such a bad thing, me bumping into that human.

I'd have missed that so badly if I did in fact go away, at that time.

Because, as busy as I was, of course, I wasn't acquainted perfectly acquainted with the fact this additional quest of mine was still of effect.

My head was tilted to the side as I thought about that. Up till now, my mind only was working on these two's conversation.

And it kept being entertained by it as it unfolded.

But it came to an end, finally. The one who'd been called Rahir did go away after the leader chased him away.

About his name … Rahir rhymes with tapir.

Tapir himself was eager to just go. This had been a harsh day of work. Tapir must've been tired.

Leader peered at Tapir going away … and turned right, facing me and the others again.

Clumsy Babe was by my side again before I'd time to notice her.

Sliding her two gentle hands below my armpits, she propped me up.

It was easy then for me to just push on my legs and stand back up.

With Babe behind me, I casually slid my face to the side and met with hers, "Do you know them, big sis'?"

And I gathered her face was tense … and awkward, "Mm-hm, mm-hm."

But she smiled so warmly it chased any bit of awkwardness off her face. "Are … you okay, though, my little boy?" she nonetheless voiced her insecurities, hm.

It's true I'd been acting weird, just a little while ago. My head was to be nodding at her, saying it was all right.

"I do.. They're the friends you helped, too."

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