My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 130 - Your Highness!

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Slam!–and as frantically as suddenly, the man turned around and now leading his two colleagues into taking part in this, "Ain't we gotta do that, huh?

"Troublesome kid's okay with that himself!"

They were two. Two people other than him.

One of them pacing the room with a hand on his chin.

And the other calmly to his documents, papers, and ink.

Which left one other person, dressed and armored in the same manner as the shouting and not polite one.

His looks were stern and dead serious.

" … Don't turn to me for answers, Raleg…

"Really, I find this rather childish and playful on your behalf rather than mature and dutiful. I say we just let the kid, go … but really, do what you want. As a side note, I am cringing at this situation."

They already talked about this. Letting the kid go, or not letting the kid go. My hand even voted for the first choice among the two, but unfortunately, that vote wouldn't count.

"Humph!" snorted Raleg. "As you please, (dumb) brother!–and what about you … (what's his name again?) … my dear junior!–what do you think!"

The writing plume was laid down on the table, only after this did the junior speak, "Raleg, Sir, ahem.

"According to our rules and regulations, this action the kid has undertaken does indeed qualify as a crime, (a very puny crime, but still a crime nonetheless). Although while I would not, in fact, bring myself to, on my part, obviously, proceed and deal with such a criminal according to the strict regulations of the State, since let us be reminded of the fact that, we are not attaining too much time due to the events of right now, I would rather be pleased if you, General Raleg, deal with and decide on punishing (or not) this kid, according to your own wisdom and knowledge with regards to what would seem to be our priorities down here on the battlefield, and let us be done with it, indeed. In short, since you do indeed think that we have time for such a comedy, during such hard times we found ourselves in, well, do please sanction the kid … if so pleases you."


And picking back up his inked plume, he simply got back to his papers, heh.

That was the wrong move, then. That General Raleg should've known better, at this point.

"–And that's my junior right here! Hahaha! See that, Legar?"

"Heh. I wouldn't expect for you to be reading between the lines, Raleg."

"And what's that mean, now? Care to enlighten this poor me, eh?"

"To hell with that!–I don't care. That has simply been clear to me: we have been given orders by our princess! And you know too well we can't simply make a failure of this one battle–it would be too grave and significant!–now, tell me, what's there for us to do, the soldiers have all been reconditioned and organized, what is there for us to–"

"–To hell with that, you say? You wanna be serious, let's be serious. This isn't childish to me. Nor should it be to you, nor to anyone else. This requires a punishment. Aren't we all complaining all the time about these puny (yes, they're puny, not that important, whatever) infractions … committed by the likes of him, right there, lil' boy, because they simply feel like they can 'get away with it all the same,' so it's fine?"

The pacing through the room of that one, then abruptly stopped, "I get it, I don't deny that–what about the battle, though. The princess expects great results. Serving her, should we be doing that?"

And shaking his head, seemingly tired by the slowness of mind of his counterpart, "I mean, c'mon now. The shit's going great already. You and your princess got your results already. … And this kid's annoying, I'll make an example of his non-commitment to the rules down here. Adventurers have to be reminded they're just … puny adventurers … what do they got?!"

"If … if you say so. … Then again, I disagree with this, but so be it."

"Humph! Either way, you can go to your unit if you want. Even if it'll prove useless, you can just do that, though I guess in your silence you won't … since 'regulations this, regulations that, we have to please the princess this, we have to please the royalty that,' whatever you do. The princess you so much adulate must've gone cowering away to her castles, already."

"Hm. And whatever you say."

And that was about the … complexity(?) of me venturing here.

"Let's get back onto the kid, then–don't be scared, it's all cool, we'll have to go about this story of yours again…"

A sigh.

Two sighs.

Three sighs.

Four sighs.

Five sighs.

Six, seven, eight, nine sighs.

I could go about that for a long, long time, and there wouldn't be enough sigh for me all the same.

Even a thousand sighs wouldn't get my annoyance out.

My situation seems to be desperate again, though I don't feel like my life is threatened; just like Raleg says, it's all cool. Probably.

I've given some thought to simply escaping, or kill them all, or howl again in order to call Old for help … but it's all right.

Escaping wouldn't help with the quest, and since my life isn't threatened, it's cool.

Kill them all, it'd get me troubles, loads of troubles, and likewise, I wouldn't be helped with the quest.

Howling and calling in for Old's help?

First off, I don't need help.

I'm strong, and that suffices to me.

And secondly, will I even be heard from that far away?

No, no.

Let's wait and see, then.

❮Quest Instructions – There seems to be a problem between the generals and the Player. Some things about document or non-appliance to some terms! Hear them out and decide what to do after.❯

Isn't it only a matter of waiting and seeing, after all, right?

That isn't annoying at all. I'm so very much not annoyed by this guide and her instructions.

My life isn't a mess at all, no. I haven't thought that even for one second. My life isn't a mess. My life isn't a mess.

That, and I'm confident the well-made-up excuse I've got confined in the walls of my head right now will get me good.

"Ahem," it was me clearing my throat, "Raleg, Sir, I–"

Was it a mess or not, in the end?

A broad change occurred. A turn took place then again. And I, subjected by it, would simply go on with the flow.


❮New instructions: …❯


"–And what is this ruckus about here?"

The voice came from this way. It's opposite to the main entrance.

"Your Highness!"

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