My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 135 - Long Sigh

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And on that same note, my Guide certainly is strong, too. The quest is strong. And thinking back on the quest: "It's the quest. It's the guide. It's cool. The quest's making me do that," I muttered to no one.

I whispered with a very low voice, so I'm pretty sure nobody heard except myself. But I wasn't even talking to that 'myself.'

Go wonder why I had to still mutter it, though.

Rapidly moving onto the next, going alongside the timid walls straight for about five meters, "Woah. Sunlight. There's outside," we went out.

Out on some sort of closed garden surrounded by many … open buildings?

Not sure whether they should be called buildings or not, since they're just about looking the same as the one we just exited by.

A mixture of tent and building together.


That's what they are.

Taking a better look at my surroundings, I scoffed at this thinking back on the orcs' camp.

There is a real difference, isn't there?

Oop. I couldn't be staying idling here scanning the place, though. The march was still going on.

Her hood was then again taken off, not daring to stop the course of her agile feet, she spoke, "We are, indeed. And everyone has gone to their positions. Be it at the rear or at the front. It's going very good, mm-hm."

And that was most likely being addressed only to herself.

Hm. So was there supposed to be people here, maybe sitting, busying themselves around this and that table? If the royalty says so.

Nobody made any further comment.


With my bare toes back at brushing the green of the ground again, I still followed the white large cape.

Bare toes, huh.

Old Sipping said people would make fun of me if I kept being that neglected, maybe I should get myself some.

The ones he offered to give me were seriously too big for these tiny feet.

Maybe he's right and I shouldn't let myself be neglected like this…

Noticing I even managed to get all pensive about this and that in such a situation, I quickly realized we weren't stopping out in the open, after all.

We quickly entered another half-tent half-building. Which brought us to a hallway again.

Same as before, that human royalty followed and walked along the walls.

I, behind her, did the same.

Then I realized I could get all pensive again:

The quest's making me do that, and it's all right.

Sliding up my hands on my throat, I covered it like a momma bird covering her egg.

I won't let 'that' happen again. I won't.

And very soon, we arrived at the edge of another chamber.

Maybe we'd just be passing by it, and tread our way up to someplace else, though … but no. We're indeed stopping here, at last.

The princess stopped briefly at the door. Yes, this time about, there was a door to the entrance.

Stopping in front of the already open door, she sounded breathless.

And maybe would that qualify as a good enough reason for her to simply stay here, breathing in and out before this door I was so eager to pass.

She did that for at least three whole seconds. And these weren't short seconds, no. They were grand, grand, grand second.

Somehow, she stopped doing that, too. "Cheer up, myself! Hmm! It's all going according to my plan…"

But I mean, she really was weird, wasn't she?

Clearing my throat, I thought I'd let her know I was still here, and that even though she stuffed that well-encouraging funny line of her well under her breathing, I could still make out of what she said.

And then, suppressing the urge that seized me to simply say, 'and of course your plan is to give me my silver coins real quickly that I sail off, right?' she quickly turned to me, half-afraid, for some reason, flinched in place and decided herself to enter the empty room.

Why did she flinch like that?

Was she addressing herself to me? Certainly not. 'Myself' isn't my actual self.

But then, did she actually forget I was here following behind?

And why don't you relax, human royalty?

I only overheard it because of my strong and keen senses.

Why did we stop anyways?

The door only was half-opened, and didn't creak so long. Right after the gentle fingers that seized it did so, it started to open up even wider.

It greeted us shortly, creak~

And opening up the room, she made her way in confidently. Finally.

My feet after hers, I allowed myself in with her.

Entering, I also felt like allowing myself to scrutinize every nook and cranny I could get my teeth on was a cool thing for me to do.

And so, peering around and above, it was kind of roomy. It sure changed compared to that one room of the trading grounds I'd been in.

This one chamber looked way more guarded and preserved, overall.

Many shelves, many decorations.

All of which were very well-organized and supposedly of the finest (I'd yet to discover fine things that I could call these the finest, but it sure also felt true to me).

That place looked sober yet punching at the same time.

A smell of finely worked wood invaded my nostrils when the fresh confined air of this place revigorated my lungs.

It smelled surprisingly good, seriously. In a more general way, it felt good. This chamber felt good.

And I was one to talk, to these particular regards. I'd always been keen on the smell. And incidentally, most places (not all of them) I'd been in so far were reeking of man or demi-human.

In my sight, it was good too. The three tiny yet wide windows were placed in such a way that didn't make the inside too bright nor too dim.

That very detail leaving me thinking that, if so wasn't already the case, I could be relaxing in here.

The overall atmosphere was relaxed; so much so, that it kind of felt weird as I thought about it.

The princess' footsteps took her far inside.

Steadily, yet somehow timidly walking in, she immediately proceeded to that long, very long, table.

And that's another thing about this relaxing room:

This desk–it was weird. Weird, yet appealing. Sober, yet punching. It was just the resume of the room. And, to my expertise, it sure as hell was meant to be this way.

Displaying such a form and structure right in the middle of that roomy chamber, only added to the appeal of this calm place.

The princess' footsteps took her even farther.

Quickly, promptly, steadily. And they only speeded up with time.

Arriving at one of its edges, though, the tapping sounds of her very short heels diminished in speed.

And at some point, the tapping footsteps finally stopped. The lady was beside that long and classy table.

In the relaxing silence of this room, one of her hands went up and unbuttoned the only button keeping her white cape on her shoulders.

Swiftly, by first letting it slide down her now exposed gentle shoulders, she took it off and placed it on one of the chairs surrounding the wooden board.

She still stood by that large board, she positioned her white fingers at the edge of it.

These fingers looked anxious, hm. When I wanted to tell them not to be, because well, they'd nothing to be worried about, she pressed them down against the dry wood probably as to not let them hear me.

I felt kind of sorry for the fingers, then.

And then again, she sighed deeply before she inhaled and puffed up her already quite voluminous chest to its fullest.


A very long sigh, indeed.

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