My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 138 - "You Have Potential."

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"Why would I, why would I? I see there has obviously been some huge misunderstanding in our parley, monster!"


"Will you then hear me out? We could…"

"–Okay, so, let me get this straight, ma'am."

"Please, do voice your insecurities and questions, monster."

"You sure you don't wanna kill the monster?... kill me, hmm, hmm?"

"Why, but no, of course."

Ha. Another human who doesn't want to hurt me. That makes up for two, counting Old.

Ah~ what a genuine relief. If she says so, I believe her, and it makes me smile, "hehehe!"

If she says so, I believe her. I'm not going to be hurt, I believe her.

Letting go of my orcish dagger and all wariness, all at once, my leaking aura abruptly stopped flowing out. I'd already diminished it by many leagues, but now it'd stopped completely.

The place instantly became back warm and cozy.

I could read she took it with great relief.

And for some reason, I took that with relief too, actually.

I could relax? Surely, I could do that.

But I still had to be mistrustful, right?

Otherwise, it would mean I was weak. Which I am not, you know.

Her red lips flashed a faint smile.

My brows were pressed down.

"Yeah, right. Sure doubt that. Can I even believe you, ma'am?"

"My, my. Should I have been willing to do away with you, I would certainly have done so by using my generals, a moment ago, am I not correct?"

"But … why?"

"Have I not told you already? I have an offer I would like to make to you."

"An offer? What is an offer, ma'am?"

"Bluntly, we could work … together?"


Err, does she mean that as a question, then? I'm super confused. I didn't expect any of this.

"You … could work for me, monster."

"But, why?"

"Ahem. That is … am I not making sense to you, monster?"

"No, but…" when asking questions, I would never back off, "What is an offer, ma'am?"

Thus I had to ask again, emphasizing the question with a tilt of my head. "Say, what is an offer, ma'am?"

Looking at me and analyzing me with full gleamy eyes and arched up brows … her lips flashed into a smile again, but a real one this time about.

She even chuckled a little bit to herself.

And shaking her head … she finally pulled the chair to her, proceeded to sit comfortably, and invited me to the just the same.

Hm. Of course I sat my butt down upon the refined chair resting next to me that I could listen to her, ha. I could smell something.

Opportunity. … or maybe I couldn't smell that at all, and just sat my butt there because I was told to do so, that would be another reason.

But anyway, at some point, she got herself together entirely and thoroughly.

Her voice wasn't shaky anymore.

Her eyes grew calm and surer.

And when her hands had pushed further to the side some documents that were silently resting here, on her side of the long-stretched desk, she began to fidget her hands.

When we sat facing each other, the layout of things really was perfectly symmetrical, by now.

Only I was so little that, sitting on the chair I had, only my upper chest, shoulders, neck, head, and hair were showing up.

On her side, it was different.

She most likely was an adult individual, so she pretty much fitted well into her chair.

If anything, that chair was actually hers. She fit perfectly in it. So that could be possible. As it also could not be the case.

Regardless, from her upper abdomen going up this way, I could observe her thin arms and hands alongside these shoulders, very well defined by that tight shiny robe she wore.

Her neck then came, supporting the head, hair, and beautiful headdress.

And even when the room was only dimly lighted, her fine-tuned, expensive, golden necklace could be given the bright opportunity to shine like one yellow sky's star at night.

Not only the neck was to be shining, but also her thusly adorned breasts as the necklace fell down and spread itself down upon them.

And when it occurred to me that, with my dear friend Tattooed's dagger, using my <Chain Attack> skill, I just had to slash that upper part of her neck, yes, just above the golden necklace, in order to rid her of me if push went to shove, feeling reassured, she started to inquire again, warmly smiling,

"Will you care to hear me out, then?"

I simply nodded my head, with the same happy smile on my face. How could she smile, though? She most likely was going through a tough time, too.

I mean, she acts so weird. Am I one to tell, though?

Things sure could turn around super quickly, out in the world.

From the crippling exchange of not too long ago, we went to this: friendly smiles.

It surprised me. And it must have surprised her.

What was it that she wanted to propose to me or whatever, then?

We quickly dived into it.

Or maybe did she only dive into it on her own.

As a matter of fact: only her crimson red lips danced on the stage, mine stayed close.

But anyway, she spoke when she had to speak. And I carefully listened when I had to listen.

And with the following question, 'what is potential?' still not willing to meet my eyes rigidly and permanently, she introduced me to her talk.

What is potential?

Potential, hm. It seemed to be about the topic of the speech that would ensue.

First off, I'd like to say, potential is fun. Or it seems fun to me, at least.

I didn't know much about it, but I already liked the sonority of it. I liked this 'potential' word. It has potential as a word.

According to the royalty, or from what I understand of what she explained to me, potential was power, among other things.

When someone had potential, they had ability and power. Theirs was potential change of the future. They could seize the future with their big hands, squeeze it real hard, and shape it into whatever form they would like.

But it isn't just that. It's way more than that.. Potential is way, way, way bigger actually.

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