My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 144 - Ride

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I'd get into that carriage, now.

Five steps in total.

Arriving at the final step, I felt like glancing around one last time.

The escorting carriages were standing both behind and before ours. And there were only two of them.

Well, 'only two,' because big sister Elina said 'only two,' too. To me, two were a lot.

And they're all only waiting for both of me and Old to come in, that we may set off to the city, at last.

That's too bad, though. From here, I can't even see nor slightly hear the war. Or rather, this particular battle.

I can't hear it, nor can I see it. Believe me, I've tried narrowing my eyes at the distance or expanding my hearing with [Mana Perception], but no can do.

We're simply too far ahead in the rear. That's too bad for me.

I wish I could see it one last time. The playground that it was really wasn't something common to happen. I got lucky when I first discovered that.

Old insisted: I really was unfortunate that the first real big event I'd seen starting off my life as a being was that. I figured he meant lucky instead of unfortunate, though.

But well, that's of the past, now. I couldn't even kiss you goodbye, Green Playground.

Oh!–and a voice from inside of the carriage called me in:

"Little man, little man!–come on in, I won't bite, I promise. Do enter."

"–Oh, yes, sure, big sister."

(Author's note: hey and by the way, in case the appellation 'big sister feels weird to you, because yes, obviously, it feels weird calling someone you just met big sister like this, think of it as some translated sort of 'onee-san'; that's how I intend it. Just thought I'd let you know.)

And just answering that call, I lowered my head (it wasn't actually necessary seeing how tiny I was) slid my body sideways, and permit both me and the elven princess to get inside.

"Oh, and here arrives the young lady … how pale she is."

Seeing I was carrying that fragile, pale body; the human princess instantly came to help me with the elven one.

"I allow myself in, ahem."

"Yes, and do come here."

It was surprisingly broad inside. I wouldn't have imagined that. I mean, I can see all the room has been expanded to its fullest.

Let's not compare that luxurious carriage with my old creaking one again, ha.

I mean, would you look at that broad square. Sleeping in such a carriage–I wouldn't have minded that. Not at all, really.

The two benches on each side of the thing really are larger and much more comfy-looking.

I wish Angry and Calming would see that with me, right now.

Old pals, I'll be moving my way up into the world before you, then!


The princess would now help me with Leafana.

"Just like that, yes … and beware of the step-down, just here, mm-hm this one, yes."

Meanwhile, I wasn't really present. Only blatantly yet half-mindedly peering around that spacious area.

I could really, really, really live in that.

"You can … want me to spread a sheet on that bench, little man?–yes, obviously, it would be ideal … err, hold on a second…"

Oh? But aren't the benches already well enough comfortable like this? I mean, the wooden surface isn't even showing itself under such thick linen fabric.

Despite my thoughts, she nonetheless did go, very quickly, and take I don't even know from where one sheet of the finest fabric before, in the same speedy fashion as before, spread it onto this one bench.

"… and right here, yes, you can lay her now."

That comfiness for the elven princess wasn't for me to refuse. Thanking her, I accepted her kindness with a smile.

"Ah … her condition really is serious, isn't it?"

"Thank you again. And yes, it is very serious, big sister. But Old says she'll be all right since he's taken care of everything."

"Mm-hm. And I'm sure your uncle knows his thing. So don't you be too much worried, right?" she uttered, brightly smiling at me.

"Yes. Old Sipping is strong … but not stronger than me, though, y'know … I need another sheet please, big sister … make it into a ball, she'll do with a pillow. I want her to have a pillow."

And Old didn't take long before he stepped inside:

"No stronger than the young man, eh?–zip!–I'll say nothing, the young man speaks but the truth, oh ho ho!"

"Hahaha. Do please come on in, much-respected Uncle."

"Why, but you oblige me, my young benefactor; do please drop the formal tone, I could do without it, in fact!"

"Here, little man, lift her head a little … that's in place … But no, Uncle, I would not allow myself to such impudent ways of behaving with you, who are in fact my actual benefactor … along with the little man, of course."

And thanking the human princess, I arranged Leafana's pillow better, I wanted her to be the comfiest possible.

"Oh ho ho! So I heard, so I heard!" while Old Sipping was going laughing the way he did, I turned a quick eye on him, and gestured him to keep it low (yes, again … or maybe is my hearing just too keen?)–he smiled at me, grimaced, and nodded before he went on, "But, do believe me, young amiable princess, you are the one doing us good, here, really."

"Hahaha," the princess knew to laugh silently, at least, "but you are being humble, you are being humble … do please sit comfortably, here."

"My, my, too much hospitality, too much mannerism. This old man would lie if saying this does not please me, oh. Thank you–"

"–But I wanted to sit beside Leafana!–oh, oops," I yelled, not so loud but still too loud for the elven princess; she moaned in her sleep.


"Little man, don't you want to rather sit next to this big sister of yours, mhm?–I figured your most respected uncle would handle her better … that, and it's better for me to speak with someone in front of me–I'm sure he needs himself to speak with me."

"If … if that's how it is, you wanna have him in front of you that you can chat, I understand but … okay?"

"Okay, yes. Come on, sit here."


"Ho. And you do have a way with kids, young elegant princess, I can notice."

"I'm not a kid, though."

"Hahaha, but let this most respected Uncle still his flattering, allow not this poor me grow arrogant in praises–"

"I'm not a kid, though."

"–You are right, you are right. And likewise, let not this poor old man grow so either."

"I'm not a kid, though–" Old spoke, "Yes, yes," and I continued, "Humph."

"… and you are right, too. Do please make yourself comfortable, Uncle."

"Thanking you, I will."

"Mm-hm. Very well."

Finally, that old wrinkled body sat down.

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