My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 148 - Arrived Yet?

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I tried to protest against that, even though he was kind of right, but was to be cut short yet again:

"F…father …"

It was the elven princess talking.

Old turned towards her, virtually instantly; he analyzed.

I did the same, but instead of analyzing and looking out for solutions … only a mixture of fear and anger seized me by my neck; I became tense all over and didn't quite know how to react (I didn't even understand why).

Elina turned late, but she joined us in looking over Leafana nonetheless.

We could all wonder together now: did she actually speak?

Yes, she did speak. No, she did not speak. It was complicated.

Was it complicated, though?

It was just as followed: she spoke but wasn't awake.

Her eyes were still heavily shut. With a tense crisp lingering, surfacing on her pale little complexion, that was still heavily, too, resting on that flawed pillow I'd prepared for her.

The crisp intensified yet again:

"… fa…ther … they're attacking us…"

What is wrong with her? She must be so sick, ohhh, my poor elven princess. And can even people do that?

Speaking sleeping?

I thought it was a cool thing to do; I wished I could speak in my sleep, too. But well, the situation of right now involved that fragile tiny face being all delirious and uneased by her illness–it isn't cool at all!

One drop of sweat made its sudden apparition.

It already was present here, on her forehead, but now, it started to run. Rolling and climbing down to her temple on that burning skin–Old hurried and brought himself close to her.

What exactly should he be bringing down to the lying princess? One set of old ears.



Oh? Did he maybe want to hear her out? Was he trying to listen? Obviously, he was doing that. What was that for, though?–she only needed help!

And she goes on moaning … most likely in pain again.

Come on, Old Sipping, just do your stuff and calm her down. I don't like that.

Or am I may be overreacting, as usual? Old says that, but still.

That feeling of anger and fear that seized me soon developed into one of frustration and annoyingness; though it instantly vanished away–one warm hand suddenly found itself on top of my head, patting, caressing it.

It caught me off-guard. I reacted sensitively to it as though as it itched. But soon, I realized it was big sister's.

She, too, like Old, certainly knew what to do in such a situation, right?

So maybe I'm indeed too tense, after all?

With full-rounded eyes, I slid my face towards her, shakily nodded, and unpressed my lips at once, "I'm all right."

All she did was nod back at myself, continuously smiling at me.

And Leafana was still lying on her bench. Old still bringing down his old wrinkled ear to her.

That old man, what is he doing, then?

Our eyes met as he also was turned towards me, when he whispered the following, "Do not worry. She is delirious. That is all," very briefly, and with a very low voice.

A very, very low voice. So much so, that ff anything, I only read his lips in order to hear the man.

"… mmm!..." and she moaned, acting up again, "father … they attack–mm!... help … come back to…us..."

This whole line wasn't flowing out in the best. Everyone was silent, and everyone listened to it being half-uttered by the delirious one. It took over fifteen painful seconds for it to be done.

That was enough by me.

And then, what? Having most likely difficulties to hear her again, he even drew his ear nearer to the elven princess.

Why isn't he helping her out, though? I'll start to be impatient if he doesn't do something real quick. That's what he's for, after all–

Ah? But I think I understand what that old wrinkled face is doing … seriously?


He'll tell me I don't have the senses of my priority, or that I'm too sensitive–but I don't care.

"–I'm here, elven princess...!" jumping up in place, I quickly got Elina's stroking hand off of my head, and hurried myself to her bench, "I'm here, whatever's tormenting you, I'll beat them up to a pulp, I promise…!"

With only two steps, I was kneeling down to her already, fiercely gripping on the bench's edges with my nails–I intensely whispered to the old man, "get away and move it, Old … seriously even 'collecting information' when she's suffering like this, hah?... seriously look at her, all trembling and moaning…"

And he only groaned, most likely thinking stuff to himself before he took his stinky face away.

I had time to seize one of Leafana's hands, and tightening it with my own, Old decided to reply with a low voice, "Young man, you are too sensitive."

And there he goes, just like I said he would.

"Hear me out; I was doing this for her … and for you. We said we would do this together, that we were a team, didn't we? The more intel we possess about her situation, the best you can exert your protection on her … but so be it."

Huh. Better just ignore him.

"You know it's alright!... I'll beat the villain to a pulp if they dare harass you again!"

Oh? And finally, her face eased up a little. Her tensed thin silverish brows loosened up when her little nose did just the same.

Gently untightening my grip on her hand, I tried to make so that she isn't disturbed in the least … and did well doing so.

At least I could be proud of that. I'd just tried myself at and succeeded doing Old's job.

Speaking of which, leaving that cute little face back on the pillow my eyes darted upon him.

"See?" I immediately turned to Old Sipping. "I'm stronger than you, and it wasn't so hard, was it?"

Oh-ho? Has his grumpy side shown up again? He doesn't want to talk, huh?? Well, 'so be it!' like he so well says.

The old wrinkled face was expressionless, but I could sense both disappointments and worries surfacing on it.

Swiftly and not wasting a bit of saliva, my lips and tongue worked together on this, "It's all right, now. We can gather information later. I know you're worried too, Old. Don't worry, I understand your ways. She only was delirious, but still, I didn't like it."

He didn't meet my eyes, and I didn't want to meet his.

With what just happened, I'd had enough. Calling it a day would be what I'd want to do right now. But we still hadn't arrived at our place yet, though. So I couldn't.

A mansion, huh. I wonder what it'll be like. Will it be as big as big sister Elina said it would, when I said I'd want a big, big, big house? As big as a playground?

The mansion.

Little mansion, but still kind of big mansion, she had said.

I want to get here … right now!

But nah, I couldn't teleport.

Coming up to that obvious revelation, I took my butt up again and got it sitting back to that human lady again.

"We haven't arrived yet?"


"We haven't arrived yet?"


Was she lost in her head again?

"I asked a question, have we arrived yet?"

"Well, well, well."

Elbowing her, "Hey, big sister, are you still here???"–"Hyah!... what is it?–you surprised me, little man, don't do that–"

"–We aren't arrived yet, big sister Elina?"

"Oh–oh, umm, no. What … was I lost so much lost in my empty head again?? No, we aren't, little man. … Will it be okay? Is your tummy aching, mhm?"

"Not particularly."

"That's great then. Try and be patient … oh, I got an idea: here, you can lie there."

"Oh? True I can be lying down, too. And … you'll lend me your thighs?"

And she patted them both again, "Yes, little man. Just place your head and doze off if you can; time will go by quicker, I promise."

"Hmm … okay."

"Very well, very well. You can relax, now."

"You're … comfortable, big sister Elina."

"Pfft. Comfortable, huh? Are you calling me fat, now, naughty boy, hmm??"

"… hmm, yeah, sure, why not. Fat is good. I like fat … kind of like a fluffy cloud–"

"–Pfft. That's enough, now, you wouldn't want to wake her."

"… right."

"Good boy. Do sleep if you can."

It took long, but I fell asleep.

It surprised me, I didn't think I would.

With the elven princess in sight, I simply fell asleep.

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