My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 164 - Debut

Emerald calendar, day thirty-three.

There is me.

My name is Emerald.

Emerald Emerald.

That's the name I've been given.

I am not little man, nor kiddo, nor young man, nor young lad, nor my boy, nor strongest boy who's ever been existing … – nor the monster, nor MC, and nor the Player.

Well, maybe the three lasts I still am. But all the aforementioned aren't me anymore (I think).

Yes, now, I go by the name of Emerald.

And Emerald goes by the name of me.

That is as simple as that, and that's how it'll have to be from now on.

Why, you ask?

Well, that … isn't a long story: but you will come to know about it in due time. Only sit, and listen carefully.

First off, anyhow: finally, I thought, the very 'emerald' particle in the name of the emerald calendar makes plenty of sense.

Finally, right? This was about time it did. About time it did for everyone.

Still, though–that isn't of the actuality.

Because, yes. You read it right. It's already been a month since I was born and came about living. Already a month. An entire month. Already thirty days and a few.

Well, looking back behind me: I've really come a long way … right? I've done this and that thing met so and so people, killed this and that enemy, completed this and that quest … and so on so forth.

An entire month is behind me; I've already done so much. And so much more has yet to come. Isn't that cool, now?

–Well, no, okay. Maybe that isn't of the actuality either. I mean, who cares about that, seriously? No one, right? Or if you cared about it, you've really got it all wrong.

Let's be talking about what is requiring talking:

Adventure time.

Being an adventurer.

Or rather, becoming an adventurer, first.

What of that, hah?

This is of actuality. So tell me, what of that?

That's what I was looking forward to, correct? I've only been working towards that, kind of ever since the beginning, right?

Working towards that goal so that I'd be having fun the way I always wanted, hmm?

Do you not agree with me, now?

Of course you do. Or maybe you don't … but you also only jest. Ha, ha, ha. Because you actually must.

What of the adventuring time, then, you rightfully and meaningfully ask?

This is not adventuring time. Sorry for your loss. It is far from being the case. And I am mad at this. I have long been mad at it. Very, very mad. I'd even go as far as to say mad at it like a mad dog of some sort.

Yes. Mad dog. Some sort of very strange and full of wonders mad dog. Namely, a civilized yet mad dog. That's what I am. And I need to vent out.

And venting, I think about all this. Me being a civilized mad dog of the best and rarest breed ever.

So much rare, so much best, that the civilized, mad dog manages to be contained and retained in such petty school amphitheater.

A school's amphitheater. That is correct. I am in an amphitheater. I sit my butt and be still. That's what I do. That, and I listen, too. I hear that teach going about his wild, not even understandable stuff, and I ideally jot things down (except that I don't). Still sitting my butt, and still being stilled. And I am to be contained in it.

Namely, then again, civilized. Mad yet civilized.

That is: venting out.

What am I even doing here? That vile Princess Elina. What's she done to me? Did I sign up for any of this?

To be perfectly brief: certainly not.

But enough, I thought, then again. Enough of all this idle venting out without the undertaking of proper action to go against that tragedy. Enough.

That is right: I said, "Enough," after I deeply sighed.

I will end this comedy. I promise I will. But before doing so, I only need to figure out how, ehehe. Don't sweat the small stuff. That's correct, I only need to get myself out of this.

For now, though, I don't even know how to go about that.

For now, then, let's just be stilled and civilized … and not so mad, ideally. For I only need to be observant.

I trust I'll find a way out for me. For Emerald Emerald. Cool name~.

In the meantime: this was my school.

My magical school. Magical not because it was magic, but because of what they make you study, here.

That is to say, the studies of magical energy. In all its forms and appearances. With all its causes and consequences. For all its applications and purposes.

What is mana?

What is magical energy?

The whole tedious introduction of the what, why, how, where, when of everything we would be learning and assimilating in this school was done.

And so, again, what is magical energy?

The teach was onto that, right now. And equipped with his little piece of chalk and wide blackboard as well as his own mana and many examples; he explained, illustrated, showed, and justified.

The teach talked for a long time, and that's what I've retained from it:

Magical energy,

The world is ruled over by mana. The world in its entirety. There is nothing that isn't of mana. Nothing that isn't for mana. And nothing that isn't with mana.

Mana is mana. Mana is magical energy. Mana is a kind of energy. Mana is energy.

Without energy, our world would be nothing. Without energy, nothing would even be. Without energy, nothing would ever be happening.

Nothing would move. Nothing would fall. Nothing would fly. Nothing would open. Nothing would close. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

Without energy, nothing would ever be.

… okay, sure.

Already five raised hands, though, teach.

How are you going to handle that?

And it doesn't stop increasing, hehehe.

People started whispering here and there, too, as they usually do when that kind of big information arises.

"Not for now, not for now," did he sigh. "This is very broad, very … abstract. Very theoretical, and very not easily understandable for the likes of you, young folks. So for now, as I already said countless times, no raised hands; no questions."

Oh ho.

"I mean … it's all right if you guys have questions; that's perfectly normal.. Though now, my guesses are, you don't understand only because you haven't heard it all yet … all right? So that's why no questions for now. You still have questions afterward, I'll be very pleased to hear them all … but for now, ahem–what's that to do with you guys, with me, and with everyone else?"

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