My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 172 - The Party

The party.

They are five in total.

Five adventurers.

So they form a party.

With those fine numbers, they go out of the city. Where to? Well, it could be different locations. There is a lot of stuff to go about, for adventurers, and for the party.

But anyway, they go out of the city. As there could be many directions for them to go and accomplish sets of quests they'd have chosen with the Guild beforehand; they go to a forest.

A forest within which there are monsters: monstrous spiders, giant rats, terrifying wolves, charging boars, and goblins. Many monsters, but mostly goblins.

That's where our group of adventurers is headed.

The world is vast. The humans can't rule over every little piece of land out there. They don't have the numbers. That's why monsters are present in some (very numerous, they said, how very exciting) areas such as this forest.

The forest is part of the world. Humans don't dwell in the forest … or maybe they did, but not no longer do. Anyways, the forest is inhabited by many monsters of many sorts.

And among which, the goblin is one very targeted prey for adventurers. Because, mostly, where you'd find goblins, here, you'd be highly likely to find the other kinds of monsters.

These monsters aren't certainly Unique Monsters like me. They're just dumb and weak, apparently. That's why they're being hunted by adventurers.

But that's not the main reason for which they're being hunted. No, it isn't. Because of course, the adventurers do what they do because it is … (intensifying drum roll sounds) … fun!–playing is fun, of course!

–And, no. It isn't for that reason.

They have to make a living out of it. Due to the high-risk situations they put themselves in; they can earn a big lot of money, for most of them.

That is, for most adventurers, though. Or so it seems. Because for still a good part of them, it's very hard and endangering.

It seems magic users rarely choose to become adventurers. And that's not for no reason. Some still have to, though.

Even while risking their lives the way they do, some of them just are too weak to be doing more than just some 'getting by.'

Reviewing the information I received so far: monsters are dangerous. Is everybody a monster, then, I asked?

What was I talking about? Of course not. Monsters were monsters, and that'd be as far as it goes, simply.

Monsters are dangerous. But they still were being targeted by parties all around the many kingdoms of the world.

Why was that? To make a living.

How exactly do they make a living out of these dangerous, despicable, shameful beings?

Well, as they say at the Guild, 'Ain't nothing's to go to waste, with them monsters!'

They are rightfully saying that. Nothing is to go to waste with the monsters.

First off, they are killed. By simply being killed, they often times offer a reward to their murderers as the monsters' heads are being put a price on.

That is that. The first feat of the fairly making-a-living process. Nothing of that goes to waste.

Additionally, their whole being can be used in so many separate ways. Offering their dumb and ever-growing in numbers heads, they also provide the versatile and ever-enlarging adventurers with their bodies.

And that's about the material parts of it. Providing you with an instance: to the wolves, you'd take the fangs and claws, furs and meats. To the spiders, it'd be the same. To the boars, just the same, too. To the goblins, probably the same, too. And to every other kind of monster, that's how it worked. They wouldn't go to waste, then again.

Presenting them with their last gifts, the monsters would give the fighters experience and strength. Well, that was something both sides offered to each other, though.

Because as fighting was both the monsters' way of surviving and the adventurers' way of both surviving and making a living; both sides' domain of predilection revolved around fighting.

A lot of fighting, playing and having fun times were constantly involved.

Thus adventurers carved their paths into life.

And thus, the party was a group of five adventurers, very painfully going about these ways of life.

They were five. Three, two, and one.

There was Leader. That young, fresh, energetic, and handsome human was the party's leader. He gave orders and regulated the party's movements at any time, looking out for opportunities for both assaults or defenses.

With his regular sword and shield, though he was barely armored in a proper way, he still was a knight.

There also was Mindful Slug. He was young but not looking so young. Indeed, he wasn't so fresh, energetic, and handsome as his friend, Leader, but he was cool, too.

He was the more heavily armored of all the team. He was a tank. And a real one. Assuredly nobody could call themselves a tank when standing beside the man. Or maybe that isn't entirely true, but it holds some truth.

His heavy armor must've been what made him so slow and meek as an orange slug. You know, the fat ones. A good fat, orange slug. That was him, and that was a second member of this little brigade.

Finally, there was Sorceress. She was a human female. With extravagant and catchy clothes such as her giant pointy hat and purplish-black mage's robe. She was some sort of support, I think.

She was kind of pretty and little and nervously following along her party, her two even tinier hands nervously squeezed the staff she was holding onto.

She was the last person of the three. It was my first time seeing her. She must've been the one who got wounded or something during their last raid back on the playground of orcs and humans.

So she went back to duty, hm. And here I thought the I'd be required to take her place so that I'd go on adventuring with this party.

I'd be learning the ropes with them because they lacked a teammate–but no.

She came back and is sound.

I can't take her place, replacing her, but I can still take someplace here.

They were five: three, two, and one.

As for the two, they were Bumped and Clumsy Babe.

Yes, they were with the rest of their teammates, right now. And yes, I was with them, too.

As we all walked onward and watched out for foes as we did so, we were five: three, two, and one.

Clumsy Babe and Bumped weren't with their group at first, but they soon caught up with them. All they were sent to do was to take place into a tournament of some sort organized by big noble people for some reason–well, nothing that concerned me.

Clumsy Babe was the clumsy babe, walking behind everyone closely and thoroughly following the formation they'd decided on. She wasn't so nervously gripping onto her thick healing staff with her two bright hands and was relaxed.

With her relaxed mind, though, she still was ready to bounce at any given moment to her friends or the enemy, either healing or bonking them with all her might.

The priestess was at the rear, and I was just beside her.

Bumped was before us two, steadily walking onward, too, with his relatively short stature but longsword to make up for it. He, the last of their teammates, was some sort of a knight, too–his class was renegade.

In the end, I could join their team:

❮Leader has requested you to join Leader's Party (5 members)❯

❮Invitation to a party: Accept / Decline❯

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