My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 18 - Food

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"Food, food!" I tapped rhythmically on my belly. "Food, food-food, food!" I was chanting as I wagged my upper body from right to left, melodically.

Gotta chase boredom away one way or another.

Yes, and making music was a good way to deal with that.

I was looking for food. Delicious food.

The commercial alley was long. I was walking down the path of that long alley, peering all around me. There were merchants on my left as well as on my right.

This place was less crowded than how it was earlier in the day. There still were lots of folks, though.

Among all these people, lots of them caught my eye. I was observing. And that was especially true for women.

I mean, most of them, they got these huge--well, not necessarily that huge for all of them, actually--meatballs, I think? Well, roughly, they were meatballs, sort of hanging on around their chest area.

It really was grabbing my attention, heh. It was, uh … erotic, I guess? Erotic was the word, yes, I nodded to myself.

What do I even take note of that for, you ask?

To that, I shall comment, let's not forget today's theme, okay? Wasn't I the one looking for new hosts to dwell in, in the first place?

Well, these females, I'd choose one of them, definitely, I thought.

Looks appealing to me.

Really want to get my hands on those two meatballs, I thought as I squeezed in the air. A grin popped out on my face.


"--Oh!" I lifted my head up and came back to my senses, "Here it is."

Here it finally was. The stand that caught my eye when I first entered that alley. It was situated on the sidewalk to my left.

From the middle of the road, I hastily got there with quick little steps. My stomach growled again. I couldn't really blame him for that, poor boy.

Still pretty annoying, all those cries, though. After I told him to shut up, he did obey.

So, so? What were we talking about again? Females. I'd choose one female, yes.

And why'd I not choose a male human, as a host, you ask again?

Pfft. Don't make me laugh, please.

As I got before that man's stand, I hopped on one of the stools that were lined up here. My hands were put on the flat wooden counter.

Just look at that one, for example. I stared at the male human behind the counter.

He had a huge and furry face. A big statue and squared shoulders. And, uh… well, that's about it? No cute little face, nor white slender delicate arms, no.

The polar opposite of a woman.

The verdict being? Not appealing at all.

I was looking at him, assessing the potential of this kind of merchandise.

"Oi. The weirdo over there, what will I serve you?"

Mostly, that creature's ugly, right? To me, at least. Not appealing at all. I wouldn't choose that stinky-looking thing over a woman, that's for sure. That, I'm telling ya.

Well, anyway, these were just my thoughts at the moment. If I did try to search for a new host, I'd just go for the meatballs!

Even though, I guess, everyone had reject me.

Anyhow, it was too unimportant for now. Let's just worry about tomorrow's problems tomorrow, I thought. And that would be the end of it.

Meanwhile, the big ape behind the counter was still staring back at me. We'd been staring at each other for about fifteen seconds or so, now.

"Oi?! When'll ya stop staring at me that way!" he'd lost patience and snapped. Was he furious? Sure seemed like it, for some reason.

Was it time for me to take action? Sure seemed like it, too.

"Easy, easy," I tried to calm him without even knowing why I had to do this. "I just want food, please."

"And that's what I've been asking ya, ain't that right…?!" He shook his head and then went on mumbling some other words that weren't for me to hear, apparently, "What weirdo am I even dealing with, today…" alongside a deep sigh.

I still did catch that, though.

"So, what will I serve you, customer?" He went on back again.

"I want food, please."

"Tsk," the man clicked his tongue.

Ahh, yeah, okay. He definitely seems disappointed.

I kept staring at him, and he did so, too. It was awkward. That atmosphere full of uneasiness wasn't going to last too long, fortunately.

To break that moment of awkwardness, a voice reached out to my ears, "Owner!"

The voice hadn't been addressed to me, though, but to the owner.

To that call, the man I was staring at, which was the so-called owner, called out to someone else, too, "Hey, sonny, come here!" he said before he, with a quick move of his chin, indicated to his, supposedly son, to take care of the client.

After that, he sighed, then got near me at the opposite side of the counter I was facing. Swiftly, he got something out of one of his pockets, which were resting on his cook's white apron.

A sheet, I think.

He slammed it right before me on the counter. He then said, "So, what will I serve you, dear customer?"

Oh, okay. Made sense now. I only needed to choose what food I'd eat, huh. That was what had been getting on the man's nerves.

Could've told me right away.

So, what would I--Ugh?

"--Hey, you don't look right, you okay?"

I looked at it. The sheet he'd just put before me. On that paper there were many dishes, I think. Well, these looked like dishes … Probably.

"Hey, you hearing me fine?!"

Quickly, all became blurry around me. I couldn't make out what was on that white sheet anymore.

Oh, eerie?

Has my sight always been that blurred out?

❮The current vessel's physical condition is deemed defective.❯


That thing, I could see perfectly fine. The female-like voice, too.

Spinning again, huh.

❮The Player needs to find a new vessel to ensure survival.❯

Well, this had been sudden.

I passed out.

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