My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 180 - 180

Adventuring already was finished. And this was a happy day. A happy day with a happy sun. A happy sun with happy shades, colors, and sights.

Under today's bright sun everyone felt happy. The Party felt happy. And even the sun, that soon was to go to bed, by now, was feeling much happiness.

That's right. There was so much happiness, you know. It was just as if everything had been made out of chunks of happiness. Just like a pineapple was made out of chunks of its own flesh … the world was made out of joy.

–But even though, how very sad of a day it was for me!

… I haven't been able to play at all: sniff, sniff, sniff.

Again: adventuring was finished and completed. From bottom to top. We already had hunted enough. The goblins and other monsters?–there were none of them anymore.

So we would call it a day. I mean, 'they' actually would. And 'they' actually were done with the hunt.

I wasn't done with it (even though I still pretty much was, heh). And I wouldn't call it a day. This wasn't enough. Enough, enough, enough. Not enough.

I didn't get to do a thing!

And this crappy goblin's dagger I'd snatched in order to playfully wreak havoc in the hunting grounds … it had served no purpose at all.

I didn't get to do a thing. How sad that is for me. There unfortunately are no pineapple of happiness to me. Absolutely none.

This day was a happy day to the Party:

Mindful Slug, the brave tank, had worked very well today … and thanks to himself as he was the core of the Party, everyone's thirst to hunt could be satisfied (safe mine).

He worked well and earned well (but me, no). And in spite of his usual dull and timid silence, even though he didn't speak any words of festivity and joy, the big human really was happy to his core (unlike me, heh).

And just in this way, everyone was happy and joyful in their own kinds of different ways.

Clumsy chatted a lot with her comrades and seemed to be very busy with them, still not letting me fall behind as she would give me a share in their idle chattering and blabbering.

Bumped yelled a lot about how great he was in his usual egocentric way … and that was about it.

The usual so silent Sorceress sure could be talkative with Clumsy. She talked and talked and talked and talked. And she laughed, too. Cute little giggles were escaping her from time to time.

It surprised me very much … and the point is: she happy.

And Leader, leading the way back home, was to be found humming tones to himself. Alone, yet with his company. He hummed and hummed and hummed. And needless to say, this was great for him. He hummed when not taking part in Clumsy's never-ending topics of discussion but still listened to them from a distance.

With happiness, ain't that? With happiness, yes.

And this way: we arrived back at Rinceville's gates.

It was the capital of that same Rinceville Kingdom we still were in. The time passed pretty quickly. The Party arrived back home.

The gates were still open. We entered by them with haste. It was getting very late; so let us hurry, let us hurry.

When suddenly: we were in.

The sweet yet dry perfumes of the city, carriages, passersby, and their foods filled the noses when the sight of the grand buildings and shelters of any kind and sorts welcomed the Party back to it.

To home, to security, to peace … to restful minds and thoughts.

Once again, though, it was only right for the Party.

I would've stayed!… but Old Sipping says no breaking the rules. And the Party just says about the same. They said it today. And I don't wanna break that … if possible.

I worry about that, you know, let me just handle that!

If the Party could talk, it would go "Phew!... that was a day, now!"

… but it couldn't. I'm sure that if it could, though, it definitely would. And it would be right to say so, anyway. Because that was right: phew!... that was a day, now!

And that was it. The day had been called off. My sudden escapade was over.

This very venture?... its point was to get me out of the Institution I'd been stuck in. And why so? Why was I to be out of this empty and pointless place?

Well, wasn't all that little escapade meant to give me some real experience? It was, yes. Some real experience compared to the boring stuff I was subjected to back at the academy. … And some fun, too, while we were at it.

That was the meaning of it all.

But it's finished.

Now … what?

Shall I be back to schooling and idleness, hm??

Shall I damn myself in this kind of stupid place, again, hm???

Surely: no!

This little venture: it isn't over.

The point of it all was for me to get something 'real.'

I've gotten that.

It sure was cool. Well, only kinda since I couldn't fight and all … but overall, it still was pretty much cool, yeah.

And though, as I said, it isn't over yet.

–The oh-so-familiar dusty-grayish cobblestones had missed both my eyes and feet. And this sense of lacking was to be reciprocated. My eyes and feet also had missed them.

Though my feet missed them the most. The two little guys sure liked better treading upon these cobblestones rather than the bare worn-out ground out the cities.

After having trodden some more steps inside the capital, we paused on the side of the main road where some talk went on:

"Well, here we finally are!" Leader exclaimed, turning over to the rest of the Party. "The walk sure was long, eh? I guess that's only a given since we're all so worn out, right?"

He was holding onto both hands two big sacks of the many troves and monies they'd obtained on today's hunt … when he handed one over to Bumped, who walked beside him up till now.

Upon frowning and with reluctant hands, Bumped seized one of the sacks before he swung it on his shoulder, letting it then be hanging behind his back.

We were finally here.

And, "That's for sure!" replied Clumsy in the same motivated tone.

She took her last step on and came to a stop, too, down the side of the big road where carriages with horses still even made their way in at such a late hour.

"Today's adventure went so well we could stay way longer than usual," she then stated, still having me accompanying her on her right, before she continued, "right, Emerald?"


I stopped my feet right next to hers. She turned towards me, "I say that's for sure … but that 'for sure' sure wouldn't be applying to you, though, ha!"

That's for sure.

–The Party was tired.. Today had been so very long that all their fighting bodies were so very worn out and super tired.

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