My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 195 - Big Boi

How would I even go about figuring the big stuff out, eh?

Well, first off … "Ah."

First off … I needed to … erm … "But it's already morning, though," I remarked.

"Did I seriously sleep that much? … I mean, yeah, right. Seriously did consume a lot of mana yesterday too with that human, huh. Well, that's that. Will just have to do things slightly different."

–I'd just woken up. From in between these two spiky things, I'd lifted my upper body up and sat, rubbing my eyes.

Upon yawning and yawning some more, my hands had gotten used to it by now: every time I woke up here, they'd need to get rid of all the dust and grits for me.

They were stuck on my cheeks and my clothes.

"Ugh. That's why I shouldn't sleep in that stinky human form. Got too much of them on me, just as usual."

And that's when I decided to lift myself off of the dusty ground. Once I was up, I went and rapidly tapped my clothes everywhere I could.

Grits and sands fell off and I could take my eyes up already.

But, quickly, "Ah."

I'd slept for too long.

How would I go about figuring out what was needing figuring, eh?

Yesterday wasn't quite productive at all by me.

I may have gotten very much enlightened about the whole Bureau Guild concept … only as far as only the many guilds are concerned … but I've missed the most important stuff!

By all means, I needed to go and have a chat with my royalty friend, all hidden and busy in her big castle, not giving me much attention ever since we returned. By all means, yes.

Though also needed a new skill for the following, right, right. Despite my going to the guilds yesterday, I've missed that too!

How utterly unproductive. That was about the important stuff, and I've missed all this.

I should say: enough of all this funnying around aimlessly! I need to get down to important business, right? Having fun may be cool, but it doesn't put food on the table, does it, now??

And so … "Enough!... of all this thinking around!"

Once I was up and ridden of all the sands that accumulated on myself during my peaceful night–up there, on one of my favorite spots since it was so high–while I must've turned on my left flank and right in my sleep, hence getting my clothes and hair full of the dust particles on top of this dirty, elevated roof; I cracked my neck, and cried out, "Let's just have some fun for now, hah!"

❮ 'Learning the ropes!' – Additional Quest: Day two has arrived! What should the Player learn from the Party today, while dangerously adventuring? Let the Player discover that! ❯

"In fact, I don't care about these 'ropes' no more," I let out, being contented still with that quest.

❮ 'Learning the ropes!' – Meet with the Party at the South entrance of the city. 0/1 ❯

"Yes, yes, yes!" and finally cheered myself up.

Cracking some more bones, warming up all right, and being fit, I dangerously approached the south end of the roof I was on top of.

Looking down the street, I figured I wouldn't jump from here–there were too many folks already. And I didn't want to be seen, after all.

Going straight to the opposite end with a long jump, I held my hand out down at the narrow and empty street that lied there, visualized how I would land, chuckled a little, "Hehehe…"

The distance from the ground sure was huge. The human construct I was upon wasn't certainly the tallest but sure wouldn't need to be ashamed of its height still, compared to some one or two-story other buildings.

What I did then was take some steps back, tilt my head forward, and then run!

As I did just so, reaching the border, my two running feet parted with the roof that they wouldn't meet back with it up until night has fallen, first.

Right up in the air, now, I fell.

Very quickly and very heavily.

I wasn't so fat like the big people, no; but still was big enough for it to go this way.

My limbs were extended in all directions when my face faced the dangerously closing in cobbles of the ground … a few additional seconds and I'd slam my whole body right up against the sturdy ground of down there.

Finally, as I didn't want that to happen, well, I simply undid my human form.

I really was close to die (probably) but at once, I disappeared … my sturdy black shell simply went 'tic!' … then I reappeared safe and sound on the ground.

"Hehehe! An easy win again~"

And standing up, I picked a direction–the right direction–before I was left to the only task of amusingly and funnily running around.

The south was this way. I knew it since I'd seen the big star pointing towards the opposite direction before. Many, many times. More than I could count.

Choosing south, I ran without changing direction.

Was Clumsy Babe and her party waiting for me?? I hoped they were. I didn't want to miss adventure time. Not at any cost. So, they had to wait for me. They had to.

She didn't even tell me at what time precisely I'd need to meet with the Party, though. I mean, did she? Certainly, she didn't. That, or maybe she did and I forgot. Or that, again, or maybe I simply not was listening.

Well, and in any case–let's just run faster.

To be honest, I was afraid. They might leave without me.

Huh. But I was so fast that it wouldn't be this long at all–I didn't even have time to think about that anymore.

I passed by many homes and many streets, and very soon, I had arrived.

This was the South Gate. In between two big and thick bulwarks, there were two, even bigger and thicker-sized, giant doors.

I had arrived at the right place. It was the same as yesterday when we got back into the city after playing.

There were the gates as yesterday, the same kind of standard residential homes and edifices as yesterday, the same bigger inn with its apartments, the same plaza, filled with the same people … but I didn't see them?

I'd stopped right where I stood right now, yesterday after we'd come back home.

Looking around, though, there was no one to be seen.

I didn't click my tongue just yet. Maybe they were the ones being late, right?

After a few seconds passed with me restlessly looking over to each side I could get to get my eyes on, peering even more than twice at some spots making sure to leave nothing … "Little man!"

Oh!–but the big boy's voice, also known as Leader, just reached my ears!

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