My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 198 - As You Were!

Well, today, I was with them again. Standing in about the same forest as the day before, hunting about the same monsters as the day before.

"No, the monsters will be different, this time, Emerald."

"… but I said 'about,' big sis'. 'About' means about. There still will be goblins, Bumped said."

"Mmm, there will. But not all that much, though. The Party won't be targeting them. We won't–"

"Oh–and by the way, big sis', why haven't I gotten the message yet??"

"Mmm? What message, my boy?"

"Well, the one that states that, err, I've joined the party–Leader's party–so that we're all set … y'know?"

"Being funny again, aren't you? … You joined it already; once you join us, you stay with us. That's how it works. … I think. No, I'm sure."

"Oh~, all right," I continued, before I paused, hesitated, and thought of how I'd put the following of what I needed to say next. "… And, my very much beloved big sister, you sure I can't fight just yet…?"



"You quit that now, little boy."


"Shush," and she put a finger on my lips. "I'm serious, all right?" and we stopped our walking.

Coming to a stop, my face got to frown. I mean, why not? I can fight! … But okay, sure. It wasn't like I was expecting much of this try, either.

By now, it must have at least been the fifth time I asked. I asked and I asked, but I didn't care much about the answer she'd give me each time.

What I got in mind, actually, was just preparing the ground for later on in the future. I mean, I'm pretty sure that they will accept, heh. So this is the plan.

Or rather should I say that SHE will accept. She's pretty much the only person of the Party so stuck up with them rules the big people gave everyone.

So … should I rather go fight on my own, "And no, no, and no, no!"

"Emerald," Clumsy Babe had to add. "You stop talking to yourself, too. They've got a super-sharp sense of earing, the wild wolves."

"You got it."

We came to a stop, but it wasn't just me and Clumsy Babe. It wasn't just me and Clumsy Babe that were walking on, either.

It was the Party as a whole. And when Leader stopped, turning to us, waving whatever message he was trying to convey with his arms and their ends–everyone stopped.

And see, about the monsters, I was right. Because, first off, she may have just told me that we wouldn't be targeting goblins today, but they just don't see them, do they?

And secondly, the System wouldn't lie, would it?

❮ 'Learning the ropes! - 2' – Wander around in the forest and hunt the following monsters: 0/10 Goblins; 0/20 Angry wolves; 0/15 Poison-bite spiders; 0/5 Yellow slimes. ❯

Still many goblins, in my opinion. And I'm also surprised the Guide doesn't mention the Party in here.

Well, they're simply too weak.

And even in the clear light of that fact, they still proceeded not knowing what would come.

Leader and Bumped were at the very forefront of the formation, just as usual. This was an offensive. Which left the big tank not occupying the frontline for now.

To my sensitive ears came the sounds of their clenching fists upon the straps of each's sword's handle.

So they were getting ready.

Doing well at around the rear, there was Sorceress. With a hand pressing her witch's hat closer upon her eyes, she nodded to herself while she put forward her wand.

Only slightly behind her, I was next to the priestess.

As I had to pause too, I had to switch to observation mode.

The team's breathings were relatively calm for once. Were they that much relaxed?

Well, then they attacked:

Leader had just finished giving soundless indications to his teammates.

And so, he simply thrust his body forward, tilting his head, and piercing through the air like an arrow. He held both sword and shield in his hands. But he didn't either bother to prepare an attack or to a defense.

Going alongside him, also very much tilting his head onward, was Bumped. His longsword also only was down on the side of his hip when he rushed on.

The two of them were very prompt in attacking this way. I recognize a duo right here.

By the time they reached the pack of 'angry wolves' too busy devouring their dead prey on the ground, surrounding it–Clumsy Babe looked behind us all, and seeing there were no threats on that side, she nodded at me with decisive eyes before she stepped up.

She was next to the other support, now, and prepared a magic shield for her teammates.

The tank also looked back, for some reason, lining up both his slopping shoulders towards the rear, groaned a little, turned back, and stepped onward too.

"Hah!" shouted Bumped. "<Double Ripper>!–Take that!"

They both were close enough to the now dangerously growling pack of wolves. When coming in direct contact with the beasts, the party leader braked right away.


His feet raised the dry ground's dust as he stopped. He already was ready to dart back to the approaching tank behind him.

"Bumped!" he though had to cry out. "You pull back, now!"

"Tsk!" and the addressed man clicked his tongue.

Because there was Leader, but on the other hand, there was this guy. Closing in on the wolves, as they all started to lift their gray-furred heads up off their meat; they were right to growl.

The damage-dealer probably was being too much right now. He was told it was okay for him to take initiatives on his own, sometimes, so as not to hinder his growth as a fighter–but to that extent?

"Aye, aye, sir!" he nonetheless replied before drawing back.

Well, he was a dumb man, but he still was okay.

Both of the attacking folks were now coming back at us.

And they called this an offensive!–I'd have done way, way, way better than them.

Mindful Slug was the next one. Making his entrance on the scene wasn't something he was to do, though.

Because, rather, it was the scene that made its entrance on him.

Standing from the rear, we could see and hear the two runners' rapid footsteps coming right after each other rhythmically like two distinct yet fully merged drum rolls.

The pack now angrily fully ran after the two assailants in search of new food to chew on.

Every one of the three fighters then put on their final guards, getting ready for it to come.

Leader and Bumped were then ready to share the monsters with their tank.

"They're only six!" exclaimed Leader. "We got this! As usual!"

And there were only six. They got this. As usual.

I didn't count six.

Little did they know that, all around us, at this point, it wasn't only six, but a good dozen of goblins preying upon us, with their little spooky and bony spears, and bows.

"Mhmm … <Provoke>!" groaned the tank, letting his twohanded sword knock down the earth, "Argh!!"

And so, is that how this weak party should know its end???


As you were!

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