My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 205 - A Day

It was sweet to believe that story.

What story?

This story.

The attacking goblins had seen the humans. They were many. Some had spears. Some had swords. Some had nails and teeth. The whole of them was ready to kill them all.

But, you know, the humans, they were powerful as heck. In spite of their little number, facing over twenty monsters at once (things they had never ever done in the past), they were confident.

Confidence was what kept them in line, Bumped said. But, more than that, he amusingly added: it was their strength and might that kept them alive more than in line.

So much so, that the goblins shuddered and trembled, and ran away!

–He had finished narrating to them about the how and why of what just went down.

And, as I mentioned, the world was happy.

Out of the whole party, only the priestess was left in her doubts and intense ponderings.

There were still bits of this story that didn't make sense by her.

But … hmmm??? What did she say?? Inconsistencies? Nah, there were none.

Aside from the fact that their attack had seemed to be planned and calculated, rendering the fact they just ran away when all they had to basically do was to swing their swords and stab their spears a little bit (very much so) inconsistent, there really wasn't much to think about:

"Scoundrels just got afraid, hah!"

Of course that story wasn't so believable. But given the fact the world was happy and cheerful; the minds, too, were happy and cheerful.

Being thus, they 'not to sweat the small details,' quoting that human's own words, and just be happy as things were.

And this would be the end of it. That really was the end of it. Next time about, they'd thought, why not go even further deep into the woods.

Most likely, it would be that the goblins would cower away again leaving them–the oh-so-great and strong soldiers–all safe and sound.

I said nothing about it.

Well!–this can be problematic, though, can't it? Which makes me think: isn't the world that, problematic? That must be what it is. So far, only problems, bits of problems, and chunks of problems.

Aren't the humans and stuff thus, then, problem-solvers?

Those guys, though, problem-solvers? Nah. Don't think so.

But 'well!' me again, myself, why don't you! Because, yeah: well!–as long as I'm with them, they shouldn't be fearing any kind of problem at all, heh!

At the time, these were what my thoughts were about. I wouldn't ruminate about it. This what that. I was cool with that. Them going deeper into it would mean the odds I fight went higher.

And that was what I thought, yes.

What I didn't know, at the time, was that I wouldn't be with them when they most needed it.


Or maybe I would.

–The hunting part of these parts was over with: we would soon change spots.

Before going about that, though, I was still the team's porter, heh.

"Little man, hey! Yes, you. You're my little man. Right? Well, yeah you are! And you come over here, now!"

Bumped called me out.

Today's spoils of war were super good, already. How many of these gray furs would you count? I counted twelve. And the Party hadn't even called it a day still!

This was just the beginning. The day was just started. And going from there, the mighty group of adventurers still had many spots to drop by, heh.

Was I proud?

Knowing that, was I proud to be the porter?

Answering the damage-dealer's question: yes, I was.

Well, since I was, he said, well … I simply was, sort of!

This was according to him. Putting on his usual very dumb and amusing looks, he told me to hurry. "Come 'ere, come 'ere!" he said. "Still got your job to do."

But then the priestess intervened. I was proud to be the porter. I was right to be this way. To this proud me would be given even more reasons to be proud yet! That was how it worked.

I didn't even have enough time to ponder upon that which only seemed to be nonsense coming from these two monkeys, when: "Tah-dah~" Bumped introduced me to what we'd be handling next–dead monsters whose treasures shall be ours!

"Little prince be even more proud, now!" Bumped added, giving me his best thumbs-up.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes~" and I lively nodded at him repeatedly.

The losers were all gathered at one spot. They skillfully formed a perfectly even circle as they were. They were the ones who had lost the battle.

I sat next to them, with Bumped.

Got my backpack off of my shoulders.

And in this 'inventory,' it was fairly simple: there were of two different things: nothing, and the tools.

Nothing was about the empty place. The tools were about…

Was told to do with them.

"Listen," he explained. "That dude over there, yeah this one. The one who thinks he's the leader, right. … You heard me right, just now! But no comments. 'Cause, first things first, you also heard about what he told you early this morning. Right? … Right. Knowing that, what do you do? Yes, yes, yes. You prove useful. Otherwise, no outings with your senior adventurers again. Got it?"

I got it.

He explained things as if it was a big deal. It wasn't, though. No big deal at all. I guess he just wanted to make it sound important. Heck, maybe it was himself that he tried to make important.

No big deal at all–under his lead, I quickly got to learn about most of the things I needed to know.

All that got my attention, so far, was that it sure was funnier than I thought it would. About the inventory–the backpack–it could be filled up–and I mean, filled up, like, in its entirety–but it would still be empty, somehow.

Getting familiar with every tool at my disposition, just like this, five minutes went by.

We were done here. We changed spots.

The rest of the Party's hunting would be spent at several others places.

And we hunted.

And, just like this, these five minutes became more, and more, and more, up till they became hours … and this was it.

But the quest wasn't done yet, I thought of telling them.

❮ 'Learning the ropes! - 2' – Wander around in the forest and hunt the following monsters: 0/10 Goblins; 20/20 Angry wolves; 5/15 Poison-bite spiders; 3/5 Yellow slimes. ❯

Getting a good look at the numbers, that wouldn't cut it at all.

But I was to be ignored when talking about 'this funny stuff', as always.

Still, I really was disappointed about it.

Seeing as I was, my big sis' whacked my shoulder, "And you just … cut it out, kiddo!"

"Don't you call me 'kiddo.'"

"I dare say … kiddo!"

"Hmph–only the kind ma'am of the inn can be calling me 'kiddo'!"

"… okay. But you rather listen to me. About the quests or whatever, next time about, we will hunt even more of them. And through that same little backpack, we will carry them home with us.

"That will make money. And that money will make your noodles. Let's just call it a day, then.

"And you know, not so long ago, weren't you the one bragging to me about how, when the weak people's day will be over, you, little man, would still be all busy getting to meet back with this strongest swordsman of the guild or anything?

"Ah, and there's your human princess, too, with whom you still got business ongoing … telling me you shall–and that, at all cost–deal with all your business before the end of this volume, eh?

"Trying to make it as short, brief, and concise, eh?

"Heh, but what are you still doing here, then, mmm??

"Let's call it a day–let's call it a day," she finally said.

"Right," I sighed.. "Shouldn't be so long."

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